Tuesday, June 04, 2024

May 2024 Accountability Buddy

Wednesday, May 1 
30-minute run just as the sun was going down

Thursday, May 2
Day off

Friday, May 3
45-minute run

Saturday, May 4
30-minute yoga video

Sunday, May 5
Day off

Monday, May 6
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime*
30-minute Werq (dance) class

Tuesday, May 7
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
45-minute Body Blast class - outside! why are workouts outside so much fun?

Wednesday, May 8
30-minute run

Thursday, May 9
9-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 18
22-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 19)
The varying lengths of these videos drives me crazy. 

Friday, May 10
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Saturday, May 11
Day off

Sunday, May 12
20-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 20)
20-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 21)

Monday, May 13
30-minute yoga video in the student union at lunchtime

Tuesday, May 14
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
45-minute Body Blast class - outside! so much fun! - this is our last class until August; what am I going to do with myself?

Wednesday, May 15
30-minute "run" - Honestly, this was more like a walk with occasionally quarter mile jogs. I was just tired and exhausted and it was nice to be outside, but it was not nice to be running. Oh, well. Onwards.

Thursday, May 16
30-minute yoga video in the student union at lunchtime

Friday, May 17
Day off

Saturday, May 18
20-minute Yoga with Adriene video (Flow - day 22
12-minute yoga for hip opening

Sunday, May 19
Day off

Monday, May 20
Day off

Tuesday, May 21
23-minute Yoga with Adriene video (Flow - day 23)
12-minute yoga for hips and lower back

Wednesday, May 22
30-minute run

Thursday, May 23
30-minute yoga video at the student union during lunchtime

Friday, May 24
25-minute yoga video recommended by Elisabeth here and then finished up with some leg stretches after a long drive

Saturday, May 25
19-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 24)
15-minute bedtime yoga with Bird

Sunday, May 26
Day off

Monday, May 27 
Day off

Tuesday, May 28
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute Fitness Blender bodyweight cardio endurance pairs

Wednesday, May 29
30-minute Fitness BlenderFitness Blender total body strength and cardio

Thursday, May 30
23-minute Yoga with Adriene (Flow - day 25) - This was surprisingly challenging for me. 

Friday, May 31
Day off

Total: 21/31 (67.7%) days
11 days of yoga
10 days of strength/cardio
5 short 15-minute stretch classes at lunchtime

This was not my finest month and I definitely did not meet my goals, but I tried to prioritize movement when I could. There was a day or two when I could probably have worked out and I didn't, but that's life, right? Onward.


  1. "prioritize movement" is the most one can do, Engie. Through my eyes, you seem to have done great!

    1. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I did TRY and I'm going to give myself credit for that.

  2. "30-minute "run" - Honestly, this was more like a walk with occasionally quarter mile jogs."
    Oh man - I feel this all. the. time.

    1. I have a 10-minute rule that if I've been exercising for ten minutes and still don't want to do it, I can stop. But that's hard when you've run ten minutes! *sigh* I wish I were a better runner, but I also acknowledge that I don't put near enough time into it to improve.

  3. You did JUST FINE. And I love all those runs! Run/walks are perfectly fine, it's still exercise and there's no running police going to come and arrest you. And, like you said- it's just great to be outside.

    1. The running police would LOCK ME UP. That's a good reframe, Jenny. I was outside and that counted.

  4. Is the student union private or do you practice in front of people? I'd applaud you for that. I do stretches at my desk sometimes and I am waiting for someone to come by and say 'what are you doing'? And my respsonse will be "taking care of myself, and you?":)

    1. There is a room in the union where we practice. It's open to faculty, staff, and students, but generally there are 3 - 5 people there. So it's not like in the meeting area of the union or anything like that! I would certainly NOT be okay with that.

  5. This looks so good. I rarely manage to move every day and here you are doing so much. Very inspiring. But honestly not sure if i ever manage to get there.
