Sunday, September 03, 2023

11.3 Direction - Joymaking Habit

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the third day of the month is "Direction."


Cutest face. Fuzziest belly.

Daria from Mom of Children recently wrote a post recently describing a habit that brings her joy. There are a lot of habits that bring me joy, to be honest. Reading, book clubs, sending mail, walking barefoot on a beach - these are all things that bring me joy.

But when I interrogated this further, I realized that what really brings me joy is starting my day by taking care of my girls. There is nothing that I can't handle as long as I get to spend time with a silly dog first thing in the morning as she sniffs every inch of her neighborhood. A day doesn't go by when Zelda the Cat doesn't hop on my lap for at least a minute or two of purrs and cuddles. And you know what? I rely on them to keep me grounded, remind me of my place on this planet (to be a cat's servant), and make sure that the direction of my thoughts every day is positive. 

Those ears. I can't take it.


What's a habit that brings you joy?


  1. Pets are just such a gift. I was just writing in my "one line a day" journal and I see that at this time last year, my younger son started school and I was so sad as it was the first day of school that we didn't have Barkley. Pets are just so important to our lives *she says as Rex lies at her feet*

    1. Ha. What would you do without Rex these days? (You might have had to be at your old house on moving day - the horror!)

  2. Keeping us grounded might be a very apt thought.

  3. Aw. I love this! Pets are the best. Sometimes our cats are so demanding and noisy in the mornings, I get annoyed- but then I think how empty and horrible our lives would be without them!
    I guess habits that bring me joy are reading, reading blogs, drinking tea... I'm not sure if all these things can be classified as "habits" but they're definitely activities that bring me joy (snuggling with my cat on the couch isn't exactly a habit, but it's very joyful!)

    1. Oh, we complain about Zelda's loudness when she wants fed, so it's not all sunshine and roses over here!

  4. Love my human and canine kids and they keep me grounded for sure. My favorite habit, however, is my green tea with lemon + lavender candle morning meditation...

    1. It sounds like a really lovely way to start your day.

  5. What a lovely post - which I read seconds after posting about joy, too.
    I mean - Hannah and Zelda are the most gorgeous pets on the planet. Seriously. Those ears and those EYES!
    And this made me laugh: "remind me of my place on this planet (to be a cat's servant)." Hahaha.

    A habit that brings me joy? Lately. Coffee in the morning. Listening to music every day. Writing on my blog.

    1. I think it's a fabulous habit that you have of finding gold stars throughout your life. Acknowledging your achievements is such a wonderful way to find joy in the everyday.

  6. Oh those furry faces... So much joy. And cuddles. The best and simplest pleasure!

    1. I don't know if I'll ever be without a pet again!

  7. I absolutely love the first 45 minutes or so in my day (weekdays) which currently looks like: get up, go downstairs, make tea. Read for ~15 minutes in a quiet house, in my cozy office. Then I putter on the computer usually for ~30 minutes or so: update my time log tracker/journal, check my calendar, plan my day out, take care of any misc tasks, and if time maybe check a couple blogs or respond to comments. Then I move upstairs when E gets up to get ready for school, and when he leaves, head out for a quick walk. I'm just really enjoying this routine!

    1. Oh, having a relaxing morning routine is key for me, too. I'm so glad you found one that works for you!

  8. You know what makes me the happiest? It's hearing my dog's nails click across the floor when any member of the family goes outside. It's like she's rushing to get to us to see what the Big Excitement is.

    1. She has GOT to know what's going on! I love her curiosity!

  9. I love my dogs, and they bring me so much joy. I like how Wordpress creates these prompts. I'd like to figure out how to gain access to them. One habit that brings me joy is my morning soul homework.

    1. I think the daily WP prompts are only available to WP users, but that they're available on the WP home screen. Any other WP users want to comment on how to see them?

  10. Oh, I love this! Pets just bring such genuine joy to our homes, don't they?

    A daily habit that brings me great joy is my daily iced coffee. I love preparing it, taking that first sip, and sipping on it throughout the morning.

    1. I LOVE iced coffee. So delicious.

  11. Awww, I love that your girls are on the top of your joy list. I am sure most pet owners feel like that :)

    Weekly long runs bring me joy. I don't always want to do them and sometimes the hardest part is getting out the door, but once I am on my way, I never regret it.

  12. Well, of course your beautiful girls are a source of joy. I so miss walking a dog in the middle of the day. Not that I always loved it when I had to do it (particularly in January) but just walking and letting them follow their noses... and keeping them from eating suspect things... ;)
