Monday, December 17, 2007

The Ritual Begins

I have just graded my last paper for the semester. I am torn between celebration and wanting to crawl into a hole.

The ritual of hating to have to go home has begun.

My sister just called to tell me that she got a new puppy. Apparently he bites and is a real sweetheart. My father just called to tell me that since I don't call home frequently enough, I must hate them and shouldn't bother expecting any gifts from them seeing as how I am a bad, bad daughter. My friend from high school just called to tell me that her husband is cheating on her with one of our former classmates from high school and could I maybe babysit for her while I'm in town?

That pit in my stomach is starting to grow larger and larger.

But I have a whole five days before I have to leave. A whole five days to do laundry, bake cookies, wrap presents, read trashy romance novels, watch bad television (man, I hate Todd from Survivor, why'd he have to win?), and generally be a lady of leisure. Whee.


  1. Maybe making a bunch of cookies is a good idea. I think Dexter has some Christmas kisses for you too.

  2. :) Awwww..... :( You could come HERE, okay??? Not as cool as MN (GO VIKINGS!)....but ya know, it's cold and it may snow...not sure we have Light people - we do have mummers! :D
