Wednesday, August 29, 2007

That's Such a Chick Move

So last night was our first dinner party at our new apartment, where we pretended to be grown ups and have actual friends over for actual food that someone actually cooked with our actual pots and pans.

And the someone in question was Biker Boy. My culinary skills are quite limited and the whole idea of making a gluten-free, vegetarian meal with three or more food groups almost made my head spin around. So Biker Boy diligently slaved over a hot stove for the better part of an hour making a delicious risotto. And I diligently hovered at his back, asking if I could help. Finally, he told me to sit down until it was time to make the green beans. Okay, folks, green beans. The easiest thing to cook in the whole world. You boil some water, throw some butter in it, then throw the beans in for seven minutes. That's it. Let it not be said I didn't teach you anything today. So, basically, he was telling me to get out of his kitchen.

So I then decided that I desperately needed to clean the apartment. It had been cleaned pretty thoroughly when Biker Boy's sister and brother-in-law were here a couple of weekends ago, but I insisted that vacuuming the rug and Swiffering the floors had to be done before anyone showed up at the door.

But the bathroom!! There was no time to disinfect everything and scrub the sink, so instead I cleared off the counter (stupid shaving brush and razor!) and lit a scented candle. Biker Boy then yelled from the kitchen that he needed a stirring break (stirring risotto is hard work, dudes). I happily took over stirring duties (look, I'm helping!).

When he came back, all BB could say was, "did you light that candle instead of cleaning?" When I nodded, he said, "that's such a chick move."


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