Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Weekend Adventure: Dairy Day at the Mooseum

Saturday morning was super exciting in our town. There was so much going on.

1) Regular Farmer's Market. I went and bought a scone and some garlic scapes. 

2) Baseball Fest at a local park. This is an intense event with lots of baseball games for folks of all ages and a carnival. 

3) Dairy Day at the local museum. This is a fun event that includes lots of activities for families, dairy cows on display, and free ice cream. 

I went right from the Farmer's Market, so I was a tiny bit early for some of the festivities, but I didn't mind being there when it was a bit slow.

Look at those eyes! I'm actually quite intimidated by the size of cows and I was a bit worried the cows would get stressed out with all sorts of people petting them, so I just told them they were beautiful and took photos. Look at this lady's eyes!

And this sweetheart did not trust me at all. Understandable. I'm clearly a suspicious character.

Small town life is the best.


Does your town or city have fun little festivals like this? What's the last one you went to?


  1. Awww that's awesome! Kelowna is a pretty touristy town, and I'm seeing things ramp up for the summer.

    1. I love seeing the little kids at all these events - I wish I could be as excited about anything as they are about anything!

  2. Ha, well we definitely don't have "Dairy Day at the Mooseum" here. But I'm pretty sure there are all sorts of things going on here that I miss. I should try to be more aware.

    1. You should do something fun! It's a great way to see your community in a new way.

  3. MOOSEUM. I love that so much.

    This was the sweetest: "I just told them they were beautiful and took photos"

    Your mention of garlic ramps gave me nostalgia for the days you posted about your CSA! I still have never tried ramps.

    1. I just looked this up. Garlic scapes and garlic ramps are DIFFERENT things. Scapes are the garlic stems that develop on garlic plants in the late spring once the bulbs have matured - farmers trim them off before they bloom so that the plant has energy to mature the bulbs instead of flowering. Ramps AKA wild garlic are a different allium altogether. Whew! You learn something new every day!

  4. Mooseum! I love this! ❤️

    1. I know! It's such a fun event. I love our local museum.

  5. I don't think I've ever been that close to a cow.

    In spite of all my local travels I feel like I'm not in the loop for stuff like this near me. I mean we probably don't have a MOOseum but we must have other weekend goings on.

    1. I can't believe you were here in Wisconsin and we didn't introduce you to a cow. We really fell down on that job.


    I cannot believe you didn't invite me.

    Those two cows are beautiful. The freckles on her nose that match her coat! The baby's beautiful fawnlike appearance and freckly back feet (it could be Bambi)! If I were there, you could have created a distraction and I could have spirited them both away.

    But maybe not, as I would be either A) passed out from all the cuteness; or B) too bloated from all the free ice cream.

    Again, I cannot believe you didn't invite me.

    1. Nance, I was thinking that you would enjoy the cow photos. The freckles on her nose are PERFECT!! And she was a perfect lady who didn't worry me that she was going to bite or kick me at all.

  7. I love this so much! I want to go to the Mooseum! My town has a fly fishing festival that’s really popular. I’ve been fly fishing twice, and I just can’t get into it.

    1. Fly fishing seems hard and boring. LOL. Maybe not for me. I love that there's a festival to support the fly fishing community, though.

  8. Well you know I'm into cows this week, so what a great post! Plus free ice cream, yes please.

    1. Ha! Cows are the theme of the internet for the week.

  9. That little cow is SO CUTE. We have an agriculture museum here and Angus went to a summer camp there. He got to 'adopt' a cow called Tina and he was super proud of her. They made ice cream with the milk. Most of my relatives live on farms, so I love cows. Chickens still kind of freak me out.
    We are in a heat advisory this week, and I'm thinking ice cream for dinner might be just the thing.

    1. That little cow was adorable. I hope she got lots of love the rest of the day. Honestly, chickens are gross. A huge number of chicks bought in the US have E coli and I'm utterly grossed out by them.

  10. Awww... cows are so darn cute; they do have soulful eyes.
    We have a few festivals around town (not on the same day---you're busy!) and we try to get to a few here and there. When we move closer into town, hopefully we will see more of them.

