Friday, January 17, 2025

CBBC: The Vote Is In!


The vote for our next book was SO CLOSE. Check it out. 

Forms response chart. Question title: Rank the following choices from your first (most preferred choice) to third (least preferred choice). . Number of responses: .

The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery had the most number of first place votes and won the entire thing by ONE POINT. The Secret Garden had 55 points, Rebecca had 56, and The Blue Castle had 57. Such a tight vote!

So that's our book!

I imagine most of you will get an ebook or a copy from the library, but there are free online options that are available (at least in the United States). There's a pretty good scan on Archive that I would recommend. 

Here's the schedule as I see it for now:

February 3: Chapters 1-8
February 10: Chapters 9 - 15
February 17: Chapters 16 - 24
February 24: Chapters 25-32
March 3: Chapters 33-45
March 10: Wrap-up

That's roughly 60-70 pages a week, which seems like it's fast enough for us to get momentum every week, but it will really only take us a month to read the whole book.

Who's on board for this ride? What's your plan for getting a copy of the book?


  1. Whoop! I am so in.

    Let's see there's a waiting list on Libby, the physical book is on the shelves at the library, so there are free options, but I'd have to juggle that the checkout time is just a little less than our reading time.

    The Kindle version is 39 cents. Money dropped, book secured.

  2. It looks like there are holds at our library. :(

  3. Wow, that was a close vote! Yes, I'm in, and I'm going to get it on Audible.

  4. I'm thrilled! I still have my childhood copy, and I haven't read it since I was an actual child so this should be interesting! My clearest memory of the book is a vignette about a vase of dyed grasses. I'm making this weird now, but it's early in the morning and I haven't finished my coffee, what I'm trying to say is YAY! That was my number one choice. What a close race that was! I can't wait to send you a photo of my book, I'm sure my name is written in it in my childhood writing style.

  5. yay!! .99 on Kindle!!

  6. Free Google Books download!

  7. I'm in! I just put a hold on it with my library and there's no wait list - yay!

  8. I'm looking forward to this reread. I'm wondering if it'll hit differently now that I'm much older.

  9. Yay. Okay inconceivably there are NO physical copies in my library system. There is ONE copy in the DC public library system. I’m trying to read more physical books, because I get less distracted, but there are many e-copies available via Hoopla with my Library card, so that might be the option…

  10. I enjoy your book club selections and discussions as a lurker. I've not heard of this L.M. Montgomery novel so I'm intrigued. The other two books, the unchosen ones, I read way back when.

  11. Hey, the vote came out exactly in the order I voted! This must mean I am in the company of like reading minds. I found an edition on the Kindle that looks reasonable - Warbler Classics. I remember liking the Anne books when I was very young and I'm looking forward to reading this.

  12. I'm excited. I've never read this book! And I've already put it on hold at my library (with two copies available and no other should have it in plenty of time). Woot, woot!

  13. I'm in! It looks like there's a short wait on Libby at my library. but I will probably try to get the physical book from the library so I can check it out for the full reading period! What a close vote!

  14. Oooh! I just voted yesterday and put The Blue Castle first- so I guess if anyone doesn't like it they can blame me. Oh, I just checked and they don't have it at my library (oops- maybe should have checked that before I voted!) I'll have to buy a copy.
