Monday, April 22, 2024

Cool Bloggers Walking Club Week 3: April 14 - 20

It is week three of Cool Bloggers Walking Club, hosted by Elisabeth where the goal is we all walk at least ten minutes a day.  Let's see how this week went for me us.

Sunday, April 14
40 minute morning walk with Hannah - last we left, Hannah was not feeling well; she's acting much more energetically this morning
15 minute to and from the coffee shop to meet up with some friends
27 minute walk with Hannah this afternoon after she had a bath - because Hannah had not been well the last couple of days, she was pretty stinky; it was well into the 70s today, so I bathed her in the driveway and took her for a walk to dry off
14 minute walk with Hannah before bed
Morning shadow: I look tall and Hannah looks like a wolf

Monday, April 16
31 minute morning walk with Hannah
33 minute walk with Hannah after work - It's too hot for poor Hannah. Luckily, it's going to cool down dramatically soon.
31 minute walk with Hannah before bed - She's still not doing really well. She's acting normally otherwise, but poor baby is struggling on walks.

Tuesday, April 16
30 minute walk with Hannah this morning
24 minute walk with Hannah in the rain - the weather has been lovely here, but spring has reared its ugly head again and now the rain has restarted
24 minute walk with Hannah before bed

Hannah is SO MAD that someone made her stop running around to pose for the camera. SO MAD.

Wednesday, April 17
15 minute walk with Hannah this morning - This was shorter than our normal walk because of thunder and lightning. I really didn't want to get caught out in a storm with H. Within five minutes of us getting home, there was quite a lot of rain and wind for about five minutes and then the skies cleared. 
20 minute walking around campus today
33 minute walk with Hannah after work - Okay, I think we've turned a corner and H is feeling better. Finally. We dodged the rain and it started raining as soon as we got inside our house.
25 minute walk with Hannah before bed

Hannah says "Just Say No to Drugs."

Thursday, April 18
30 minute morning walk with Hannah
26 minute walk with Hannah after work in the rain *sigh*
18 minute walk with Hannah before bed in the rain
I sometimes get bitter at my early mornings, but sometimes I see things like this and I'm grateful for the 5:30 alarm.

Friday, April 19
27 minute morning walk with Hannah
20 minute walk to a petting zoo on campus! a petting zoo! - then I went to the library
32 minute walk with Hannah after work
10 minute walk with Hannah before bed

Saturday, April 20
32 morning walk with Hannah
38 minute walk with Hannah after lunch
27 minute walk with Hannah before bed

H: I refuse to look at you. You are terrible. 

What's the most interesting thing you saw on a walk this week?


  1. Yay that Hannah is feeling better! And how cool is it that you had a petting zoo at work.

    The complication for walking this week is that lawn mowing season has started, and poor Doggo does not like lawn mowers. But yum now there are grass clippings! Mind you, she doesn't eat grass when it's growing in the ground, but the wads of grass clippings are quite a treat. She'll grab a huge disgusting mouthful and strut around so proudly.

    1. We have had a lot of wind, so our complication is that there are new sticks! every ten feet and Hannah is struggling to get a move on because she wants to stop and chew every stick. I actually sort of find this hilarious. Sure, we were out for 30 minutes on our "walk," but we only went half a mile because someone was too busy creating wood pulp. So, your grass clippings are my sticks. Solidarity, sister.

  2. Heehee - I love all of Hannah's deeply reluctant but dutiful poses. The shadow picture is my favorite.

    I think the most interesting thing I saw last week was a turtle. It was very cute. Some people were walking toward me on the other side of the road and I informed them there was a turtle to view. I hope that was the right thing to do; not everyone is as interested in turtles as I am. They did cross the road to check it out though.

    1. A turtle IS interesting. I always take photos when I see them because they're cool. And they just live in the wild! I sometimes stop to think about the logistics of living a turtle's life. How do they get anywhere?

  3. The most interesting thing I saw this week was a marmot. Do you know what happens when a 100 pound dog is attached to a person via a waist leash, and this 100 pound dog spots a marmot on its path? I'm lucky I didn't get swept right off my feet! Rex usually likes to try to chase squirrels and ducks, but marmots are on a whole new level. You had a great week of walking, I hope Hannah is all back to normal now.

