Saturday, November 27, 2021

Warning: Pet Photos Ahead

Sometimes you don't have anything to say about anything except how cute your pets are.  

Below you'll see Hannah and Zelda coexisting and sleeping together delightfully in our mudroom. I would like no comments on my housekeeping, please.  

Hannah the Dog has spent way too much time at vet appointments in the last two weeks, but look at how brave she is when she goes in. Brave enough to give me a "stop it, dumb human, with the camera business" look.

Zelda mostly sleeps, but occasionally a rainbow of light hits her just right, accentuating her angelic nature.

Early in the month, we had a string of glorious days and I let Hannah off-leash at a local park to just enjoy being a dog. The blue skies and puffy clouds were just so picture perfect. In retrospect, I should not have allowed her to do this, but how was I to know? I look at these photos now as some of Hannah's last moments to do dog things.

And if I thought I shouldn't let her sedately wander around a park off-leash, imagine when I thought it was a good idea to take her to the dog park and let her wrestle with other dogs? I was a fool. But look at how well she was camouflaged at the dog park! I kept losing her as she'd run into the autumnal colors, but she would always come when I called her.

One day we had to wash her bed. We replaced it with the pad from her kennel and a towel, but it was the worst thing that has ever happened to her when since she's moved in with us. I mean, do you see the look she's giving me?  

What I love most about the below picture of Zelda the Cat is is that you can see how absolutely marvelous her tail is.  It is her pride and joy.  

And those are my pretty, smart, brave girls.  


  1. How dare you wash her bed??? What kind of a monster would do that?

    Barkley is similarly aghast when such horrors happen to him.

  2. Awww. They are SUCH gorgeous looking pets. Like truly! I'm not a pet person, but I can appreciate they just look adorable.

    Also, I would like to join them both for a nap on the mudroom floor.

    We have the same "bed washing" situation in our house with "brown blankie" a small, homemade blanket a friend made for my son. He has slept with it every single night for almost 7 years straight (and always seeks it out if he gets hurt or scared). Washing brown blankie is a big deal and HAS to be done at very specific times.

  3. You have cute pets :) I live vicariously through everyone with pets. One of these days...

  4. I love them! Poor Hannah- how is she doing? Are there any updates? And I love Zelda's fluffy tail!

  5. Zelda is MAJESTIC. That tail! Such a floofy wonder.

    Oh, Hannah. She's such a sweet, brave girl and I can only hope she has a much healthier 2022!
