Friday, August 13, 2021

Yes to Masks for the Upcoming School Year

Our local school board is on the fence about whether or not students should be required to wear masks in our district buildings in the upcoming school year.  Here's the email I sent to each member of the school board in my district, as well as the superintendent.

Dear Members of the School Board,

Thank you for taking the time to read my email and thank you for all the important work you do to make [our town] a great place! I am writing to you as a concerned community member to make a request as you evaluate and implement a “back to school” plan. I am concerned for my health, the health of all  students, and the health of every member of the [our town] community. I want the plan you approve and implement to have basic requirements supported by public health experts that will protect the public health of all.

As a person in the [our town] community, I know there is pushback on mandatory face mask requirements. However, the evidence and science is very clear about the benefits of face coverings to stop the spread of COVID-19. The CDC recommends universal indoor masking for all students (age 2 and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status, as does the American Academy of Pediatrics.  

After the last year and a half of uncertainty around modes of instruction and whether or not students will be able to be in classrooms with their friends and peers, the children in our school district deserve some semblance of normalcy and routine. The only way to get that will be to enforce masks, frequent hand washing, and requiring vaccinations for school district employees.  Without these precautions, it is likely that an outbreak will once again disturb students' routines and force our school district to close one or more district buildings as this extremely contagious strain of the virus rampages through our community.

Thank you for your time. 

Please consider writing something similar to your school board members. Lives are literally at stake.  

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