Monday, May 22, 2006

I listen to EVERY word you say

Sunday was Biker Boy's birthday. Here is a list of things I purchased for the man as gifts.

1) A book on quantum physics.
2) An evil monkey tshirt (you know - the evil monkey from Family Guy).
3) Two boxes of chocolate lovers Poppycock(oh, the juvenile jokes).
4) A kite.
5) Two white pillar candles (unscented).

He said, "I thought you were asleep when I said I wanted to fly a kite." I immediately looked offended. "How many times must I tell you that I listen to EVERY word you say?" "But you were asleep." "Sometimes you talk in the middle of the night. I WAKE up to listen, just in case you are mumbling something about WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY."

"I told you about this Poppycock..." At this point I snort (he said cock!! - I know, I'm totally in junior high) " January." "Yeah, as soon as Christmas is over, I gotta start thinking about the birthday. You know that!"

So, the gifts were completely appropriate and appreciated. But I think the valuable lesson learned by BB was that I do, indeed, listen to EVERY word he speaks. I think he's scared.


  1. I totally love the word "cock."

  2. As long as you don't expect him to listen to every word you say, all will be good... :).
