Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme (Literally)

When we moved in together, one of our friends gave us this teensy little spider plant. We begged off using the time honored "we're not plant people" excuse, but somehow this little tiny creature was left in our apartment and we had to deal with it. We ignored the poor thing, didn't water it for ages, and still! Still it managed to thrive and grow. It grew out of one pot and then another and then I was forced to split it into three different plants. Then I gave two of them away. Then it grew again and I was forced to split it into three different plants. I gave two of them away. And then it grew again. And I split it into three plants. Are you noticing a trend here? I'm going to give two of them away this weekend.

Last year I tried to grow herbs inside for the first time in my life. It didn't work great, but we used some basil, we used some rosemary, and we killed the thyme like it didn't matter. I also had a begonia that did quite well last year.

So this is a long introduction to say that we have become "not plant people" to people who have this in their itty bitty apartment:

Below you will see the original spider plant that has caused all of the splitting and repotting (it's the big one on the right). I don't think it's possible to kill a spider plant, although when we were catsitting for a few months, we had to keep the plant in the bedroom away from a direct source of light and it didn't do well, but it still survived.  Also pictured is a Christmas cactus we received around Christmastime from my inlaws (back left), the not sure how to keep it alive thyme (front left), and the little ones are chives and basil I'm starting from seed (no idea if that's going to work at all).

Below you will see the two offshoots of the spider plant we will be giving to our inlaws when we go to Iowa this weekend.  On the left we have two Italian parsley plants and on the right we have a sage plant and a rosemary plant.  The whole herb thing started last year when I wanted to grow Italian parsley. We use a ton of it in just about every recipe we use and it was starting to irk me that I was paying $3 every week for it when I could buy a plant for that price and have it keep going.  Anyway, we never found Italian parsley last year because once it began to irk me, no one was selling herbs anymore.  But this year we found it!

You will also see a bike and a guitar in this picture.  My husband is to blame for both. 


  1. How wonderful!
    I need to get some plants for my house :)


  2. Anonymous4/21/2011

    I love your little plant menagerie! And how awesome is it to be able to grow herbs? If we had ANY direct sunlight, I would have an herb garden myself.
