Just as a reminder, my husband handles the "big" bills like the mortgage, cell phone, and electricity. I mostly pay for groceries and the pets. This division works for us. Until it doesn't. *cue ominous music*
The above is what the pie graph ACTUALLY looked like. Our cat, Zelda, did a treatment to cure her hyperthyroidism (did it work? things aren't looking great from our end, but we to need to follow up with blood tests) and it was honestly more than my monthly take home. I put it on my credit card and paid for about half of it out of savings and half of it out of my paycheck. So I'm going to redo this and take out the cat's treatment - still including all the other pet expenses, but I want you all to know the truth. Pets are expensive.
Groceries (33%) - There was a trip to Costco.
Pets (23.5%) - This is just Zelda's regular annual vet appointment, some medications for both, and a scale for weighing Zelda.
Savings (9.1%) - Whistling past the graveyard with this, aren't I?
Donations (8.2%) - I did a fair number of donations that were a bit unusual this month.
Personal care (5.9%) - Shampoo, some makeup, some lotion. It's expensive for me to look like an average woman.
Cars (5.5%) - Gas for both cars a couple of times. I was annoyed because we basically wasted an entire tank of gas to get the recall done. Oh, well.
Bills (5.3%) - Home and car insurance.
Clothes (3.6%) - I ordered new cross trainers. I actually ordered like five pairs to try and I'll send most of them back. The rest of the shoes will get billed next month, so that's a preview for November.
Eating out (2.4%) - I did sort of eat my feelings this month. With every new vet appointment, I'd get coffee and a pastry. I had lunch with a friend. I had coffee the first day I went back to work after COVID. I just...coped.
Gifts (2%) - I bought some greeting cards.
Entertainment (1.6%) - I had a fun day out with Anne and spent some money there. #noregrets
What was your biggest expense last month?