Friday, June 22, 2012

F is for Fear(less?)

While we were in Chicago last week, my sister's boyfriend wanted to go to the former Sears Tower, now called Willis Tower which sounds kind of dirty if you ask me, and stand on the 2 inches (inches!) of plexiglass scariness you see above.  I found the whole thing terrifying. I paid good money to be terrified out of my mind.  My sister refused to even ride the elevator up.  I think she was the smarter of the two of us.

Okay, so I didn't take this picture - my husband did.  The point is that if you are ever in Chicago doing touristy things this is freaking terrifying, so be forewarned!

Bonus points for noticing the awesome linen pants I bought the last time I was in Chicago. They've turned out more coral than orange with a couple of washings, but they are awesomeness in the form of clothing.  Also, I have green polish on my toes because that's how I roll.


  1. You are SO BRAVE. I don't think I could physically step onto the plexiglass - my brain would rebel and my body would freeze and my husband would have to carry me away.

  2. Oh my word. Even just looking at this pic makes my legs tingle. There's no way I'd go up there. You're very daring!

  3. Just looking at this gave me a little bit of vertigo. WHOOSH! Yikes!
