Tuesday, October 31, 2023

12.31 Activity - NaBloPoMo 2023

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the thirty-first day of the month is "Activity."


Balustrade by Monika Sosnowska (Steel and PVC, 2015)

It's the most wonderful bloggy time of the year!! National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) is starting TOMORROW. San has been organizing it for years and the rules are simple - you post to your blog every day in November. (And if you miss a day, I promise no one will come to your door and scold you.)

The best part? Reading what everyone else is writing about and building a fabulous, supportive community. 

If you're interested, sign up on San's site, read her best practices, and dive in starting tomorrow. If you do not want to write a post every day, feel free to read, comment, and cheer on everyone else's posts!


Last year, I did an AMA during NaBloPoMo and I'd like to do one again this year. It's a great way for new readers to learn about me and for people who have been reading for a while to ask their burning questions! If you have questions for me, leave them in the comments!


  1. Okay, I'm going to try and come up with some good questions, but it's probably unnecessary because Elisabeth will have some amazing ones as usual!
    I'm sooooo excited about NaBloPoMo! I hope lots of people do it and some new people as well! NBPM is how I discovered your blog, Elisabeth's, Suzanne's... and many others that have become favorites. It'll be a fun month!

    1. I also discovered so many blogs during NaBloPoMo. I think it will be harder for me this year with my new job, but I'll do my best to keep up!

  2. I love that you already post every day, NGS!

    For the AMA--would you consider a recap of places you've lived? I surmised that you went to the U of Minn (based on your birthday sweatshirt!), but on the recent book review it looked like you'd been at BGSU too?

    1. Oh, excellent question! Added to the list!

  3. Good luck with NaBloPoMo! It's a huge undertaking and as I recall oodles of fun, too.

    1. Fortunately, I'm mostly set on my posts for November - I just have to keep up with comments. Fingers crossed it goes well.

  4. This is wonderful. I'm giving up most social media in November, and I want to write more. Not every day, but at least twice a week. It's a great month to give it a try. Wishing you the best of luck!

    1. Thanks! Can't wait to read your regular posts, too.

  5. I thought NaBloPoMo was a BlogHer thing? That's who I started doing it with ten years ago anyway. It always seems to catch me off guard, even though I should know exactly when it's going to start, given that it's, like, the beginning of a month.

    1. Hi Allison, glad you're joining us. Yes, BlogHer stopped doing it 7 years ago... now we're on our own - haha ;) It's a nice, manageable community now :)

    2. Very cool. Can't decide if it's exciting or intimidating not doing it on my lonesome this year!

  6. Oh, I see, it went from another blogger to BlogHer. Interesting.

  7. I am looking forward to learning more about you and reading your (and everyone's) posts, even though I am not doing NBPM. I could probably go back and read your last year AMA, but instead I will just ask and you can answer any or all of the questions here.

    1. You just got a new job...what were you doing before?
    2. What is your favorite type of tree?
    3. Would you rather skydive or scuba dive (and why)?
    4. If you could speak a language with no effort in learning, which would it be?
    5. Money is not an object; what car would you buy?
    6. How did you end up in the city you are in?
    7. Name one thing you love about yourself.
    8. What are you afraid of?
    9. Taco or burrito? And what kind?
    10. Would you rather swim in a pool, ocean, lake or river? (or neither)?

    Good luck!

    1. What interesting questions! Thanks for posting them and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

  8. Hooray, you've become one of the biggest cheerleaders, Engie, and I love it :) Can't wait to get started. Thanks for the shoutout! And here are a few questions for you:

    1. What do you personally consider your best personal quality?
    2. Do you sleep on the right side or the left side of the bed? Is it important to you?
    3. Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry? What's the story?
    4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?

    1. Ooohhh...I do have a substantive answer to the side of the bed question! Thanks for these - I'll answer them all!

  9. I decided to forgo the AMA this year but I can't wait for you to do yours! Here are my questions:

    1) If you could live in any other state, where would you live and why?
    2) What makes a book 5 stars for you?
    3) What is your least-favorite holiday?

    1. Ooohhh...I'll have to really think on the 5 star question. Thanks for the questions!
