Thursday, August 24, 2023

10.24 Family - A Bevy of Postcards

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fourth day of the month is "Family."


We didn't quite get the postcards out in the mail while we were in Minnesota because we were there for such a short time, but I did get cards for my niblings and my regular snail mail correspondents. I found myself trying to look up fun facts about Minneapolis/Minnesota for my nieces and nephews, so I wrote things like "The Stone Arch Bridge is the largest arched bridge that crosses the Mississippi. It was made with locally sourced stones, including some from Iowa" or "a group of loons is called an asylum" and, in retrospect, realize that those kids must think I'm a real dweeb. Oh, well, I'm the dweeb who loves them and will inevitably bail them out of jail, so hopefully it's the thought that counts.


What's the last fun mail you sent or received? 


  1. I love getting mail and post cards are such a fun vessel; they are both a memento and a piece of mail! I have been going through my stuff and sending photos to people (and throwing away the rest!) and I have had some interesting finds! I generally write a little note along with the pictures. I also send post cards any time I travel, and I sent some when I was in Alaska! Funny enough, this prompted one friend to tell her whole office that I had hiked to the top of Mt. Denali (I did not; I only sent her a post card of the park) so now I am famous!

    1. Ha! I sent a postcard with a bear on it and I definitively did NOT see a bear. I hope my nieces and nephews understand that!

  2. Ha ha! I'm sure they think you're a dweeb but they love and accept you just the way you are. The last piece of fun mail I sent was definitely the postcard to you, and i sent one to my sister at the same time. I'll have to do more of that.

    1. I do think it's fun to sit down once and a while and send a piece of surprise snail mail. It's an instant mood lifter for me.

  3. I love getting mail (and saved your postcard to me as a bookmark!). We send postcards to ourselves when we travel and it's always fun to see how long it takes for it to arrive. I have a few friends I send postcards to some of the time when we travel, but I've mostly gotten out of the habit. I can only fit so many things in and some good things have had to go and letterwriting (ironically since I'm such a big fan) is one of those very things. My exception is Christmas when I am rigid about sending out photocards + notes.

    Last fun thing...hmmm. This is lame, but we got a letter from the government a few weeks ago about qualifying for a rebate and it was completely unexpected and turns out getting notice about receiving unexpected funds from the government is pretty fun when you're an adult.

    1. Yes! Extra money in the mail is WONDERFUL. I mean, who wouldn't love that?

  4. Well, it's not the last fun mail because I had something come yesterday, but I really loved getting a surprise from you! xo

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you enjoy it and hope you get a lot of use out of it.

  5. WHAT! I didn't know that a group of loons was an asylum. See, this is something that I needed to know.

    I received an unsolicited postcard from my husband's friend's wife who we met up with on vacation last month and it was lovely! For sure she's getting one back the next time that I visit one of my off the beaten path haunts that sells postcards.

    1. You should start sending a postcard or two on your adventures! I bet people would LOVE them.

  6. What a fun aunt you are!! My kids have a couple of fun aunts too and I'm SO grateful for them. It's nice to know that my kids have someone to ask for bail help if they can't bring themselves to ask us, you know :)? Last fun mail was a present from my bestie and it's a sticker that says "Electric Fetus" (MLPS music store, I believe.)

    1. Oh, wow! Yes! The Electric Fetus is a music store and my husband has a sticker from there on his alarm clock. Small world!

  7. I love post-cards. Last one I sent? To my husband from Ireland... 2016? Before kids for sure.

    1. Oh, no! Send more postcards! It fun for you and the recepient!

  8. Well now I learned 2 new fun facts about my city/loons! I'm here for fun tidbits like that! I am terrible at sending fun mail! I think the last fun piece of mail I received was the thank you from my nephew for his grad gift. He wrote the nicest note and talked about how he has great memories of going to Wild Rumpus + ice cream when he was a kid and how great of an aunt I've been. I was so touched!

    1. Awww...that's such a nice note. I'm glad your nephew appreciates what a fun aunt you are!

  9. I love that you're sending postcards. It's an almost lost art.

    1. LOL at art. Someone has to be sending, though, besides me, because they're widely available! The only place I've ever had a hard time finding them was actually Las Vegas - I was surprised by that because Vegas certainly has some things that make excellent postcards!

  10. Ooo, what a fun idea to put facts on them! I will have to steal that for the future! I am sending two packages (stateside) and three cards (to Australia) today!

    1. Ha! I just put facts on them because I don't know what else to say. There are 3-4 per household and I can't very well write "wish you were here" on all of them! Sometimes I write dumb jokes on them. It's more lazy than creative.

  11. I love that you send these to family with all of your "fun facts"! They will always remember this.

    My last fun piece of mail I got was from the IRS. Wait, that's not fun! 😳

    1. IRS mail is NOT fun unless they're telling you that you get an unexpected refund!

  12. I do send postcards when I travel, which has not been much, recently. I have old postcards from previous travels and will periodically send them off to people who may a) reminisce about being there, b) get a kick out of them, or c) just appreciate them. I used to send a TON of postcards when I was a traveling nurse... I think my parents kept all of them. (We won't, um, discuss their hoarding tendencies...) All of that to say - I love what you are doing for your family and friends, and I'm sure they enjoy the postcards, even if they might think you are a nerd. ;)

    1. According to the parents, the kids get very excited about mail from us, so I will take it as a win. I mean, even if I am a dork about it!
