Friday, March 01, 2024

17.1 Hat - Blogging Through the Years

You may or may not remember that one of my "fun goals" for the first quarter was to photograph the sculptures of cows around our town. I have literally only managed to photograph one, but maybe I'll  somehow manage to get done in March. Anyway, this is one of the photos of the cows! This is the Guernsey, if you were curious.

A lot of the sculptures in our town get scarves and hats added to them during the winter. I've heard that it's so if someone needs warm outerwear, they can take it off the sculptures, but I don't know if that's true. I think it's just adorable. 


Kyria recently wrote a post (and then Stephany did it, too!) about her history with blogging and I thought it was fascinating and absolutely stole all these questions from her.

When did you start blogging and why? 
I was super lonely when I was in graduate school, so I started a blog as a way of venting about my life and just getting into the habit of writing non-academic nonsense for a change. I started blogging in September 2004, so I'm coming up on my 20th anniversary.

What was your first blog post about? 
It was about allergies?  Oh, boy. Riveting post, I'm sure.

What is your most used label and why? 
Books. No matter what else is going on in my life, I write about books. 

What is your most viewed post? And why do you think this is the case?
A book review about a popular Julia Quinn historical romance novel. I think it's because I am critical of the book that is quite popular? It's so close to being a good book, but sort of glorifies marital rape and I'm not on board for that. 

Do you answer comments on your blog? If so, what method do you use (email, post on blog)? 
I used to not answer comments on my blog because I assumed no one would ever come to blog twice. In the last year or two I have been answering the comments in my comments because I do sometimes go back and see how my favorite bloggers respond to my comments. I don't kid myself that I'm anyone's favorite blogger or that they will return to see what I've written, but if someone takes the time to write something to me, I think it's nice to acknowledge that I've read it and appreciate it. 

Do you go back to see if a blog post that you commented on got replies? If so, how do you keep track? 
I sometimes do go back, but mostly I just wait for another post from that blogger to appear in Feedly and then I'll read the responses to the previous post while I'm reading the current post. I'm sure I miss some this way, but it's the only system I have. 

What blog that you still read now have you read the longest?
I think it's Suzanne's blog, Life of a Doctor's Wife. I feel like there was a while there when it seemed like the two of us were the only ones still blogging. I remember her writing about how uncertain she was if she wanted to have a baby and now the hypothetical baby is double-digit years old!

Do you post on other forms of social media regularly? If so, where?
A lot of photos that end up on the blog were originally photos I took for Instagram. You can find a link to my Instagram on my sidebar. Other than that...I have a Facebook account, but don't really post much there. I'm FB friends with my boss, so I'm cautious over there!

I do not link my blog to any of my social media. A lot of people in real life have no idea I blog or, if they do know, they don't know what it is or how to find it.

If you talk about people in your real life, do you use their real names? 
Nope. Except for my friend Tabetha who I have, oddly, decided doesn't get a pseudonym. I've known Tabs since SECOND GRADE. We were SEVEN. 

If you could get paid to blog no matter what you are writing about, what would your focus/theme be? 
Books. Books. Books. All the books. With occasional mentions of my pets.

What's the blog you've read the longest? 


  1. I am so glad that you did this! Yay! Twenty years; that is crazy! So you started even before me. I actually took a hiatus for a while about ten years ago (you can see from my post count for several years that I was not into it) as it became too much to keep up with all of the comments, comment on everyone's blog, go back and check etc. I probably followed a hundred bloggers at one point. After coming back a year or so ago, I am much more selective and don't really go looking for new blogs as much as I used to.

    1. I feel like when I first started there were a million blogs. I do my best to only read blogs for people who write regularly and about stuff that resonates with me now because I do try to comment on most blog posts I read and I only have so much time. But it does seem like there's a mini-blogging revival and I'm here for it!

  2. I love that you did this, Engie, it is so fascinating to me to see everyone's bloggy journey. I have also been reading Suzanne's blog since before Carla! I just think that is so cool.
    What I am finding interesting about these posts is the connection with "real life" people. For me, basically everyone who knows me knows I have a blog, and most people (that I know) read my blog. This means that I never write anything I would be ashamed for someone to know. Eyes are everywhere! I think that's a good thing for me anyway because I am very public with my name and photo. The thing about that is that I can never be 100% venting because it is not private. I could never, for example, talk about my brothers (I have to leave it at that). The blog I have been reading the longest is Allison's, tied with Swistle's. Allison and I have been reading each other's blogs for probably 14 years now and have become really close friends.

