Wednesday, July 03, 2024

June 2024 Accountability Buddy

After a challenging May, I was able to really kick my fitness goals up in June.

Saturday, June 1
30-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 26)

Sunday, June 2
45-minute bike ride with my husband

Monday, June 3
8-minutes of a 15-minute stretch class at lunchtime (I was in a meeting for the first few minutes!)*
30-minute low impact cardio workout from Fitness Blender

Tuesday, June 4
20-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 27)
10-min yin restorative yoga

Wednesday, June 5
30-minute total body dumbbell workout with Sydney Cummings
10-minute yoga for headache relief

Thursday, June 6
30-minute yoga video in the student union at lunchtime - The middle third of this stretched my legs in a way they've never been stretched before - I'll be doing this one again

Friday, June 7
30-minute full body dumbbell workout with Sydney Cummings

Saturday, June 8
Day off

Sunday, June 9
30-minute cardio and abs workout with Sydney Cummings

Monday, June 10
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
23-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 28) - One of the rare times I thought Adriene was a little too woo-woo for me. 
10-minute seated yoga stretch

Tuesday, June 11
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
40-minute leg workout with Sydney Cummings

Wednesday, June 12
40-minute full body workout with Sydney Cummings

Thursday, June 13
45-minute Yoga with Adriene video at the student union at lunchtime

Friday, June 14
Day off

Saturday, June 15
30-minute cardio and core with Sydney Cummings

Sunday, June 16
40-minute total body with Sydney Cummings

Monday, June 17
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video at the student union at lunchtime

Tuesday, June 18
45-minute leg workout with Sydney Cummings

Wednesday, June 19
25-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 29)
15-minute yoga for legs and lower back - The workout from yesterday was tough! My legs are super sore.

Thursday, June 20
32-minute total body with Sydney Cummings

Friday, June 21
30-minute Yoga for Flexibility - We did this video at the student union earlier this month and it's a great video for me - it hits all the tight places in my legs and glutes. 

Saturday, June 22
Day off

Sunday, June 23
40-minute bodyweight cardio and abs with Sydney Cummings

Monday, June 24
30-minute yoga video at the student union at lunchtime

Tuesday, June 25
40-minute upper body with Sydney Cummings

Wednesday, June 26
30-minute leg workout with Sydney Cummings

Thursday, June 27
30-minute Yoga for Flexibility with Kassandra that I did on the 21st. This is a really great stretch for some of my problem areas.

Friday, June 28
30-minute arm workout with Sydney Cummings
15-minute post workout stretch video 
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Saturday, June 29
Day off

Sunday, June 30
45-minute full body workout with Sydney Cummings
15-minute post workout stretch

Totals: 26/30 (86.7%) days of working out for 30 minutes or more
10 days of yoga
16 days of strength/cardio
4 15-minute stretch classes at lunchtime

*Our local healthcare organization does free stretch classes virtually three times a week. Sign up here! It's free. It's fun. It's a delightful break in the middle of the day. You do not have to have your camera on. 

I'm currently having some issues with the right side of my body, especially with my right glute, so I've been trying to focus on stretching and massaging that area. What's your current problem area?


  1. My right hip and shoulder have issues. I think I need more massages? But this post makes me want to re-commit to my strength training. I may good about cardio but the rest sort of falls away.

    1. In my dream world, I'd do strength training 3-4 times a week, cardio 2-3 times a week, and yoga every day. LOL. But I've only got so much time and energy and I do the best I can. I think you can be forgiven for not doing strength training as much as you would like!

  2. Shut up! I have right glute (and shoulder) probs too!

    Nice aggregate of physical activity there, Engie! I really keep thinking I should add some regular yoga and dancing to the way I moves every day, but I haven't yet.

    1. Man, a 10-minute dance party every day would be great for me. Hmmm...I need to think about how to do this.

  3. Engie, have you tried using a tennis ball to release the pain in your glute? You put a tennis ball between you and the wall and massage. I used to use that method in a lot of my specialty yoga classes and I used it on myself when I damaged my hip and needed to massage my piriformis. Maybe you're already doing that but I just thought I'd mention it - it is a helpful and inexpensive way to find some release.

    1. Oh, no, I haven't been doing this. I've been using a foam roller, but I've been struggling to get it to massage just the right spot. I never even thought about a tennis ball, but I'm going to do it tonight after my workout!

  4. Yes to Nicole's idea- the tennis ball will really help you target the right spot. You can also lie on your back and put the ball under your glutes and roll around until you find the right place, if you want a little more pressure.
    Great job this month, and who is this Sydney Cummings? I'll have to look her up. How do her workouts compare to Caroline Girvan?

    1. So, I find myself a bit defeated by CG, to be honest. Her workouts frequently involved a lot of exercise I have to modify and some I can't do at all, even with bodyweight. Also, they are sometimes sooo boring. Sydney Cummings is in the sweet spot for me where the workouts are super challenging for me, but I can do them. Right now I'm doing the 2024 Summertime Fine program and I am finding it to be perfect with workouts in the 30-45 minute range. But it's not as hardcore as CG.

  5. You are killing it, Engie!

    My current problem area is my left hip/glute. I am a side sleeper and tend to sleep on my left, and I think my hips have finally had enough of bearing all my weight for so many consecutive hours. I often wake up with hip pain, and that side just bothers me lately. Like the other day I started a workout video and in the second move of the WARM UP -- a side lunge -- my left hip/glute pulled in a really painful way. SIGH. I hope Nicole's tennis ball suggestion helps you with your pain!

    1. Oh, I hate issues caused by sleeping!! How are you supposed to change how you sleep?! Argh!!

  6. Love your consistency. Really, I think you're doing so, so well. I don't really have a problem area right now (knock on wood), but yeah, stretching and foam rolling are ALWAYS a good idea.

    1. I really should be doing yoga every day, but I honestly just don't know how I could fit it in. Maybe do cardio/strength training after work/before dinner and yoga for a few minutes before bed? I really need to figure out a schedule that gets me doing more flexibility training.
