Friday, April 08, 2022

2022 Q2 Goals

Here are my second quarter goals. Remember that those marked with * are goals that change every quarter, but the other goals are goals that I'm attempting to keep consistent all year long. 

Area One: Health 

1) Work out five times a week for 30 minutes or more. Yoga twice a week.  Something else three times a week. 

*2)  Drink at least sixteen ounces of water before lunch and sixteen ounces of water after lunch every day. Last quarter it was just sixteen ounces a day and I mostly did that by slamming water right before bed which meant I had to get up in the middle of the night a lot. Ha. Hopefully this will encourage me to drink more throughout the day.

Area Two: Professional 

*1) Apply to a new job at least once a week until I have a new job. 

2) Respond to emails for my volunteer gig in a timely manner. I am still not great at this. 

Area Three: Communication 

1) Continue to post in my blog at least twice a week.

2) Continue to write a note to K/D/M once a month.

3) Keep lists of snail mail I send and books I read.

*4) Text T/T/M every week. I feel like I'm letting some of my best friendship sort of fall to the wayside because I'm mired in work-related unhappiness, but I need to let these people know I think about them all the time.  Texting isn't intrusive to them, either, so this is a win-win.

Area Four: Post-Pandemic Re-Entry 

1) Visit a new park/nature preserve/outdoor space at least once a quarter.

*2) Visit my mom.

*3) Have people over to our house at least once - for a game night, dinner, or just a hangout. We can't keep ourselves in a bubble forever.


*1) Keep track of mileage walked with the dog. I am mostly doing this to keep track of how she's doing, but I also think it would be nice to add to my "you do this activity every day" list in my head that reminds me that I'm a functioning, responsible adult.

*2) Keep track of how I spend my time for a week. Lisa did this in January and I stole the idea from her.

*3) Create a document for Dr. BB in the event of my untimely death. Inspired by Suzanne's post.

*4) Just figure out how to put more money in my investment accounts. (rollover from last year and last quarter)

*5) Continue to donate $50 a month to a local charity. 

Do you want to place bets on which one of these goals I'll for sure meet and which ones I'll for sure fail (figuring out my investment accounts!)?  


  1. Great goals- I like how you're being more specific about WHEN to drink the water, ha ha. I'd say you're already doing great with at least two of these goals (blogging and working out regularly,) Good luck with the other ones- I predict success all around. And fingers crossed on the job search.

    1. I was a bit annoyed at myself for only drinking right before bed, so I HAD to make things more specific. Ha!

  2. I think you are the most goal oriented person I know of….though perhaps there are many people who keep themselves accountable in this way. Clearly it works for you, you are crushing your goals.

    Visit your mom. I would give anything to be able to visit mine.

    Your idea of a letter in case of death is one I have been pondering for awhile but haven’t managed to get done. Perhaps I need to put that on the front burner.

    1. I wasn't really thinking of a letter in case of death, but more like a list of things he'll need to know (account numbers, what food the dog/cat eat, etc.) to continue running the household if I were gone. But a letter is probably not a bad idea. Dang it - added to the list!

  3. You did really well on your goals last quarter so I bet this will be another strong quarter for you. Setting detailed goals can be half of the battle! The water one is so interesting - I probably drink over 60 ounces of water a day!! I must be more thirsty than the average person! But that means I go to the bathroom often during the night - often twice in a night. I keep a bottle of water in the bathroom because I often feel a bit thirsty when I'm up during the night! I know Stephany also sets a goal for water intake so it makes me wonder how much of an outlier I am with my high water intake!

    I really hope this is the quarter that you find a new job. Being miserable in your job is AWFUL. I really sympathize with you. We spend so much time at work so when you are unhappy, it can really really weigh a person down. I was miserable for a good 2 years and those were 2 really really hard years. And I got diagnosed with RA during that time, too, and will always wonder if the stress/unhappiness I was feeling contributed (I was diagnosed about 4 months into a forced relocation to a city I didn't want to live in...).

    I'll be curious to see what you learn from your time tracking! It was not as hard to do as I had imagined it would be. I tracked in 30 minute increments as 15 felt like it was too granular. It was interesting to read Stephany's time tracking post and then to compare her pie to mine!

    1. I usually drink about 100 ounces of liquid a day, but NOT water. I drink tea and Gatorade, but water has never been my go to. My husband keeps water by the bed, but I do not because I rarely wake up in the middle of the night and, if I do, I just go to the bathroom and fall right back asleep with literally no thoughts about hunger or thirst.

      My job situation is making me a tiny bit miserable, but I'm trying to console myself with the thought that at least I have a job!

  4. I have never really analyzed or stated goals like this. I suppose that I have had loosely defined ones but never in a listy sort of way. Mostly I just bump along in life.

    1. If I bumped along, all I'd do is read books and eat chocolate chip cookies, so I need goals!

  5. These are all excellent goals. How do you track the water goal? I am also trying to drink more water but without any sort of a plan. The closest I've come to doing anything regimented is that I try to drink a full glass of water right when I wake up before I eat or drink anything else.

    1. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that all of my tracking is done in a paper notebook, sort of bullet journal style. At the end of the night, I just go over to my journal and write everything down for the day. Old skool.

  6. Great goals! Good luck with them!

  7. I love your goals! And I can't wait to see how your week of time logging goes. It's always so interesting to see how other people spend their time. And with how much books you read a month, I am sure there will be a lot of time devoted to reading!

    Sometimes I like breaking really tough goals (investment account) into the smallest step possible. That's why I've made my water drinking goal just, like, FILL UP MY WATER BOTTLE. And I *still* have an issue with that, lol. But I will get into the habit one day - just have to keep putting it on my goals list until it gets done.

    1. I'm sure that my breakdown will be reading/animal husbandry/working/sleeping/preparing food and that will be all I do with my time!

  8. *tentatively raises hand*
    I wonder if you're not thirsty because you drink so many other fluids. And, tea is mostly water, right?
    Maybe shift the goal to drink plain water with meals? Is that an option? I'm just wondering if you NEED 32 ounces of water on top of all the other stuff you drink!

    And good grief, come on job-of-your-dreams. You need that, stat. Fingers crossed.

  9. I am not much of a goal list writer (although I do keep a loose list in my head), so I appreciate your granularity!
