Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Fancy Tea Ignored

For Christmas, I put some fancy Harney and Sons Pumpkin Spice tea on my wishlist and one of my kind friends gave it to me. It was something I had been reading about (I do a lot of reading about beverages to replace caffeinated beverages) and was so excited that I would have a second option for my morning tea. I generally drink Celestial Seasonings Cinnamon Apple Spice, which I can just get at the grocery store like a common plebe.

(To be completely honest with you, they have nearly identical ingredients and taste very similar. I'm not saying you should just buy Celestial Seasonings, but you should probably just buy Celestial Seasonings.)

Anyway, every morning my husband, who is the designated tea maker in the house, asks me what kind of tea I want. I generally just says "the regular kind," because, you know, the fancy tea has a limited supply, but if it's a day when I need a pick-me-up or it's special in some way, I'll request the fancy tea. Yesterday was the MLK Day holiday, which I had off from work and this week is going to be a bit crazy with a combo of dentist and doctor's appointments, so I requested fancy tea.

In our morning routine, I take the dog out and feed her while Dr. BB makes tea, empties the dishwasher, and feeds the cat.  Then we clean the cat's chin (she has kitty acne), then we give the dog her medicine, AND then the people get breakfast. 

So it wasn't until after all this was done and I took a sip of my tea to realize that my husband had not made me fancy tea - he had completely ignored my request and made regular tea.  Hence MLK Day is apparently NOT a special day at all.

Do you have special beverages to start hard/exciting days?


  1. Oh this made me laugh! I can so relate.
    Coffee bothers my stomach but every once in a while I make a bulletproof coffee with soy creamer (which also hurts my stomach - sigh)...and I do love that.
    Lately I've been intermittent fasting again and just drinking bitter, black tea in the morning. But today I needed a boost. After a month of being off school, the kids were released early yesterday due to snow and school was outright canceled today because of icy roads.
    Plain tea was not going to cut it. I made a big mug of Holiday Chai (with my beloved Jamaican rum flavouring) and added in oat milk. It was sweet and delicious and really did give me a much needed morale boost.

  2. Ha ha... at least your were drinking it out of your awesome mug!
    I drink Earl Grey every single day. I've tried to branch out! This year I got holiday tea from Trader Joes- I tried, it but like with every other time I try a different tea, I wished I were drinking Earl Grey. I give up!

  3. So did you have fancy tea today to make up for yesterday? Or do you have to wait for the next special day?

    I've learned the hard way that it's best if I only have one cup of coffee a day, but on weekdays "one cup" is two scoops of coffee and a regular size cup and on weekends/special days "one cup" is three scoops and a large cup. Yesterday was the first day that I've ever had MLK day off from work, so it was a three scoop kinda day.

  4. I drink an actual pot of black coffee in the morning, and that is as fancy as it gets around here. However, I do generally have a cup of herbal tea in the afternoon, but it isn't fancy. I buy it at Superstore. I am not a Fancy Girl, apparently.

  5. I definitely have Fancy Tea that I save for special occasions. Not only does it make the day seem better, but I think the tea tastes better when I have it infrequently.

    KITTY ACNE?! Oh, D, your pets do not give you ANY breaks!

  6. What a fun post! And something I hadn't thought about. I wish I could count the amount of tea I have but I'm not sure it goes so high. People know I like tea so they give me tea for gifts. Unfortunately, they give me all kinds of weird tea that I'd really rather not drink! I'm grateful but have gently aaid, "I'm up to my eyeballs in tea!" (And it doesn't last forever and I do pass it on.) Now that I'm 80 percent caffeine free (at least in beverages... the occasional chocolate, on the other hand, can mess that up!), I'm pretty much drinking herbals or decaf teas. I have some fancy teas (Harney, in fact) but I don't drink them often as they aren't bags. But they're good. Mostly I stick to my favorite Constant Comment (a holdover from childhood) or a few good ginger or mint teas. And ususally from the grocery! (I think you should drink a fancy to make up for yesterday!) And thanks for stopping by!

  7. I am not a tea drinker for the most part, aside from cinnamon tea that I will drink in the afternoon if I am cold and need something to warm me up. I drink coffee with french vanilla creamer every day, and the # of cups has increased over the years... used to be 2, now it's 4 and I really don't want to increase it further, although I do about 1/3 decaf, 2/3 caf. But I will talk myself into going to SBUX for a latte when I feel I have earned it, like after a bad night of sleep or when I have a really busy day ahead of me or something unpleasant, like a work call that I know I will hate. Ha.

  8. Oh nooooo. You needed the fancy tea! At least you can save it for another special day.

    I am definitely someone who rewards myself with something special on both hard and exciting days. It's just part of being an adult, I think. The "fun" part of being an adult, maybe?!

  9. Oh no. I agree with you that something a little special on a holiday morning is nice. Or on a weekend morning too. I hope you make it up for yourself and have the fancy tea this upcoming weekend or after one of your busy days. Hugs-Erika

  10. I live for my morning coffee. I'll wait after shower and exercise so I can reward myself with my first cup. (Lots of soymilk + coffee.)

    I also love tea and should give the cinnamon apple spice a try! I love that combination.

  11. I have a comprehensive and stringent morning caffeine regimen:
    1. Caffeinated tea. Can be: Oregon sugar-free chai concentrate (Target/Amazon; it's a liquid), Good Earth Sweet & Spicy black tea (love), Republic of Tea Comfort & Joy (seasonal). Note that the Comfort & Joy is a "special" tea, and as such, is most frequently consumed on the weekends.
    2. 1 cup of coffee. Made with the Aeropress. Preference is darker-than-dark roast. + pea milk & A tidge of sweetener.
    3. OK, I confess - I then move to Diet Coke. 1 midmorning, 1 around noonish (if needed) (it's needed most days). I can't give it up, and since I don't smoke, drink, or have other dietary vices, well, I figure that if something's going to kill me, it might as well be something I love. :)

    (And yes, you TOTALLY needed the fancy tea. Sigh. Dr. B, falling down on the job.)
