Tuesday, October 03, 2017

2017 Yearly Goals, Quarter 3

Third quarter here we come.  Quarter one here and quarter two here

Area One: Fitness Goals
1) Workout four times a week - I met this goal 11 out of 13 weeks in the quarter. Considering how difficult the summer was in terms of stuff going on, I'm going to call this a win. Since I did workout more than 4 times a week on some weeks, my average workout was 4.4 times a week. I'm going to give myself a solid B+.

2) 11,500 steps a day - I missed five days and two more days when my Fitbit was broken and I was waiting to get a new one.  I'm going to say this is 94% and give myself a solid A.

3) Weigh myself weekly - I literally did this three times. Ha! Some of this was because our Wii Fit was not unpacked for a couple of weeks, but this is mostly because I hate to do it. I will do better next quarter.

Overall, fitness goals are fine.

Area Two: Communication Goals
1) Update my blog twice a week - SUCCESS! I only missed one week. 92.3% is an A. Woot! I averaged 2.5 posts a week.  That is the best I've done since I started this goal. I'm super pleased with this. I'm a bit concerned about what I should write about once the CSA season is over, but I'll deal with that issue when it arises. 

2) Make contact with four people (MDTT) at least once a week - I missed everyone at least once. The success rate was 86.5%, which isn't ideal, but is much better than I have traditionally done in my life. Some of this was because my mother's damn phone wasn't getting my texts, which we discovered at breakfast at IHOP on Sunday morning when I mentioned that maybe it would be nice if she responded to my texts and she was SHOCKED that I would say such a thing, but most of this slacking is just my fault.  I shall endeavor for better results next time.

3) See my mom four times in the year - I saw my mother TWICE in this quarter. Once I was in Michigan when my sister had a health crisis and I went last weekend for my high school's Homecoming game. Since I failed to see her last quarter, this means I'm right on track to meet my goal if I see her one more time before the end of the year. I'm extremely pleased with this.

4) Send a letter or postcard to my grandmother and two of my elderly aunts at least once a month - In July I sent moving announcements with our new address, in August I sent cards with breezy notes about moving and painting our guest room, and in September I sent my grandmother a birthday card (100!), but apparently I failed to send anything to my aunts. I'm a terrible niece.

5) Post a photo to Instagram at least once a day - I missed 13 days for a rate of 69%. That's pretty bad. I would say that I'm going to do better, but I've already missed two days in Quarter 4, so maybe that's optimistic.

Considering the chaos of our lives in this quarter, I consider my communication goals to be a win.

Area Three: The Rest of My Life
1) Vacuum or sweep twice a week - I didn't do great at tracking this. Somewhere in the move I just forgot. I'll keep better stats next quarter.

2) Brush Zelda's teeth when I feed her at night - I missed 10 days when I was home to feed her.  Honestly this is better than the once a month I was doing before I started tracking it, so I'm going to call it a win.

3) Get my sewing machine out at least once a month - This is a big fat zero. Our sewing room isn't set up yet and between the yard and the family stuff, I just didn't do anything with this. I'll get on it. I imagine once the weather cools down and there isn't so much immediate yard stuff going on, this will be more prioritized.

Overall, the rest of my life could be better, but I'm only human.

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