    1. Marmot! I don't know if we have them! Google tells me that we are more likely to call them woodchucks (which I would actually call groundhogs, just to make it more confusing) than marmot here and that they are just now coming out of hibernation. I think Hannah would be terrified if she saw one. We do have them, though, particularly by the river.

      Hannah loses her MIND when we see a cat on our walks and I almost lost a finger last night when she saw one before I did. So, I get it. Groundhogs are Rex's housecat.

  4. That petting zoo would have become a HUGGING ZOO the moment I spied that COW. BACK OFF, EVERYONE--THE COW IS MINE.

    Love the PSA from Hannah. I will continue to stay off drugs to make her proud.

    This should be a better week for walking. Last week was complicated by in-home care for my mother. This week, I'm free. Hooray!

    1. That cow was cool as a freaking cucumber. Most of the other animals looked at least a little bit uncomfortable, but the cow was just chill. I think it would have accepted your hugs graciously.

  5. The early morning photo is stunning, but also, a ZEBRA!? Did you pet the zebra?

    1. THE ZEBRA NIBBLED MY FINGERS. I did pet it. Felt like a horse. Teeth were a bit scary.

  6. Ha ha, that was also my first thought (looking at the comment above) -"Did you pet the zebra?"
    I'm glad Hannah is feeling better. And, you guys are definitely going to win first prize in the Cool Bloggers Walking Contest! (What? It's not a contest? Oh.)

    1. I did pet the zebra. And talked about how surreal the experience of a zebra in Wisconsin was for the rest of the day!

  7. Wow - Hannah gets to see a lot of things! Sunrises! Petting zoos. I didn't see anything nearly so interesting.

    Actually, now that I think of it, on my walk yesterday I saw two marmots HUMPING. (What is it with all the marmots?) The male marmot kept chasing the female marmot through the swamp grass and when he'd catch up he'd...ya' was HILARIOUS. And also a bit awkward. I felt bad for the poor female who looked like she just wanted him to finish up and leave her alone already!

    1. Fortunately for all involved, Hannah did NOT see the petting zoo. That was exclusively for the humans who went to work that day.

      So many marmots in Canada!! Who knew?

  8. Your sunrise shot is great! That definitely shows that getting up early pays off! I feel the same with hiking up struggle, and then you get a wonderful view! Sometimes you really have to work for it though!

    1. The early mornings are getting a lot easier now that's it's not dark! Yay! I don't even think we could catch a sunrise this week because the sun is fully out when we start our walk.

  9. Glad Hannah is feeling better. And thank you for these wonderful pictures (Hannah, sunrises, exotic animals!). Last week was so busy, I barely broke 1000 steps (acc. to my phone)--so I'm looking forward to some lovely, long walks this week.

    1. Oh, no, Maya! You need to get out for more walks!!

  10. Our walking has been a bit curtailed due to poor weather. I am sometimes doing indoor stepping while watching hockey games. Last night my iWatch informed me that I walked the equivalent of 2k (or was it miles?).

    1. The weather really is a challenge - it's swings wildly here in the spring from snow to sleet to rain to beautiful sunny days. Every day is a weather adventure.

  11. I really fell down on this challenge last week which is pretty ridiculous as you'd think a person could find 10 minutes in their day. But I was in NJ and had so little control over my schedule and didn't have it in me to like walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes to start my day just to check this off my list of things to do... and then I had a busy weekend w/ lots of driving and celebrating my grandma's life, etc etc. So yah. Epic failure on my part! But I did get a run in on Monday before I flew out and I really enjoyed seeing signs of spring!!! I had pointed out these signs of spring, like the budding trees to the boys, and I think Paul's direct quote was "who cares." Mmmmkay. He's been a bit sassy lately - not sure what that is about!

    1. You know what? Sometimes it IS hard to get out for even ten minutes. It's somewhat easier now because the sun is out later, but when it's dark when you leave for work and dark when you get home for work, it really can be impossible. And, like you say, when your schedule is mixed up because of travel or other personal issues, it can be hard. And that's okay. You can only do what you can do.

      Hannah does not care about signs of spring, either. Just imagine Paul is a sassy canine!

  12. What an amazing sunrise picture. I understand the 5:30 am alarm and i wouldn't want to set that but the views you are rewarded with. Breathtaking.

    1. Even the change of just a couple weeks means the sun is fully in the sky when H and I go for our morning walks. I'm not sure when we'll get a sunrise photo again, but I am not in any rush for it!
