Thursday, August 03, 2023

Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley

Last year, I read Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley and I loved it. So when one of my friends told me that Boulley had a new book out called Warrior Girl Unearthed, I was so excited. Let's dive in.

Perry Firekeeper-Birch was eager for a summer with nothing to do, but she got into a car accident and has to spend the summer working to pay for the repairs. At first Perry is bored with her work, but soon she learns that there are remains of her ancestors and their funerary objects stored in museum archives and they should legally be returned to her people. 

Look, I didn't love this book as much as I did Firekeeper's Daughter. This one feels like YA, it feels like morality is just dripping off the page, and it has a main character who never really faces consequences* for her actions. However, the topic is important and I found the setting to be really wonderful. 

3.5/5 stars

*I mean, yes, she does and I don't mean to belittle the trauma she suffers in the last part of the book, but even that she manages to weasel her way out of when, in real life, she would not. That's great. This is fiction. It just felt off and like that would not happen in non-YA fiction.


Line of note:
"Mean mad or disappointed mad or annoyed mad or --"
"Holaay. How many types of mad do you know?" I ask. (page 122)
This made me laugh and reminded me of the scene when Hermione said Ron had the emotional range of a teaspoon.

Appearances of the word hat:
All that's missing is his top hat and cane. (page 49)

"I'm a white hat," he clarifies. "I put my infiltration skills to work for the greater good."
"Are black hats the bad hackers?" I click my seat belt. "Don't you think those terms are racist? White, good; black, bad?" (page 92)

Each team will draw a room assignment from a hat and start at the same time. (page 120)


  1. I will be reading this one (lukewarm review notwithstanding) :P

    1. Ha. It's worth a read, but it just doesn't hold a candle to the first book the author wrote.

    2. I thought the first book was great too, and kind of want to keep in touch with Boulley's work esp. because of the Michigan connection.

    3. Yes, I LOVE the Michigan setting. Huge thumbs up.

  2. I still need to read the Firekeepers daughter first as it is on my long long long TBR. But I have seen this book around and that brought the other one back to my mind. Just never enough time to read it all.

    1. Definitely read The Firekeeper's Daughter before this one. It's not really a sequel, but there are references to TFD in this book.
