Friday, October 07, 2022

2022 Q3 Goals Update

  Area One: Health 

1) Work out five times a week for 30 minutes or more (71.4%). Yoga twice a week.  Something else three times a week.

July: 22/31 days of working out for 30 minutes or more (71%), 7 yoga classes, 15 cardio/strength

August: 24/31 days of working out for 30 minutes or more (77.4%), 9 yoga classes, 16 cardio/strength

September: 24/30 days of working out for 30 minutes or more (80%), 12 yoga classes, 13 cardio/strength

This was pretty good. My overall average was about 76%, so I'm hitting that goal. I averaged just over two yoga sessions a week, and about 3.3 for something else over the entirety of the quarter. I'm doing this!!

*2)  Drink at least sixteen ounces of water before lunch and sixteen ounces of water after lunch every day.

July: 27/31 in the AM, 29/31 in the PM

August: 24/31 in the AM, 26/31 in the PM

September: 19/30 in the AM, 28/30 in the PM

The progress here is still not awesome, but it's better than I was doing before I started measuring it.

Area Two: Professional 

*1) Apply to a new job at least once a week until I have a new job. 

I can't even with the optimism of this. Rollover goal, obviously.

2) Forget responding to email for my volunteer gig in a timely manner. Just figure out how to organize the email inbox for my volunteer gig.

Ha ha ha! Rollover goal, obviously.

My professional goals are just not going well.

Area Three: Communication 

1) Continue to post in my blog at least twice a week.

July: 17 posts
August: 18 posts
September: 16 posts

I easily met this one.

2) Continue to write a note to K/D/M once a month.

July: Yes!
August: No :(
September: Yes!

3) Keep lists of snail mail I send and books I read.

July: Here's my list of books read. I sent 17 postcards while on vacation, two birthday cards, a bill, and one apparel return for 21 total pieces of mail sent.

August: Here's my list of books read. I sent two cards, two postcards, and one legal document for a total of five pieces of mail sent. Not a great mail month.

September: Here's my list of books read. I sent two bills, three condolence cards, and six postcards for a total of eleven total pieces of mail sent. 

*4) Text T/T/M every week.

July: Yep!
August: Not a great month. I missed one person twice and the others once each. Ugh.
September: I missed on person twice, so better than August.

This communication area has been stronger in my history, but I'm going to take it for right now. 

Area Four: Post-Pandemic Re-Entry 

1) Visit a new park/nature preserve/outdoor space at least once a quarter.

When I visited my mom in July, we went to several new to us parks to walk the trails.

*2) Visit my mom.

I did this early in July.

*3) Have people over to our house at least once - for a game night, dinner, or just a hangout. 

July: No one came over, but we did go to a friend's house for dinner and met with another couple at a park to hang out.
August: A friend visited us for an entire week!
September: Oh, man. No. I did start making plans for a board game afternoon in October and Dr. BB and I talked about bringing back a holiday party, so I have high hopes for the next quarter.

*4) Buy more KN-95 masks. - It turns out I had a bunch stashed in a different place than usual, so I have enough for several more months. I didn't buy any, but I don't think I need any.


*1) Keep track of mileage walked with the dog.

July: 36.14 miles for Hannah for this month, which is just over 1 mile a day. It's not great. She was really scared by the fireworks and refused to go out a lot. I was also out of town for a few days and she wasn't her usual happy go lucky puppers in general.

Number of Walks

Number of Days











August: 49.07 miles for Hannah this month, which is a big improvement. This is just over 1.5 miles a day. She's still really resistant to those walks after dark, which is why her median number of walks is two instead of three. But she's on the right track. I've noticed if I take her for much more than 2 miles, she tends to need pain medication the next day, so we try to keep her in the 1-2 mile range most days for her own good.

Number of Walks

Number of Days







September: 45.03,which is maintaining at about 1.5 miles a day.  She's still struggling with fireworks because our neighbors keep setting them off once or twice a month. But towards the end of the month, we did manage a few days of three walks and we even went over two miles on a few days with no negative repercussions for Hannah's back, so hopefully this will get even better as the weather cools.

Number of Walks

Number of Days









*2) Create a document for Dr. BB in the event of my untimely death. Inspired by Suzanne's post.

Ha ha. I thought about this. Does that count?

*3) Donate $50 a month to a local charity.

This has just completely slipped off the radar for me.

*4) Brush the dog and cat's teeth.

July: 5/31 days
August: 11/31 days
September: 4/30 days

These poor creatures are so neglected. Truthfully, Hannah puked once after I brushed her teeth and I've been shy about it ever since. It's true that I don't have a great system for it in my day to day schedule, but it's also true that I am worried that there's something in it that doesn't sit well with Hannah. Regardless, I'll try and do better in the last quarter.

This was not my most sterling quarter of progress, but I'm maintaining on some key pieces and know that things will get better at the end of the year. 


