Wednesday, September 13, 2023

11.13 Failure - Lies! It's All Lies!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the thirteenth day of the month is "Failure."


As many of you know, I'm a Duolingo user. Duolingo is a learning language app. My streak is over 1250 days and I can't stop.  Today's failure is that sometimes I will get a question wrong in a lesson and Duolingo will still call it a "perfect" lesson and it sends me into grumpiness every time. It can't be perfect if it's not 100%.  See below. 

I guess it mostly bothers me because Duolingo should be super accurate with the way it presents language, right, and perfect is an absolute word and 94% is not perfect.  


What app on your phone do you use the most?


  1. Good question - I could go check, I suppose, but I think it's likely a 3-way tie between my Messages (texting), my mail app and Safari.

    1. Interesting. Mine is definitely my podcasting app!

  2. Well... if I'm being pedantic, Duolingo is telling you you've had a perfect lesson--not that your performance was perfect. 😛

    Messages would be the app I use most. Basic, I know!

    1. So, what do they mean by a perfect lesson, then? That the app provided me with a perfect lesson and I messed it up by getting one wrong? That seems passive aggressive!

    2. Haha. In my head more like you were engaged and learned!

  3. For the week, Chrome by far has the largest usage (due to playing nyt spelling bee, wordle and octordle, blogging (I write most of my posts on my phone), and reading/commenting on blogs). it's followed by Feedly (blog related again) and then gmail. The first true "ap" that makes the list if kindle as I read ebooks when I have downtime.

    1. You blog on your phone? How do you even do that? I can barely type a text on my phone! I want more details on this process.

  4. I would say Spotify or my email app.

    1. Spotify makes a lot of sense to me. Music loves are going to listen to music a lot!

  5. Hmm, interesting that they use the word "perfect." Why? There are so many other words to use. I think that would slightly bother me as well.
    For my apps... messages, podcasts, weather... those are probably my big ones.

    1. Would it horrify you to know that I don't even have a weather app? I just look up weather when it seems a bit weird. And we definitely have more variation in weather here than you do where you are!

  6. I also wouldn't consider 94% perfect, but I think these days we are starting to NOT hold people to higher standards. Could that be it? 😳 Lolo has been using this app and I think she's got over a year on it, so bravo to both of you!

    Right now, I probably use the most.

    1. Oh, no! Even Duolingo is falling victim to lowering standards. Say it isn't so!

  7. I dabble in DuoLingo occasionally. My beef is that the free app is very ad heavy, to the point where I don't enjoy using it, so I always use the web version on my laptop so that I can block the ads and have a decent experience.

    My top app is the NYT crossword app. It's one of the few apps that I pay for and I love it. Feedly and Insta get heavy use as well.

    1. Hmm...the ads on Duolingo are annoying since there's one after every lesson, but I have learned to use that 5-30 seconds as a way for me to write down what I did wrong in the previous lesson. I generally just throw away that piece of paper at the end of the day, but I feel like the process of writing it down gives me a reminder so I will be less likely to make the same mistake again. Whenever I get a free trial of SuperDuo (it seems like you get a free 3 days with every 50 day streak you get), there are no ads and I don't do this step and it takes me longer to get through lessons because I skip this step.

      Anyway. The ads. I make use of that time and don't actually watch/listen to them!

  8. That would bug me, too! I'm not sure what I use most, but probably email.

    1. Why are so many people checking their emails on their phones? Are you replying on your phone? Are you just reading emails? What's going on here?!

    2. I definitely don't prefer to write/answer emails on my phone, but I use it to check my email when I'm out. If I need to answer at any length, I'll usually wait until I'm home and can sit down at the computer.

  9. I, too, am a Duolingo user! Whenever I make a mistake and still get a perfect score, my daughter is sure to say "LIAR!" as loud as she can in reference to the movie THE PRINCESS BRIDE and I'm always so defensive! "It's not me, it's Duo!!"

    1. Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this quirk!

  10. Hahaha, I remember noticing this too when I used Duolingo for a while. Like another commenter says, I guess maybe they just mean like, perfect effort/ perfect lesson? Maybe a couple mistakes are just considered part of the "perfect" learning process? But I totally, totally know what you mean and also found that to irk me just a little! lol.

    1. I think I hold Duolingo to a really high standard re: grammar and word usage. If they are getting something wrong in English, how do I know what they're teaching me is right?!

  11. I just started using Duolingo! (I'm at 40 days, lol, so just a few years behind you.) I haven't noticed this quirk, but now I'm going to be on the lookout for it!

    My most-used app is definitely my podcasting app!

  12. That would probably bother me too. I like to get things right ;)

    The app I use the most is probably Whatsapp and Peloton, closely followed by Instagram.

  13. Oh, man, you don't even want to know. Email, Washington Post app, gmail, and... probably Amazon. In the morning? ESPN (app broadcasts their national radio and I listen to SportsCenter while I exercise...your worst nightmare... ;>).
