Sunday, October 13, 2024

Cool Bloggers Walking Club 10/6 - 10/1

Join Elisabeth's Cool Bloggers Walking Club! Surely you can walk for ten minutes a day?

Sunday, October 6
7-minute walk with Hannah at 1:30 in the morning just to make sure her GI issues weren't a problem
31-minute morning walk with Hannah
49-minute leisurely walk with Hannah after lunch - I mean, I'd estimate that for a good fifteen minutes Hannah was merely laying down chewing on a stick
13-minute walk with Hannah before bed

I hope you can hear me begging her to look at me. Dog does not care. 

Monday, October 7
8-minute walk around the block with Hannah at 1:30 in the morning. It was gorgeous and the stars were brilliant and then I got to go back to bed.
30-minute morning walk with Hannah - Good news! There was a solid stool! (LOL at the TMI for my readers)
38-minute walk with Hannah after work - It was a gorgeous day and all I wanted was to play with Hannah outside. (Also another solid stool. This means she can control herself now and I don't have to get up at 1:30 in the morning. Hooray!)
25-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Tuesday, October 8
27-minute morning walk with Hannah
19-minute walk with Hannah after work
13-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Wednesday, October 9
19-minute morning walk with Hannah - Was running late this morning, so cut it a bit short.
23-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Will I ever get better at selfies? Somehow I think the answer is no. 

Thursday, October 10
36-minute morning walk with Hannah
28-minute walk with Hannah after work
8-minute walk around the block with Hannah before bed

Morning walk. It's SO DARK.

Friday, October 11
34-minute morning walk with Hannah
9-minute walk with Hannah before bed
Those clouds led to a downpour!

Saturday, October 12
18-minute morning walk with Hannah - I normally like to do a longer walk with Hannah in the mornings, but the duck hunting led to a petrified dog. 
30-minute afternoon walk with Hannah - We would have been out there longer, but a storm was heading in!

What was your favorite walk of the week?


  1. It looks like Hannah is keeping you honest! I was dogsitting and we were taking two walks in the dark, both the morning and the evening! I find it so much easier to go out before the school kids start coming out and the traffic is heavier, plus then I don't have to feel like everyone is watching me pick up poop. However, finding the poop in the dark can be a challenge!

    1. I 100% avoid school times. As you know, we live close to the middle school and I hate having to avoid teens and tweens as Hannah is questionably behaved around youngsters acting unpredictably.

      I have a flashlight on my phone that I make very good use of when it's dark. I basically have the phone pointed at H when she does her business and then pick it up right away. Thank goodness I always have my phone with me!

  2. Not to dwell on poop, but what Kyria said. With the dark and all of the leaves in our yard, sometimes it feels like the world's worst Easter egg hunt.

    Every walk with Doggo was lovely, and yesterday I met up with a friend to go hiking. It was a very good week for walking.

    1. Ha. Hannah never gets to do her business without someone staring at her, so there are no egg hunts over here, fortunately for me!

  3. Hannah must be the fittest dog in Wisconsin. So many walks. I'm glad she's feeling better and that you don't have to worry about her tummy so much.

    It was a great walking week here in NEO. Cooler temps, nice breezes. I added a little more to my route to take advantage.

    1. It's so interesting that you think that, Nance. There are some people in the shepherd world who think Hannah is neglected because I'm not taking her for 6-8 mile hikes daily with another hour of nose training. It's all in your frame of mind and what activity your own dog needs to do in order to be well-behaved. I've settled in with Hannah needing roughly 1-1.5 hours a day of stimulation, either in the form of a walk or training, so that she doesn't get into mischief at home. I'm grateful it's not more!

      It is definitely cooling down here, too. I had to wear socks the other day! SOCKS!

  4. All of my walks were my favourite, I can't possibly choose! Although Rex and I did hike up Knox Mountain on Friday and that was a fun change of pace from our usual routes of the creek or the dog park or the lakeshore.

    1. Is Rex good about new places? Hannah tends to get overexcited and start to misbehave. I suppose that probably means I should take her to more new places, but...

  5. Hannah is so very picturesque!!! I had some great walks this week, including a walk with a friend in a place I'd never been, a walk with my family on a new-to-us trail, and a late-evening, flashlit walk with my kid and the puppy she was dog sitting.

    1. I am so excited Carla is dog sitting! She is PERFECT for it. I would love to have her in my neighborhood so she could do cat and dog sitting for us.

  6. Love all the walks for you and Hannah (and the cessation of the 1:30 am meeting)!!

    Oh, I couldn't choose... I love every time I'm able to walk outside--even it's mostly goofing around with Max and Huck in the garden. And Engie, I got my picture of flying geese!

  7. Today, because Eve is home, and even though we really didn't want to go for a walk, the sun came out and we went for a walk.

    1. Way to persevere, even when the weather wasn't cooperating!

  8. Alright, I'm lame. Even with our weather last week (hurricane AND tornadoes) I could have walked every day- but I didn't. Sigh.
    Glad you no longer have to go for a 1:30 am walk! Eesh, that sounds rough.

    1. The 1:30 walks are so quiet and peaceful. But it does mess with my sleep a bit! I'm happy we seem to be done with them. (Fingers crossed!)

  9. Your consistency is so impressive! Our Bella has too much anxiety to go for walks. She does a few laps of yard zoomies a few times a day (weather permitting - she detests rain, haha sigh).

    1. Hannah will not go out in the rain, either. I think it bothers her eyes!

  10. Love. all. the. walks! We live close to a lot of vineyards and yesterday my husband and I were walking the (very loud) noise cannons went off and I jumped because it always startles me and makes me think someone is shooting a gun. Eeks. The first time I ever heard a noise cannon (to scare off the birds that might eat grapes) I was running alone on a fairly isolated trail and almost crapped my pants. My heart rate spiked and I was like: a hunter is going to shoot me any second. And then after 4-5 more of those bangs, I realized it was just noise. All that to say: I feel Hannah's pain!

    1. Yeah, I try to play it down because I am honestly not scared, but Hannah does not trust me to know if it's scary, I guess. Her ears are better than mine in her defense - she probably knows about a lot more happening than I do!

      I've never heard of noise cannons before. That would probably terrify me, too!

  11. That picture with the bridge behind Hannah is particularly beautiful! You are kicking butt at this challenge, which I would expect for most if not all dog owners! I have not done great... I was hoping for more post-dinner walks w/ the kids but one child has needed more baths than normal due to having some accidents and once he's bathed and in pjs, I really don't want to go out with him as he'll definitely get dirty. I will do better this week since I'll be on vacation Wed-Sat visiting my sister in VA with paul!

    1. I feel like a vacation is exactly the right time to skip walks and exercise. Relax! If a walk comes, it comes. If not, eh. That's cool, too.
