Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Questions for Potential Suitors

1) What's your name? 2) Do you have children? 3) Do you have any STDs? 4) Do you like cats? 5) Do you like dogs? 6) Do you have pets? 7) What do you do for a living? (Yes, this comes AFTER asking about pets.) 8) How old are you? 9) Have you ever killed anyone? 10) Have you ever sodomized or raped a child? 11) Have you ever thought about sodomizing or raping a child? 12) Have you ever been convicted of a felony? These last four questions came out of court today. One woman was dating a man for several months before someone told her that he had murdered someone. When she confronted him, he admitted he had killed someone in a bar fight. Only, it turns out that he had really killed some woman he was intimately involved with. Hence, question #9. (He was charged with terroristic threats against this new, undead woman.) Another man was charged with raping and sodomizing his stepdaughter. The mother was there at the sentencing and started her statement by saying, "I never thought to ask him if he would rape my child." Good point. He had no previous history and who asks questions like that? For anyone interested, here's what I would predict Biker Boy would say to answer the above questions: 1) Biker Boy 2) Not that I know of. 3) Not that I know of. 4) Not particularly. 5) They're okay. 6) No. 7) I THINK!!! And theorize. 8) 26 9) No. 10) No. 11) Not until you asked these questions. 12) No. Actually, I know that the answer to the last four questions because I asked him today. Because you can never be too safe.

1 comment:

  1. Keep him guessing!

    I like that you want to ask about pets before money.
