Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Things Are Bad, but Maybe Better?

There is not good news on the job front, my friends. I was so excited about that job prospect, but last week (on my birthday!!), I saw that I had missed a call from the people who were checking my references and it turns out that they went with another candidate. I was devastated, spent most of the day crying, and ate all my feelings with a birthday dinner of sushi that felt a little bit like a consolation prize. 

So then there was an emergency meeting earlier today in which it turns out that (for all of the reasons I have been looking for a job) the organization that has been funding our program is going to pull our funding. There may be a month or two of winddown, but basically I will not have this job soon.

The silver lining is that now I can use my current co-workers as references without any reservations. It also means that I can let them know I'm job searching and at least one or two of them will be really good sources for leads. It also means that all the stress I've been holding about this job is basically gone because we know we're ending the program.

Dr. BB and I have also crunched the numbers and we can make it work if I don't have a job for a bit. I'm also more open to the idea of a part-time job than I was before all this went down. So that opens up some possibilities, as well. Also, and this is really crucial, when I'm not SO STRESSED about this dumb job, I think I'll be able to concentrate more on the job search and find something that suits my skills and my desires for paid employment. And maybe I'll laugh more. 

But I've been putting off writing about this here because I was so optimistic last week about that job and I felt like such an utter failure that the same day I posted about this job that I really wanted, they called me to tell me that I didn't get it. I couldn't even bear looking at my own page because all I could see was my hubris and sadness. It felt like the same emotional whiplash from November 8, 2016 to November 9, 2016. I want last Tuesday's post to disappear off the homepage, so I never have to be reminded of it. And the only way to get that to happen is to post more, I guess.  

(My husband and I have a debate about this. I tend to get really excited about things in advance, like for a trip or a concert or when the first snowflakes fall or whatever.  So, even if things don't turn out awesome, I still had that excitement of anticipation. My husband, on the other hand, stays pretty level in the leadup to things and then if they go well, he's pleasantly surprised, but never let down. I think he's missing out on a lot of joy, to be honest, but in situations like this, I think he's right to have the ability to moderate his emotions and I wish I could be like him.)

Anyway, this could be a good thing. I think it's going to be a good thing.  (But I've obviously been wrong about that before.)


  1. I am so sorry you didn't get that job. That is a huge let down. I think I am more like your husband - I do not get very excited about things and hate to get my hopes up only to have them dashed. BUt I try to keep in mind this quote: "worrying does not drown tomorrow of its sorrow; it drowns today of its joy." I'm a worrier/more of a pessimist by nature, and somehow think anticipating bad things/disappointments will make them easier. But then I miss out on the joy!

    All that said, the winding down of this organization sounds like the best case scenario. I hope your colleagues can provide some strong leads for you!

    1. Yes, I haven't really broached the topic of helping me find a job with my co-workers just yet, but I'm hoping they'll be helpful in providing leads and references.

  2. WHAT THE FREAK??? They should not have been checking references unless they were going to make an offer. This makes me so mad that I nearly threw my computer across the room.

    I've been there my friend. I'm sorry/glad that your awful job is going away and that you can "come out" on your job search. Onward and upward!

    1. According to my husband, it is regular practice in academia to check references for all finalists, not just the one offered the job, so I guess I got my hopes up in advance of when I should. Oh, well. As you say, onward and upward.

  3. I am so sorry! It really sucks that they raised your hopes that way. I'm like you, I enjoy anticipation, then get very let down. But I do agree that now that you KNOW about the current job, moving on will be easier than it has been in this in-between-ness. Hang in there!

    1. I'm already feeling less stressed about the current job and I can feel my tension lifting. I'm sure it will soon be replaced by the stress of unemployment, but I'm trying to enjoy this while I can.

  4. I am so sorry you didn't get the job -- and on your birthday?!?! What the heck, universe?!?! But it does sound like good news, on the current job front! For all the reasons you listed, especially the one where you won't have to do this terrible stressful job you hate for much longer. It has an expiration date, which is wonderful.

    1. Yes, it does feel nice to know there's an end date and the stress will go away and I can just toss everything off my desk! (I really can't wait for a clean desk!)

  5. Really? You found this out on your birthday? That really sucks. But, something else will come along. I like how you're already looking at the silver lining. And I'm like you- I think there's a lot of joy in the anticipation of an event. I guess it's a trade-off because sometimes it doesn't pan out and is very disappointing. But I still like this way better- it seems like a more even keel life would be kind of dull. To each his own!

    1. I did think it was a sucky thing to find out on my birthday, but at least I was surrounded by my loved ones and didn't have to sit my misery alone! Ha! I did try to put on a good face, but did end up crying into my sushi. Oh, well. This will all work out in the end.

  6. Sorry about your disappointment. Sue is a bit like you; she gets excited about something and gets very disappointed when it doesn't happen.

    FYI, you can certainly delete a blog post. In the list of your posts (the page where you can also switch to comments) click Manage up top and delete what posts you want.

    1. Thanks. I do know how to delete a blog post, but I think I will leave it up because I did talk about some good things in that post, like how the dog is feeling a bit better. Maybe someday it won't be so touchy for me to see it.

  7. Dang, girl. Not only did you not get the job, but you found out on your birthday? A double whammy of awfulness! I'm really sorry that you didn't get the job; it is always so heartbreaking when that happens!

    I am also someone who gets that anticipatory excitement! It's such a fun feeling. I wish I could lessen how excited I get, but it's just part of my personality, I guess!

    1. I do think the anticipatory excitement is sometimes more fun than the actual excitement! Why deny myself that?

  8. What a bummer for you, and on your birthday for heavens sakes! I'm so sorry. But what's that old saying? Things happen for a reason? Maybe there is something even more suited for you that involves laughter.
    I'm like your partner, I tend to not get overly excited about anything until I know it's a sure thing.

    1. Eh. I always think "things happen for a reason" relies on some sort of belief in a higher power. I am not a fan. I am, however, a fan of thinking that soon this will be just another tough chapter in my life and I'll move on to bigger and better things.

  9. Oh no, I'm sorry that didn't work out for you. What a disappointment!

    1. I'm moving on and hoping that the next things that come up will be better!

  10. Sorry I'm so late to comment on this! I was away from home and can't comment from my phone on your site for some reason.
    I'm sorry. Lots of disappointment, but your silver lining sounds optimistic. Wishing you all the best in next steps.

  11. I am so sorry that job didn't pan out. What a bummer... and now your current job will come to an end. But maybe that is a good thing and you can jump into further job search without feeling like you're betraying your (not-much-longer) current job. Fingers crossed that something good pops up!

  12. The latest yet... so sorry, as I thought I'd commented on this before. I'm still so sorry you went through this, and on your birthday. Something similar did happen to me and it's gut-wrenching. You're expecting happy news and... no.
    And yet, I'd rather have the anticipatory joy (Although mine comes coupled with significant anticipatory anxiety, too...). So I guess I'm more like you, vs. Dr. B?
