Thursday, August 01, 2024

July 2024 Accountability Buddy

Monday, July 1
30-minute upper body with Sydney Cummings 

Tuesday, July 2
45-minute yoga class at the community center

Wednesday, July 3
45-minute leg and glutes with Sydney Cummings

Thursday, July 4
30-minute full body HIIT workout with Sydney Cummings

Friday, July 5
Day off - I really meant to do something, but I fell asleep after work (on the couch with Zelda on my chest) and was just exhausted.

Saturday, July 6
30-minute Yoga for Flexibility with Kassandra - I did this one a few times last week and it felt good to do it again

Sunday, July 7
30-minute cardio and core with Sydney - I was incredibly resentful about this workout. I am so tired and all I wanted to do was nap. Anyway, I did it. Done.

Monday, July 8
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime

Tuesday, July 9
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime*
45-minute yoga class at the community center

Wednesday, July 10
30-minute total body with Sydney Cummings - This was perfect for me. 

Thursday, July 11
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime

Friday, July 12
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Saturday, July 13
Day off

Sunday, July 14
30-minute Yoga for Flexibility with Kassandra - It's good to just do a video you know is going to work for you when you're struggling

Monday, July 15
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime

Tuesday, July 16
45-minute yoga class at the community center

Wednesday, July 17
35-minute total upper body and core with Sydney Cummings - First time lifting since my husband's rhabdo diagnosis. I probably could have gone heavier, but I was a bit nervous. Also, lots of the core exercises were on the ground and my neck is a fragile thing, so I subbed out some planks and birddogs. 

Thursday, July 18
35-minute leg workout with Sydney

Friday, July 19
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute Power and Balance Yoga with Adriene

Saturday, July 20
45-minute deep stretch Yoga with Adriene

Sunday, July 21
Day off

Monday, July 22
Day off

Tuesday, July 23
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
45-minute yoga class at the community center

Wednesday, July 24
40-minute glutes and abs with Sydney Cummings

Thursday, July 25
30-minute arms with Sydney Cummings 

Friday, July 26
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Saturday, July 27
90-minutes of yard work - insane

Sunday, July 28
Day off - You know what? I sat around watching the Olympics and I have NO REGRETS.

Monday, July 29
30-minute yoga in the student union at lunchtime
45-minute total body with Sydney 

Tuesday, July 30
45-minute yoga at the community center

Wednesday, July 31
30-minute arms and core with Sydney Cummings

Totals: 25/31 (80.6%) days of working out for 30 minutes or more
13 days of yoga
11 days of strength/cardio
5 short 15-minute stretch classes at lunchtime

Did you skip a workout to watch the Olympics? Do you see the irony in that? 


  1. Nice stats, Engie! Isn't 80% your goal? Sorry Dr. BB's rhabdo gave you some anxiety about lifting. I've added a five-minute dance-off to my day, and am feeling so much good energy from that.

    1. 80% is my goal. It was tough this month, with the hospital stuff, but I did it and I can't complain. I need to put some dancing into my daily life!

  2. I love your "insane" summary of the yard work! It is intense and great exercise...and there is something satisfying about the end result.

    1. I was beet red afterwards and super sweaty and felt gross. I also squatted down like fifty bazillion times. I really hate yardwork, hence while it's only on there once for the entire month.

  3. Great job!!! Who is this Sydney Cummings? I'll have to check her out. Speaking of fragile necks, I tweaked mine at the gym yesterday while doing squats. I know. HOW did that happen? I can't even get through a leg day without hurting my neck.

    1. Sydney Cumming is sort of my happy medium YouTube fitness guru. She's more intense than say the Fitness Blender people, but not as hardcore as Caroline Girvan. She has a "Summertime Fun" plan and I've been going through that this summer. I feel like I get a great workout with them, but I don't have to modify nearly as much as I do with CG.

  4. Well done! You put me to shame. And yes I do see the irony in not exercising so you can watch the Olympics. I like irony.

    1. I just gave up and sat down to watch skateboarding. I'm sure I'll run into similar struggles this weekend, but I'll try to force myself to step away from the television!

  5. I've been doing some light strength exercises while watching the Olympics - this nine minute one from the NYTimes: ( - you do each thing for one minute (then can move on to two minutes and then three...) It's not a lot, but it is some little thing, and all I can manage right now. I like that I don't have to follow along to a video so I can watch tv while doing it, though I haven't found a good interval timer to use that doesn't require downloading an app or something. Sometimes I used the counter on the Olympic event as my timer - like when we watched the sailing. Only that got scuttled when the countdown timer to the start of the race stopped at 30 secs when they delayed the start at the last minute.

    1. Ha ha! You're working out with the Olympians! Fun stuff.

  6. Don't you ever say anything about a lacking workout routine ever again. You're killing it month after month.

    1. Well, it can't compete with your workouts, but I do my best to stay as consistent as I can.

  7. Oh wow... this is really solid.
    Husband and I joke that while others do sport we eat their calories... hahah

    1. I eat plenty of calories, too. LOL. That is my next health goal to address, but it seems really hard, so...I keep putting it off.
