Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Share

-R- is at it again, organizing another round of anonymous posts around the internet via a Blog Share. Bloggers write anonymous posts and they get posted on a site not their own. I will include a link of all the participating blogs at the end of the following anonymous post.


I wish I had a profound topic to discuss for this blog share, but alas, I don’t, so please enjoy a few rants, confessions and random statements that I can’t make exactly make public on my blog. So here goes....
  • Someone I work with says “prior to” instead of “per” or “according to” and I prefer not to correct them and instead laugh and tell my friends about it. (Example: Prior to this memo...)

  • My mother-in-law got mad that we didn’t send her a Christmas card. She told my husband in mid-January that we needed to send her a card. Never mind the fact that we didn’t send anyone a card. And that we live close to each other. And that we saw her on Christmas day.

  • I can finish a whole bottle of wine by myself easier and quicker than I’d like to admit.

  • When I’m home by myself, I don’t flush the toilet after every pee.

  • I hate when people discuss politics and religion. Mostly because I don’t personally know enough about those topics to make an informed decision. And neither do most of the people I know who bring up those topics.

  • I have a hard time thinking of something I’m really good at. Most things I’ve done in life, I would say I’m in the range from decent to above average (high school band, academics). I think cooking could be my thing, if life and work didn’t interfere.

  • I found out some people I make a lot of money. It’s not the actual amount that is shocking, but the fact that I know they more often than not are late on their utilities and rent, have tons of outstanding debt and have had things repossessed. They borrow money from people (not me). It makes me thankful that my husband and I are responsible with our money, and because of that, we can afford nearly anything we need and want, despite our somewhat expensive habit of frequent meals out.

  • I love reading mommy blogs and birth stories, despite being nowhere near close to ready to have kids.

  • My sister-in-law gives the shittiest Christmas presents. I know it’s the thought that counts, and I love a good sale, but I know she didn’t think very hard about getting me those gap pajamas half off (with a coupon??) the day after Thanksgiving. Or about getting the hubby an as seen on tv money clip.
Anything you'd like to share?


A list of other blogs participating, each with an anonymous post to share:

The Time for Change
Bright Yellow World
Reflections in the Snow-Covered Hills
Totally Serial
Daily Tannenbaum
Andrea Unplugged
From Kim's Desk
Rediscovering Me
Mama Bub
Being Five
Nothing Is Easier Than Self-Deceit
Molly's Musings
Did I Say That Outloud?
The Reluctant Grownup
And You Know What Else
Thinking Some More


  1. Thanks for sharing! Um, 3rd and 4th bullets? Oopsy, me too!

  2. On arguing about politics and religion -- my family likes to argue about the politics OF religion. As you might expect, this always ends really badly.

  3. Totally with you on the third one!


  4. Anonymous2/10/2011

    I secretly love it when people misuse words too! "Prior to..." Heehee!

  5. Re: your first thing: It's HILARIOUS when people misuse common phrases like that. How has this person gone her entire life without learning the meaning of "prior to?"

  6. I skimmed over the part where you said these were someone else's confessions and got really really confused at the "Drinking a bottle of wine" thing. And then wondered why you never drank a bottle of wine with me! Or Dae.

  7. I also enjoy not correcting people when they use phrases wrong, and instead joking with other people about it. :)

    I would have loved half off gap pajamas from my inlaws. Instead I got a nighshirt that was 6 sizes too big.

  8. "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down!"

  9. I love these confessions.

  10. Fun, love the confessions. Sometimes it is so nice to be anonymous.

  11. These are great! I agree with you (especially about the talking about politics and religion with people who don't have informed opinions about them) on lots of these! :)

    For the blog owner: I love your blog design! It's so cute! :)

  12. Anonymous2/10/2011

    My guilty (and gross) pleasure: I like to put a mouthful of saltines in my mouth, chew them up without swallowing, then remove the "ball" from my mouth and eating it like a dumpling.

  13. Catching up with your blog posts (love the anonymous post, too!)

    Great new glasses!

    I'm glad your hubby is feeling better.

    Books: I really enjoyed Henrietta Lacks. Right now most of what I'm reading are books you've recommended! I'm re-reading Fire (prequel to Graceling) and will start the Hunger Games trilogy next.