    1. Yeah, I mean there's a very thin veneer of anonymity on my blog. I post pictures of me and my recognizable pets. I link to things like my Instagram and email that have my real name on them, so it doesn't take a genius to figure out who I am. And if people ask me about my blog in real life, I'm happy to talk about it! I don't think I post (too many) embarrassing things here, although I guess if my sister reads, she'll probably be unhappy. Oh, well.

  3. Twenty years, Engie! Congrats! I hope we'll be celebrating that anniversary. In this at least, I'm a bit younger than you (2006). I'm so glad you're blogging and I love your book posts, but also your Hannah and Zelda posts, your snail-mail posts, your life-story posts, your accountability posts... so all of it? :)

    What a neat idea to leave warm outerwear on public statuary! I hope that's true... It's such a nice departure from "hostile architecture."

    1. I am trying to cook something up for a real celebration in September! Hopefully you all benefit from it.

      I do think it's a lovely departure from hostile architecture, too. I just hate that there are "do not climb" and "do not touch" signs all over the cows. I get it - it's a risk if someone falls and it might damage the cows - but I just want them to be part of the community and not something we have to be careful with.

  4. What an incredible feat of blogging! That is amazing. I am a complete newbie. In terms of our blogging community I think I've read Coco's the longest? Though your space was a very early one for me, too!

    1. I honestly don't even know how one would get started blogging today. It's actually more impressive with newbies because how did you even find everyone?! It's so much harder today than it was twenty years ago with blogrolls and an active NaBloPoMo.

  5. I've read J's blog the longest. And I've even met her and hung out with her in San Francisco!

    I knew right away that that cow was a Guernsey, by the way. And it made me realize that I missed a terrific opportunity to name my similarly coloured cat Guernsey. But when I looked into his eyes, his name came to me so strongly and immediately, that I had no other choice.

    Twenty years of blogging is a triumph. Congratulations.

    1. I love that you linked to me there! So savvy. I always think of you when I see cows now. <3 And I loved our visit when you were here.

    2. I don't know how to do links in the comments, Nance! You're so fancy! And I love how the two of you have built a relationship over the years.

  6. Hmmmm! When I started blogging I was mostly reading fitness blogs, so the one I've read the longest is probably Hungry Runner Girl. Then I did NaBloPoMo in 2021 and it seems like I met a ton of other bloggers all at the same time.
    Wow, twenty years of blogging! You should do something to commemorate the milestone, like have a giveaway! Just kidding- we should all be sending you gifts : )

    1. I'm going to try to cook something fun up for September! We'll see!

  7. I hit 20 years of blogging this month! I cannot believe it, but am happy I made the effort which for an introvert took a HUGE amount of GUMPTION.

    1. Congrats! You're an old skool cool blogger!

      Do you think blogging has been harder because you're an introvert?

  8. Piggybacking off of Jenny's comment, I think that we should all send you hats for your blogiversary!

    I just remember so vividly finding your blog and feeling the "oooh this is a real person writing real stuff" spark. I think I must have found you through a comment or link on one of the other Cool Blogger's blogs. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

    I've been blogging since 2011 but it's only in the past few years that I found the Cool Bloggers. The blog that I've been reading the longest is My Open Wallet. She only posts once a year or so now, but it always makes me smile when I see her come up in Feedly.

    1. I still have so many blogs on my RSS reader that are defunct, but I hope they'll post once a year or something! I just keep hoping. I also sort of wonder what happened to some of them. Maybe I'll see if I can find some old email addresses and send out some emails. LOL.

  9. Bloggers appeal to bloggers. I find that family and friends care not about my blog.

    1. I think this is accurate. My "real life" people do not care at all when I start talking about it!

  10. I'm doing this today too! Such fun to delve into.

    1. Right? We all have such different experiences.

  11. Ah, so cool you also did the little blogger interview! So fascinating to read everyone's responses, esp. the bloggers that have been around for a while.
    I am trying to think who's blog I've read the longest... a lot of the initial blogger friends I had don't blog anymore... I think Lisa's might be one of the oldest ones by now and Stephany's of the people who still blog.

    1. It does seem like everyone's been reading Lisa for so long. I wonder how come she didn't come on to my radar until after the boys were born! We were both in the Twin Cities, too!

