Monday, April 18, 2011

White & Black

There are green buds on trees. Occasionally you'll see something green poking out from the ground. There are American Coots all over the lakes and sometimes you'll see a loon.


The forecast is for three to five inches of snow in the next thirty-six hours. I refuse to believe it.


We spent Saturday afternoon huddled against the freezing wind in the Home Depot gardening department, buying Italian parsley and rosemary and fruitlessly searching for sage and thyme. I came home and split our spider plant into three smaller plants, planning on giving them to my inlaws when we go for a visit this weekend. The plants are everywhere in our house now, their lush greenery making me wish I had a garden of my own. Maybe I'll get an aloe plant, too.


She is so nice, so wonderful. Yet I get impatient with her each time I talk to her. Everything is a drama, a soap opera, an event. I snapped the last time she nearly broke down into tears over her mother's extended illness. At least you know. You don't have to have dreams about saying goodbye.


The email comes from out the blue. Thank you. You were great. You made it possible for me to do it. I am probably just as grateful for the email as he was for the class.


The unspoken remains unspoken. We talk around it. We talk beside it. We stress. He loses more hair, more weight, more confidence. I lose faith, optimism, and whatever starry eyed innocence I once had.


We will see all six of our nieces and nephews this weekend. I will snap pictures of them. I will play with choo choo trains and quiz about colors and letters. We will read book after book after book and just when I think I'm going to take Pinkalicious and throw her out the playroom window, we will go outside and spin in circles.

1 comment:

  1. I like the poetry of this post. It sounds like a very mixed season in your life right now. Back when my husband and I were going through some really hard stuff, I had this image of a river of sorrow that was running underneath everything. I could keep going with other things, but it was always there no matter how many pep talks I gave myself. Don't know if that's similar (for VERY different reasons), but I hear that in this post. It's not easy. Just wanted to let you know I sympathize (for what it's worth)
