Monday, January 15, 2024

The Vote is In: February 2024 CBBC Unveiled

Before we get started with the main event, Happy MLK Day and Happy National Hat Day to those who celebrate either one.

Unveiling this cool CBBC logo Elisabeth made for me!

The votes were tallied and the winner is My Brilliant Friend (Neapolitan #1) by Elena Ferrante. 

It was a close vote, but no worries, LM Montgomery fans, I'm sure we'll get to Anne someday!

So, here is the plan as of now, but I will take feedback if you feel like it needs to be adjusted.

Week One:
Monday, February 5
Prologue AND Childhood (pages 1-85 of the paperback Europa edition, up to location 1029 on a Kindle)

Week Two:
Monday, February 12
Adolescence, Chapters 1-16 (pages 89-153 of the paperback Europa edition, up to location 1935 on a Kindle)

Week Three
Monday, February 19
Adolescence, Chapters 17-30 (pages 153-212 of the paperback Europa edition, up to location 2761 on a Kindle)

Week Four 
Monday, February 26
Adolescence, Chapters 31-45 (pages 212-270 of the paperback Europa edition, up to location 3575 on a Kindle)

Week Five
Monday, March 4
Adolescence, Chapters 46-62 (pages 270-331 of the paperback Europa edition)

Week Six
Monday, March 11
Wrap up!

Here's the Europa edition that I have. 

All right, that's that. Who's excited? What's your plan for getting the book?


  1. Woo hoo! And, in a sign of your influence, I just went to Libby and borrowed it since it was available now! Go, me! (Here's hoping I can a, finish it in the allotted time, and b, keep up with the pace you've set...)

    1. I have SO MUCH INFLUENCE over Libby. The power of suggestion is real.

    2. Although, LOL, I got to 4% and realized, I might want this for the actual *discussion*. So... cue me slinking off to buy the Kindle book (not too $$$!) and returning the loan. BUT! I have almost run out of holds at the library! I am trying! You are totally a Libby influencer. :)

  2. Sounds great, Engie! Looking forward to this!

    1. Yay! I'm happy you'll be joining us, Nicole.

  3. Yay! I'm excited to do another CBBC. I just ordered the book in from my library (it's available and so is the audiobook AND ebook, so I feel like I should have things covered...!)

    Happy National Hat Day. I don't know anyone else I'd want to celebrate that with besides you, Engie <3

    1. National Hat Day is very big in our house. Obviously.

  4. I just got a copy from the library! Looking forward to the discussion!

    1. Yay! Can't wait to hear what you think of it, Kyria!

  5. OK! Exciting :). I'm buying on Kindle's on hold at my library - at least the ebook is - and I get nervous about it expiring and then not being able to renew while everyone is reading the book. And I'm mostly worried about keeping up with the group. So I want to be nervous only about reading the book and not it expiring at the same time.

    1. I 100% understand this stress. We only get Libby loans for 21 days, so I could never have a book club on Libby. If I hadn't already owned this book, I probably would have bought it, too.

  6. I'M EXCITED! And I already own the book as I got it in my Christmas Book Flood. My husband is still reading it and he keeps saying "Oh, you're going to love this book!" Okay, well, finish it so I can read it then!
    Are you wearing a hat today to celebrate?

    1. Oh, Jenny. It's like -28 here with the windchill (roughly -5 ambient temp) and I am wearing my windproof hat under my winter hat under my hood. ALL HATS ON DECK!

  7. Excellent! I'm in. It looks like it's available from the library and Libby so I'm going to wait until closer to time to get it. If for some reason I can't get it then I'll just shell out $10 to get it on Kindle.

    1. Yes! I'm glad everyone has a plan in place and that the price of the book isn't too crazy.

  8. Ok! I'm glad this was the choice (although I'd participate regardless). I'll put it (a physical book) in my Amazon cart today. I'm surprised you didn't include a photo of you in your Hat O' The Day.

