Sunday, February 02, 2025

F.I.G. Collective, Week 0

Elisabeth challenged us all to find gratitude in February, so she created the Finding Joy in Gratitude Collective. I decided to start a week early, so here are my FIGs for last week.

Monday, January 27
Hannah had a bath yesterday and her fur is so soft and she smells so good.

Tuesday, January 28
I was on an award committee and one of my very well-deserving colleagues is winning the award. I'm so proud of her, but it's also kind of hard because I can't tell her yet!

Wednesday, January 29
Just look at this sunrise!! LOOK AT IT. One, it's beautiful. Two, and more importantly, it means the sun is rising on our morning walk. The days ARE getting longer. Winter will not be forever.

Thursday, January 30
There is a flag pole between buildings where I work. The American flag has been in tatters for weeks. It wasn't at half-staff during most of winterim (it should have been because of the death of Jimmy Carter) and I spent more time than I care to admit trying to figure out who to call to get the flag situation fixed. It was so disrespectful and I am enough of a lady concerned with flag etiquette to be sort of obnoxious about the whole thing. ANYWAY. The flag has been replaced.  

Friday, January 31
My husband won a teaching award at work. Yay! Lots of celebration in our house today. 

Saturday, February 1
There was a wellness day at the community center and I went to a 15-minute stretch class, a 25-minute Werq (dance) class, and a 25-minute yoga class. For free. It was truly delightful and I had fun hanging out with some of my fitness class friends.

What is something you're grateful for today?


  1. This morning I woke up to one cat curled up at my side and one at my feet. And they stayed sleeping and didn't demand treats. A little joy for the early morning. - mbmom11

    1. YES!! Kitty cuddles are the best!!

  2. This is an epic list!

    I've been enjoying the later sunsets, but today was the first morning that I can say that I noticed a little more light in the morning. I will take it!

    1. I'm so excited about these earlier sunrises. Maybe in a couple weeks, it will be actually light out for most of our morning walk?!

  3. Congrats to your husband (and, your colleague shhh)! What a great list! I started on my own F.I.G. tracker yesterday, but have a bonus one that I saw Venus next to the moon driving home last night. It made a drag of a drive so much more fun.

    1. I love how so many of my FIGs come from being outside. Sometimes I don't want to walk the dog, but there is so much joy in it.

  4. Congratulations to your husband! That's a big deal.

    And Lindsay, I saw Venus last night, too! (Actually, I knew it was a planet, but not which one, so thanks for clearing it up for me.)

    We've been noticing the later sunsets with much delight. And a lot of our snow has melted--yay! We've also been discussing how happy/grateful we are that not only do we love our sons' choice of women for lifelong partners, but we get along really great with their in-laws, too.

    1. The sunsets are not as stunning here as the sunrises, but I should start watching for them. It certainly is a lot lighter when I'm leaving work than it was just a few weeks ago!

  5. Winter sunrises and sunsets are just the best. They are so gorgeous! I love those photos.
    Congrats to your husband and to your colleague. How exciting for both of them.
    It's Sunday and my older son always comes home for our big Sunday dinner (and to do laundry, lol, he never uses the machines on campus). So I'm excited to see him today. I have kalettes that I'm going to roast up - the season is almost over for kalettes, so I'm clinging on. My younger son starts his trades program tomorrow, and I am so happy for him. I have coffee in my Kermit mug and a giant dog at my feet, what more could I want?

    1. You know what, Nicole? We should all be more like you. Kermit mug and giant dog. That IS an enviable life.

  6. Wednesday photo #2 is the one. Good job. I am grateful for reasonable health despite the various aches and pains.

    1. We should never take our health for granted, that for sure.

  7. I love reading about your lovely, grateful moments this past week. Yay for longer days, clean dogs and deserved awards. I too am a Flag snob and I'm glad the tattered flag was replaced, but also why the Jimmy Carter dis?
    I'm grateful that I was able to spend a week with my amazing Aunt and Uncle.

    1. Suz, my best explanation for the flag is that this particular flag is operated by the ROTC organization on campus (it's the only one that isn't taken care of by Facilities) and I assume that the ROTC folks weren't around during the winter break. That's my charitable explanation. It doesn't make it right (shouldn't they have someone around or ask someone in Facilities to take over during that month?), but that's my explanation.