  12. Engie, yours is one of my favorite blogs. I have been reading your blog for SO LONG -- even during the years when I could not figure out how to comment. Love this review of your blogging history. Maybe I need to do it as well.

    1. I think some of the earliest comments on my blog are yours! So long! I'd be all over your blogging history if you wanted to write it!

  13. Of people who are still blogging, I've been reading Nance and Ally Bean the longest. My blog started in late 2005, and most of the people who I interacted with then are no longer blogging now. I sometimes think about whether my blog would be different if it were entirely anonymous. I could bitch about my family more, for sure. I sometimes would like that. Someone should host an anonymous blog where we could all post secretly and talk about our issues without anyone knowing.

    1. J--I think we both started our blogs at the same time. I started in August of 2005 and started reading you shortly thereafter. I love your Bitching Blog idea! Several members of my family and extended family read my blog, and I'd love to vent A LOT about certain things.

    2. Didn't there used to be an Anonymous Blog thing? Or am I thinking about when people would do anonymous guest blogs. Shoot...what did they call those things? Everyone would write an anonymous post and each blog that was involved would post and then there would be a list of all the participating bloggers at the end. Do you two remember this happening or am I losing my mind?

  14. Wow! Congratulations on 20 years of blogging! I think that’s quite an accomplishment! I think I started blogging around 2018 - very sporadically, with no comments allowed. I’ve only recently started writing somewhat regularly and getting into the community of bloggers, and it’s been so much fun! I truly love it, and I hope more and more people will start blogging!

    1. I love that this community is slowly growing. There were some years when it seemed like no one was actively blogging and it's good to see a bit of a resurgence!

  15. When we lived in Rapid City, people would put scarves, hats, and gloves on the presidential statues and those were meant for the homeless. I hadn't heard of that on our local cows, but I like the idea and doubt anyone would object!

    1. Oh, it's pretty common here in our town, too. You'll see hats and scarves on those creepy statues of small children (and one year on the dog outside the fire station!) and they are meant for people who need warm clothes to take them.

    2. Ha...good to know!

  16. 20 years of blogging! Your blog is almost old enough to drink. Ha.

    I really thought I was an OG blogger over here, but then you guys were blogging wayyy before me! I love that you're still here blogging and that I found your blog. I love it!

    1. Thanks so much, Stephany! I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog, too. It's been so wonderful to get to know you through your blog.

  17. Twenty years, Engie! How cool! I also love that you have been reading Suzanne's blog since before Carla. AND I'm stumped as to which blog I've been reading the longest. I love that question! I wrote a blog post about blogging a few months ago, inspired by one of Suzanne's posts, and I'm adding this question to it and linking this post to it. I'll have to think more about this question!

    1. It's so funny because none of my the OG folks I read still blog, but I'm pretty sure I found Suzanne relatively early. I do think it's a hard question to answer!

  18. My OG blog friends don't blog anymore, and I am so thankful that Elisabeth found my blog and led me to all of you.

    1. None of my OG blog friends blog anymore, either. For years I posted and no one read, so I'm happy to have found this little corner of the internet and all these fabulous blogs.

  19. This is such a fun post. It makes me think about how I'd answer those questions, too. I thought I was good at sixteen years but you are a miracle at 20 years! And there are still others from your early days. I have a few but many have stopped. I love the cow statue and I hope you find more and share them. As for books, I bow down in admiration. My February was so grim!

    1. I will eventually get to all the cow statues! I just need a sunny weekend day when the temps are frigid. Those will happen soon!

  20. Wow - 20 years! You are an OG blogger! I started in 2008. I didn't find you until the last couple of years, I think through Stephany's blog! So many of my original blogger besties don't blog anymore which makes me really sad! I'm still in touch with them, but pretty infrequently so I don't know the daily rhythms of their life anymore. But there are still some around from the early days like San, Stephany, Kyria, Jeanie, etc. I think of those, I've ready Kyria's the longest?

    1. It's so interesting because your blog is the blog that comes up a lot as the one people have the read the most, so you are OG for sure!

  21. Oh, wow, Engie. What a wonderful - and lengthy! - blogging history. I saw your comments on other blogs - it might have been San's? - and came to your site, then saw you were from Wisconsin. So I was hooked. I also liked how you described your life and your plant (:>) in the sidebar. I love all of your posts although I don't comment on all of them, given how LATE I usually am in commenting. Sigh. Thanks for being a blog and IRL friend for me. <3

    1. Top secret news: I killed that plant. LOL. My blog is nothing but a lie!
