Friday, September 15, 2023

11.15 Volume - Is This Box Bigger Than That Box?

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the fifteenth day of the month is "Volume."


Because of Hannah's recent incident at the dogsitter's house, our vet suggested we switch her probiotic to one from Purina that is supposed to reduce anxiety in dogs. The reviews look favorable, the vet thinks it can't hurt, and after some back and forth about whether or not it would cause Hannah GI distress (it contains a small amount of beef, which is a problem for her), I ordered some from Chewy. Yesterday, it  arrived in a giant box.

Look at all that cardboard!

The vast majority of the volume of the box was taken up by cardboard. So unnecessary.


What's the last thing you received in the mail that was dreadfully overpackaged?


  1. I did get something packaged like that! But it was a while ago and I can't remember what it was, just that I was laughing at how ridiculous it looked. Sometimes it seems they just don't think about what they're doing.

    1. *sigh* It's my own fault for just ordering one small thing, I guess. I have to shoulder some responsibility.

  2. At least it's cardboard and you could recycle/mulch/compost it... Imagine if it were all plastic! I dislike those clamshell things so much! I think Nu got some pencils delivered in a box like this recently.

    1. I hate the clamshell things, too. They're wasteful and hard to get into!

  3. Seriously? This was the best box they could find? When it first arrived you must have been thinking, "wow, this is a lot of antibiotics!"

    1. I was really puzzled because I thought maybe I'd ordered something else from Chewy and had forgotten!

  4. That's ridiculous and so wasteful. I hate how absurd packaging is. If it's not a razor sharp plastic clamshell trying to kill me, it's some oversized box holding something half (or less) its size. Amazon has gotten way better than they used to be, but apparently Chewy needs to step up its game.

    1. Amazon now uses envelopes (generally bubble-wrap lined, so non-recyclable), so everything ends up smushed. I honestly have to admit that I'm unhappy with all shipping options, so it's possible I'm just a big old hypocrite.

  5. We've had packages like that but not for awhile now.

    1. I have to remember to always order small things in conjunction with larger items to avoid this type of packaging fiasco.

  6. Well yes the box is much bigger than the contents, but that's not what we need to talk about. If this box was delivered to my parents house their cats would have a field day with the box. How does Zelda like it?

    1. It seems like Zelda knew that the contents of the box were not for her, so she's been ignoring the box. She's very smart like that.

  7. Oh goodness, I hate when I get a package like that. The silver lining is, blog fodder! I hope that the new antibiotic helps Hannah. <3

    1. Blog fodder, indeed! I need all I can get these days.

  8. This makes me bonkers! I received a 6x9x4 box from REI this week that had two gels in it. Come on. You know both these companies have smaller supplies.

    1. Two gels?! So silly and wasteful.

  9. Oh, this makes me mad. Grrr.

  10. OMG. Someone wasn't doing their job properly, were they? I know they have smaller boxes as I've been on the receiving end of them.

    1. For sure we've gotten smaller boxes from Chewy. I don't know. At least it was packaged with lots of cardboard inside so the box didn't get banged up.

  11. OMG. This reminds me of the time when I got this HUGE box that held one single eyebrow pencil. Why?! Just send it in an envelope?!?!?

    1. I am shouldering some of the blame here. I should definitely be more careful about ordering just one small item. I know that the shipping is going to be bad, so I should always bundle with larger items.

  12. I do not understand this. WHY???

    1. Only the Chewy algorithm knows.
