Friday, October 09, 2020

2020 Yearly Goals, Quarter 3

Q1 here. Q2 here.

Area One: Health
1) Work out three times a week for 30 minutes or more: I'm mostly pumped that I kept track this quarter. I worked out 54 times in this quarter, which comes to 4.15 times a week. Yay! I did it. 

2) Work out an additional two times a week for at least 15 minutes: Obviously not. I'm just not a person who works out five times a week yet. I'll try to do better, but I'm less and less optimistic about this goal as the year goes on. 

3) At least two strength training workouts every week: Oof. 10 strength training workouts, which is less than one a week.  

In quarter four, I need to do better. More strength training and more short workouts, especially when I don't feel like working out. I can do 15 minutes and if it's not going well, then I can just call it a day. I need to do better. 

Area Two: Professional
1) Get my email under control and keep it there (try to keep the inbox to 15 emails or fewer at all times):  Ha ha ha! There are over 250 emails in my work inbox right now. I vow to clean out all my inboxes in the first two weeks of quarter four.

2) Volunteer position - I'm on the board for my local community center.  I'm head of the programming committee and I'd like to get a program started in 2020: Well, the pandemic has made this impossible.  I am helping with a fundraiser.  Blah.

Area Three: Communication 
1)  Post to Instagram once a day: 73/92 for a 79.3% completion rate. I actually don't think this is too bad since I never leave my house. Poor Hannah and Zelda are the only content I have these days.

2) Update blog at least twice a week: 14 times in July, 11 in August, and 10 in September. That averages to 2.7 times a week. Nailed it.

3)  Keep track of books read: I am so excited that I've been doing this!  Third quarter list here.

4) Send a postcard/note/letter to my mom, aunt, and uncle every month every month: Ugh. I did not do this in September, although I did in July and August. It's easy in the fourth quarter because I send a Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas card. I can't believe I bungled this in September.

Area Four: Personal Improvement Projects
1) Tackle one project around the house every week: Ha ha ha! I only notated something 7 times, which is about half a project a week. Hmmm...I'll have to do better.

2) Duolingo every day: Nailed it! My daily streak is at 189 days and I'm quite proud of it. 

3) Take at least three more classes with Hannah: Ha ha ha! We are learning new tricks, though. We're working on her winding through my legs, looking for kibble (hide and seek), finding kibble in a rolled up towel, and learning to touch things with her paw.  

4) Try a new recipe every week: Ha ha! No!  I tried ONE new recipe and it was gross.  This is why I don't try new things. 

I'm going to add brushing Hannah and Zelda's teeth to the fourth quarter list because I have not yet worked it into our schedules and they both need better mouth maintenance.  And that's a wrap. Not great, but not too shabby. 

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