    1. You aren't joking about cow eyes. So deep!

  11. Hey, what a coincidence. My town also had a Dairy Day at the Moo-seum last weekend!

    (Seriously, it's so weird to find another FA blogger. What are the odds? I was even at the farmers market around the same time, buying garlic scapes...which we sauteed this evening. So weird!)

    1. I feel like there was a real blogging community here for a bit. Wasn't there a blogging co-op here at one time? I was never cool enough to be part of that, but I think there must be at least a few of us, right?

  12. And we have so many mutual blogging friends, too!

    1. The 2024 blogging community is small!

  13. I love your cow posts, Engie. My mom loves cows, so I guess it makes me think of her too.

    I was supposed to go to a Juneteenth celebration yesterday, but couldn't (deadline woes). But when A and I went out to dinner on Tuesday, we accidentally wandered into one of those car shows--you know the ones where people show off the muscle cars they've been working on? It was cute.

    There's a "mint festival" coming up soon around here, and I'll report on that :).

    1. I love it when I accidentally stumble upon something like a car show or festival. It's so unexpected and delightful.

      Oooohhh!! I want to know all about the mint festival activities. Hopefully free mint chip ice cream is offered.

  14. My boys would have loved this! Taco in particular is very into cows. There is a Spanish song called "Vaca Lola" - you should google it since you are learning Spanish. So Taco calls every cow "Vaca Lola" and he can sing most of the song. It is super cute. Our city is large so we don't have many festivals like this but the outer suburbs will have them. They are often kind of on the crowded side so I kind of avoid them like the plague because it's hard to go to busy things w/ a toddler who could run away at any moment!! But we go to a farmer's market most Sundays which is such a delightful place. It's in a good sized parking lot and we get there earlier so it's not super busy and it's adjacent to a park and swimming pool.

    1. Oh, that's so funny because I remember lots of festivals in the Twin Cities - Holidazzle, Winter Carnival, Pride, St. Anthony's Fall Festival - it seemed like there was something all the time! Those are Big Events, though, so I can see how it would be overwhelming to take small kids. This dairy festival was very attractive to families by my count - lots of excited kids running around! It was so cute.

    2. That is true - there are some BIG events in Minneapolis but those feel so overwhelming for me. I like the smaller/less overwhelming events like Raspberry Days in Hopkins is one example. It's just a bit less jammed with people? I miss Holidazzle. That died probably 5+ years ago. They did away with the parade years ago and had an event in tents along Nicollet, and then they sold of moved it to Loring Park but it is just such a shadow of what it used to be which is too bad as Holidazzle was so fun!

    3. I miss Holidazzle so much. Those parades were so much fun. I hope someday it's able to make a return.

  15. Dairy Day looks so cute! But you failed to report on the ice cream--did you have any? Did they have a lot of flavors? I would be all about the ice cream!

    When I lived up north, one year I was actually working in the city of Boston at the time of the Scooper Bowl, which is an all-you-can-eat fundraiser for the Jimmy Fund that I had read about for some years. But on the actual day, it was chilly and raining and I just had no interest in eating ice cream outside. I was so disappointed.

    1. Oh, this is going to be so disappointing to you, but I didn't get any ice cream. I tend not to at things like this because I worry about health and safety regulations (is it kept cold enough? is there cross-contamination?) - I am a true buzzkill. LOL.

      Our town does a big parade in early November to introduce the holiday season. One year it was SO COLD and the local ice cream place was handing out frozen chocolate-covered bananas and NO ONE wanted them because we were freezing. It was funny and sad all at the same time.

  16. The baby cow did not trust you? RUDE! ;)

    1. Right? I have NEVER hurt a baby cow.

  17. Love this! My hometown has the Marigold Festival, and I love it so much

    1. I love when little towns find their niche.

  18. Free ice cream? I want that festival.
    Also, cows have the most beuatiful eyes. Such long lashes, beautiful colors.
    I live in Berlin, there are tons of festivals but I woulndt say they have this charm.

    1. There is something about a small town festival that has a lot of charm. But big city festivals have their own liveliness!
