Monday, December 18, 2023

Wild Lights

Friday night we were exhausted when we got home. But I had purchased tickets for the Wild Lights at the zoo in Milwaukee in November, so I was not going to take the financial loss and not go. We sullenly prepared and ate dinner and got into the car and grumped our way to Milwaukee. 

Then we got there! We got there at eight (by the time we got home, walked the dog, made and ate dinner, it was 7) and they were only open until 9, but the crucial piece is that most of the children had already left and there were just a handful of other adults there.

At one point, there was this really obnoxious guy sitting with a woman on a bench and he was blathering about music and the woman's eyes were huge and maybe this was a first date? I don't know. I was glad I wasn't her, though.


The lights were great. 

The weather was about as good as we could hope for in December.

There weren't a ton of people there, which is a definite bonus for the likes of us.

If you're wondering, there weren't a ton of animals to be seen. Most of them were in bed. The big cat building was open and we went inside and immediately regretted it because it's So Sad to see tigers in tiny enclosures and the poor serval was doing some stress pacing and overall I am not a girl who likes a zoo. I like that they rescue injured animals who wouldn't survive in the wild and they do lots of good things for education and conservations, but most zoos, particularly urban zoos, don't have the required space to give these animals the life they deserve. 

By the end of the loop around the zoo, we were no longer grumpy, we were telling jokes and goofing off and singing along with the Christmas songs in the car. 

This next week is going to be insane with things we both want to do and things we have to do. But the lesson in Friday's experience is that we just have to do it. 

How does your week look? Do you have things on the calendar every evening, too? 


  1. That looks like a lot of fun!!! I have that same issue, where I do not want to do the thing but I drag myself out and do it and then afterward I am so glad I did. But the getting out is hard sometimes. They say that with running the hardest thing is lacing up your shoes and getting out the door, and it really is! Even one mile can turn into a few and I always feel better when I am done.

    1. Everyone says that getting started with a workout is the hardest part, but I actually find that it's the 10-minute mark. If I can push through the first ten minutes, I can do it! But I think about quitting for just about every minute in the beginning.

  2. I'm glad you went! I think everyone is the same way--"Can't we just stay home?" But once you're there, you're glad you went, and it was worth the effort.

    You also got some great photos, and the selfie with you and your sweetheart is terrific.

    1. I am so glad we went, too. It would have been so much easier to just stay home, but we would have missed out on some fun.

  3. Awww you two are so adorable! This sounds like a great experience. And good for you for pushing yourselves. So glad it ended up being fun!

    1. I will need to remember this lesson this week since we have a lot of things scheduled in the evening and I can see myself thinking I'm too tired to do things. It will all be fun!

  4. That looks so fun! (And, what a smart move to go after the crowds/kids!) (Although, I'd be wondering how the rest of that possible-first-date went...) My girl still has her afterschool/early evening activities all week, so we are in our normal schedule, just trapped in a week of theme days at school and holiday pajamas at all activities, which is oof and ouch and sigh, haha!

    1. I kind of want to know more about that couple on the bench. She seemed rather trapped by him and he seemed terrible! I guess I'll just have to fill in the ending with my own thoughts.

  5. I LOVE Christmas lights, and I hate going back out at night, so my mood trajectory would have been identical. Yay for pushing ourselves. sometimes. a little.
    I was feeling a little overwhelmed with baking stuff to bring to the Christmas party and then hosting christmas book club tonight, but my son came home and watched football with my husband in the family room while I puttered in the kitchen and my husband is finally home to help clean up my mess after cooking all day, so things are quite good actually.

    1. I sometimes feel stressed about multiple things on the calendar like making cookies and book club. Why is it so stressful? They're all fun things. I don't know. Brains, man. They mess everything up.

  6. This looks so fun!!! I'm glad you went. I also prefer when there aren't many people around when I go do things. #IntrovertsUnite.

    I can 100% relate to your zoo feelings.