  1. I needed to read about your track record with brushing your pets' the last year I've left toothbrushing up to the kids (I remind them twice a day, so it does get DONE, but likely not well). A few weeks ago my son had a dental appointment and the dentist said something along the lines of: you need to brush his teeth a few times a week and make him floss more. Sigh. I agreed to do just that.
    And obviously I haven't done this a single time because I truly despise brushing someone else's teeth. I find it so tedious and boring. But I know I need to do it for the betterment of his teeth. Argh.
    So reading about your related struggle did make me feel slightly better...

    1. This inspired me to try to work tooth brushing for the girls into the morning routine. We did it this morning and they were receptive to it, so I think I'm just going to try to do it in the morning. It seems crazy to add more to our mornings, but it's clear that I'm just not going to do it at night, so this is my new solution. That does not give YOU a solution for your problem, I guess. Would he do a better job brushing himself if you were supervising, even if you weren't doing it? Argh. Teeth are hard.

  2. Your goals and accomplishments are both impressive to me.

    1. Thanks so much. I try to do my best.

  3. No, it's not legal, at least the kinds they are shooting off. Unfortunately, by the time the police would be called and arrived, they wouldn't be doing it anymore, so they'd probably just get a warning and the police would be annoyed with us for calling. I'm really hoping that, now that it's getting chillier, we won't get so much. The new scary noise is the police themselves shooting at their practice range (which is about three-quarters of a mile from our house, but you can definitely hear the pop pop pop). Hannah will refuse to go out when she hears that noise, too. *sigh* I can't figure out how to desensitize her, but we're trying.

  4. Wait. I'm supposed to be brushing my cats' teeth??? NOOOOOO!
    Nice job on your goals- I think if you hit all of them 100% then they weren't ambitious enough. You have to have something to work on for next month. You did smash the workout goals though.

    1. Yes, we're supposed to be brushing their teeth and clipping their claws. I do not do either regularly and the vet tells me about it. :(

      I always think about you saying that if you get 100% of the goals, you're not ambitious enough and it makes me feel better about not meeting them!

  5. Seems like a pretty good quarter! The fireworks thing makes me so furious on your/Hannah's behalf. WHY, people???? It is just not necessary. I get pretty salty about fireworks in general, but this is way beyond doing it for the entire month of July, which happens around here.

    1. I do not get the fireworks thing myself. The last time they set them off, the local Facebook page had three posts about dogs who had run away. It's terrible for the anxious dogs. I really am hoping it will come to a halt now that it's so much cooler in the evenings.

  6. There is just no way I would be able to brush Lila's teeth. I can barely brush her fur! I'm just planning on paying for regular teeth cleanings for them in the future. I thought they would say something about her teeth at her last vet check-up, but they didn't. I do need to get better at trimming her nails, especially because I just saw she gave Ellie a boo-boo, ugh.

    I'm glad you're also failing at the charity goal because I have NOT been great at it this quarter. Whoops.

    1. The top secret thing is that I don't really brush Zelda's teeth. I put some pet toothpaste with enzymes on a piece of gauze and let her lick it off and bite the gauze. I'm counting on the enzymatic action helping. I mean, it's not perfect, but it's something!

  7. This seems very impressive to me! Any and all "goals" this year seem to be a total bust. I can't decide if I should care/ feel sad, or just shrug and move on with my life. Ha. A holiday party sounds lovely! I always like the idea of attending/ hosting holiday things but am pretty bad about organizing anything with people besides my immediate family.

    1. We used to have a holiday party every year and I LOVED hosting it. We haven't done it for the last couple of years, but I'm hopeful we'll bring it back this year. *Fingers crossed.* I just love having the house full of people having a great time. Because we only do it once a year, it's not really that much work!

  8. We would be putting our lives at risk if we tried to brush Oscar's teeth or trim her nails. Ha! I mean Phil is the only person who can actually pick her up! And she doesn't even like that sometimes. She is one persnickety cat.

    I think you did great on your goals! You likely did more than you would have if you hadn't set these goals! You know from reading my blog that I don't really set goals. I've been giving myself a pass for a couple of years. But your goals around communication are inspiring to me so maybe I will make a goal to mail a card once/month and text a different person each week or twice a month or something like that. I'm impressed with how many postcards you sent! You brightened a lot of people's lives with those postcards! That is the most fun mail to get!

    1. I love getting a postcard! When I visited my mom in July, I purchased a box of 100 postcards and I am not going to hoard them like I usually do with lovely stationery - I'm going to send regular postcards until they're gone. :)

  9. I admire you for your sending-mail goal! i wish I were as diligent about sending cards. I constantly think, I should send (J) a card... and then never send it. Sigh. Classic me. Want to do something, think about it, then... don't do it. And poor Hannah! Your neighbors are just... ergh. They're on My List, just fyi. Enough already people! Stop traumatizing puppy dogs. :(

  10. I am so impressed by anyone who keeps a goals list updated throughout the year. I am totally a list person, but I never manage to write a detailed list like that at the start of the year....kudos to you. I think you're doing pretty good!