  8. I caught that Wednesday sunrise in my rearview mirror on the way to work. Tried to find a spot to pull over, but by the time I did, it was gone. But you're right: we're getting to that time of year where they will be more conveniently timed!

    1. I'm already dreaming of those summer mornings when I wake up to the sun streaming in the windows and I can just take the dog out wearing my sandals and it's warm. Just a little winter dreaming over here.

  9. Ooh, Fig Week 0- I love it! I started tracking my FIGS yesterday with a lovely couch nap. I just love couch naps, and I'm so good at them! Chaos can be swirling around me and I'm just sleeping away with my cat.

    1. Couch nap is 100% worth celebrating!!

  10. I have been faithful wracking up my figs this past week (go me, I usually forget about these challenges as soon as I agree to them). Today's was being grateful for our dear friend who took the time to come down and change the batteries in our VERY high ceiling; and then offering to do the rest while he was here. So grateful for him; The Husband does NOT need to be on a tall ladder with his balance issues!

    1. Oh, wow! Someone willing to a climb a ladder for you is a real treasure!

  11. I am grateful that my husband is home this week - I didn't feel great yesterday and we had a pizza and movie night and it was really nice. And that I woke up in less pain today and had a great FaceTime with my daughter. And that I was prompted by your book club to read The Blue Castle, which is so much more fun than I anticipated.

    1. I'm a little worried that people will have so much fun with TBC that there won't be anything to talk about!

  12. Those sunrise pictures are stunning!
    I have really been enjoying the extra light at the end of the day.
    I started using my FIG tracker and it was much too small. To a notebook I go.

    1. Ha! Your own tracker didn't work. That sounds like something that would happen to me.

  13. Oh, congratulations on the awards, for your coworker and your husband! Also glad that the flag has been replaced. Did you make the call that got that done? The sunrises are LOVELY, and dogs are great for getting us outside, aren't they? I need my morning walk. It helps my back and my mood immensely. Right now I am grateful for the baked potato my husband is making for my dinner, because I'm hungry!

    1. I don't think my calls had anything to do with the flag being replaced, but surely it didn't hurt?

  14. What a lovely set of things to be grateful for, Engie! Congrats to Prof BB on the teaching award and pets to clean and soft Hannah!

    1. She was clean and soft for a day. I literally had to give her another bath yesterday. *sigh* Why is she so stinky?!

  15. I love this challenge! I've been feeling pretty negative lately, and I really want to turn that around sooner rather than later.

    1. It's nice to take some time over the day and realize there is some good left still.

  16. I love all of your FIGS and all of the happiness and joy in the comments. Congrats to your husband on the award - and your colleague!

    Today I'm just very grateful that people are smart enough to think of things to make our lives better. I have been dealing with carpal tunnel/radial nerve pain in my right hand and I thought to myself, "Someone HAS to have invented an iced glove, right?" Sure enough, they have and now I have the perfect little package coming my way that will make icing my hand a LOT easier!

    1. Some people are SO smart. I just can't get over how smart they are! I have invented exactly zero things in my life!

  17. This is a good list! Congrats to Dr. BB! Nice work! I am grateful today that I found a new hiking trail and it was a nice one, plus it cleared up a little and so I had a bit of a view too! Yay.

    1. Woot woot! I get upset when I travel and there's bad weather. I want it to be lovely all the time!!

  18. I've been loving the longer days!! It makes a huge difference to not go to work and come home in the dark!

    Congrats to Dr. BB! And to your friend! It's hard to have good news that you can't share! I hope your friend gets their award soon!

    1. The longer days do make such a big difference! It's still dark for most of our walk, but there is a glimpse of light, too!

  19. I've been loving reading F.I.G.s from everybody today... it soothes my heart to see all the little things of joy that people can find in their day-to-day right now (which is no small feat!).
    Congrats to Dr. BB and to your friend. And that sunset is beautiful.

    1. It's a such good exercise. I'm glad Elisabeth is encouraging all of us to do it!

  20. Hannah, sunrises, and an award for Dr. BB. All Good Things. <3