    1. Zoos are so complicated. I just don't go very much anymore.

  7. How wonderful that you pushed through, even slightly grumpily and had a great time! That first photo of you with the AHHMAAZZING lights behind you, well, it looks like you're wearing a GIGANTIC LIT -UP HAT and that is just a great look for you.
    Zoo's do make me sad too; those babies need lots of space so they are still Who They Are inside.

    1. Yeah, I don't know if there's a simple answer to zoos. They do good work, but in order to do that work, people have to gawk at animals. *sigh*

  8. Yes, that happens to me all the time- it's so hard to get out of the house to do things, but then I'm usually really glad I did it. I also have mixed feelings about zoos- some are better than others. But, this light display looks amazing, and the whole experience sounds super fun.

    1. The lights were great! I do recommend the lights at the zoo, but skipping any exhibits that might be open.

  9. You both sound like my teenager... lol. (My 16-year-old too grumps their way to events and then ends up having a great time.) I'm glad you had such a great time... I love the pictures of both of you!

    1. YES! We were acting just like teenagers on Friday night. That's the best comparison. But we did rally, so that's something, right?

  10. Oh, that looks like so much fun! Zoos can be so problematic but the Calgary Zoo will always have a big special place in my heart, and they did a lot of conservation work as well.
    I don't have a ton of things on this week, but starting the 23rd my calendar is FULL until January 3, so I am going to try to relax this week as much as I can.

    1. Oh, wow! After Christmas, I have nothing on my calendar, so I am looking forward to relaxing. I also am leaving the office a few hours early today and have NO REGRETS about it.

  11. This looks awesome! Definitely worth giving up Friday couch time for.

    I haven't been to any zoos on my travels. Mixed feelings for sure. But I would like to try going to one just once.

    1. You've NEVER been to a zoo?! That's shocking to me. I don't know if I recommend it or not. I DO recommend The Wilds, which is a cool outdoor conservation center in Ohio (between Columbus and Pittsburgh). That place has good vibes.

  12. Those lights look amazing! I'm so glad you pushed yourself to go and then had fun.

    I took part of today off to go to an ornament exchange with a group of friends, and it was fun, but wow, 12 women can make some noise! Kind of glad to be sitting in the quiet, even if it means working, before going to knitting group tonight. Look at me, being social!

    1. Look at you! Two social events in ONE DAY. That's amazing.

  13. The times keep us busy, but this looks like it was a worthy destination. Love the photos of you. Really sorry about the cats though.

    1. It was cool. I don't know if we need to go again next year, but we really enjoyed it.

  14. I am glad you left not grumpy!!!! :) I feel the same way about zoos.

    I had something on the calendar every day this week but today's social thing was canceled, phew! Well, and tomorrow I just commute and run around and pick up a cake. No social thing but it exhausts me!

    1. Running around doing chores is never a good time. It's exhausting in its own way.

  15. These look WAY BETTER than the Madison Zoo Light (which were pretty great)-- this is going on my list for next year FOR SURE.

    1. It's a haul for you, but I think the lights were GREAT. And they had little campfire things you could sit around. And there was a giant Lite Brite kids were having a ball with. I will say the Milwaukee Zoo is quite a bit larger than the Madison Zoo, too.

  16. I know that feeling of not wanting to do something but knowing you SHOULD and you will probably have fun, too. That's like every social event for me, almost. Ha. It's my social anxiety at play, and I have to constantly fight against it because I KNOW I will have fun and be happy I went to the thing!

    This week has been so crazy for me. Plans every night! Ahhh.

    1. YES! Plans every night! Our Friday night plans got cancelled and, while it was something I was looking forward to, I was also super excited to just have an evening to hang with my kitty.

  17. Zoos. Oof. Similarly conflicted. I have never been to the lights at the zoo in Madison that Sarah refers to. I can say that the drive-through lights in ... some park were relatively unimpressive one year. I've heard Waunakee has a nice display, so might have to venture there one year...

    1. I always feel like drive-in light displays go by too quickly! And since everyone's headlights and taillights are on, it's just not the same. I'd love to know a really good drive-in display.

    2. We're not moms (LOL) but here you go:
      They're in Madison and surrounding towns, though, sorry.

  18. Oh how fun. I am glad you you went. The giraffe is so cool! :)