    1. My hat photo would just be my red face surrounded by so many hats. It's SO COLD.

  9. Yay!! Another CBBC!! I used to have a physical copy of MBF, but I put it in our Little Free Library and it's long gone. I might get it on Kindle so I can read it wherever I am in addition to whatever else I might be reading.

    1. Yay! I can't wait to get started. Hopefully we'll have lots of things to say about it.

  10. Just placed a hold on the book at 2 libraries to carry my through the month of February. Looking forward to this!

    1. Yay, Jacquie! Welcome aboard!

  11. very excited! so do we have a discussion in the blog by those dates? is there guiding questions?

    1. Yes, I'll post some discussion questions on this blog on those days and everyone will sound off in the comments. It's a good time!

  12. FIIIIIINE. I will give this one a try again.

    I'm going to see if Spotify has it as an audiobook since then I won't have to worry about returning it on Libby. Or I'll just buy the e-book.

    1. I do worry that Libby holds won't be long enough. *sigh* I hate that people might have to buy it, but it is what it is.

  13. I am soooo excited to make space on my reading pile for My Brilliant Friend and to read along with everyone. I'm going to see if i can pick up a copy at my Friends of the Library bookstore - it seems like the kind of book I would be able to buy there.
    Thank you so much for organizing!
    I feel like every day is Hat Day for me - I wore a hat today because it is snowing here and if I take my hat off at work, I'll forget where I put it and then lose it, so it stays on my head all day.

    1. Every day certainly is hat day here during the winter. I can't imagine not wearing one outside! Although I do take mine off indoors!

  14. Yay To anyone who hasn't read these books yet, I really liked listening to the first one so that I could pronounce everything and get an idea of the rhythm. I flew through the rest in print after that.

    1. Yes, I think I'm going to see if I can get it on Hoopla and do a readalong with the audio so I can hear how everything is pronounced! Listening via audio will be helpful that purpose, I think.

  15. OK, I have requested it from the library--in large print, so my page numbers will be different, but that way I won't have to use reading glasses, as I do with some books in regular print (especially in lower light). It says it's in--well, it says check shelf, which means "we think we have it but we're not promising"--so I should get it in plenty of time.

    1. The pages numbers will be different but the chapters should be the same. It's kind of annoying because the chapter numbers start over again with each section. I tried to make it clear that in week one we'll do the prologue and childhood and everything after that will be chapters from the adolescence section! It's so confusing when the chapter numbering is off!

  16. Oh no... I missed all this. Sigh.
    I would have voted for any other book as I did DNF this one. I think i need to sit this book club meeting out and just skim along. But I wish everyone a lot of fun reading together.

    1. Oh, wow! You should give it a second chance. Maybe it would be better if you were reading along with everyone.

  17. I hope I can find the book at the library. I plan to read a book for my local book club so not sure I'll be able to keep pace as I'm not the speed reader so many of you are. Thanks for organizing.

    1. The first week has the most pages (85 or so) and then it's right around 60 pages a week. It's not that much more than ATGIB, but it's not YA, so it might be a challenging pace. Hopefully you can keep up!

  18. Oh, also - I love LOVE the logo. So cute. Nice job, Elisabeth. Will there be t-shirts? ;)

    1. She actually sent me a VARIETY of logos to choose from! Isn't she great?!

  19. I am getting the physical book from the library. I debated getting the e-book but I think I'd have a hard time renewing it for as long as I'd like to have it. That won't be an issue w/ the physical book!

    1. Yes! I think I'm going to get the audiobook for the first couple of weeks at least to do a readalong with it. We'll see how that goes.

  20. YAY!!! I'm all in for Anne of Green Gables next time around, but was much more excited for this one. I have it on hold (audio book) from the library, AND am going to buy the paperback I think. I'm a slow reader of physical books. We'll see if this double coverage is a mistake or not. I did love the series on HBO. After we finish the book, perhaps I'll rewatch it!

    1. I think I'm going to do double coverage, too! I want to be able to jot down notes and that's easier with a physical book, but I want to get the pronunciations and everything right in my head!

  21. I'm super excited! I'm going to download the E-book version this time. Thanks for taking this on.
