Thursday, November 08, 2007

It's an unhealthy addiction

Soooo...I knew I was in trouble when I hurried to beat Biker Boy home so that I could quickly put away the items and throw away the bags they came in.

And then I didn't tell him about it. He might think I want to keep them for the future.

Baby clothes. These jeans and this sweater to be exact. And then some socks from Target!! And maybe some bibs. *whimpers* Because I couldn't help myself. And then I hid them. Under the bed. Where they will stay until the baby is born or the baby shower.

My friend is having a baby girl in late January. She doesn't want to get all pink, frilly crap for her baby and when I saw those clothes, I couldn't stop. I mean, what could be better than lined jeans and a stylish little toggle sweater if you were a baby born in January?! I'll get some onesies and stuff, too. She'll be the sweetest little baby you've ever seen!!

Oh, my God. I am a baby clothes junkie. I literally couldn't stop myself.

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