Monday, July 03, 2023

June 2023 Accountability Buddy

Thursday, June 1
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video

Friday, June 2
40-minute Caroline Girvan EPIC (day 8 - dumbbell upper body) - Rock on with this. Not a pushup or burpee in sight.

Saturday, June 3
Day off

Sunday, June 4
Day off

Monday, June 5
60-minute yoga class at the community center

Tuesday, June 6
30-minute Caroline Girvan EPIC Heat (day 9 - calisthenics - full body) - The core work at the end was more aspirational for me than anything else. Ha.

Wednesday, June 7
30-minute Caroline Girvan EPIC Heat (day 10 - dumbbell HIIT) - Nice workout. I did skip one set with side planks because moving through planks quickly is a surefire way for me to break a wrist, but otherwise this is a good, sweaty workout. Some burpees, but not that many.

Thursday, June 8
35-minute Caroline Girvan EPIC Heat (day 11 - glutes & hamstrings) - She does so many thrusts with her shoulders on a chair. I modify so I'm doing it on the floor because otherwise I hurt my neck, but I don't think I'm getting as full a workout as I might. Oh, well.  Not my favorite video, but I did it.

Friday, June 9
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video for low back and hamstring (my legs are VERY tight after yesterday's leg extravaganza)

Saturday, June 10
Day off

Sunday, June 11
Day off

Monday, June 12
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime*
30-minute WERQ (dance) class
30-minute yoga class

Tuesday, June 13
60-minute yoga/dance class at the community center

Wednesday, June 14
30-minute cardio & core class
30-minute body blast class

Thursday, June 15
40-minute Caroline Girvan EPIC Heat (day 12 - upper body) - I skipped one set of pushups, but did the rest. 

Friday, June 16
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute Caroline Girvan EPIC Heat (day 13 - lower body) - Lots of modifications for me on this. I did all the low-impact modifications and never used a dumbbell. 

Saturday, June 17
35-minute Caroline Girvan EPIC Heat (day 14 - total body)
Hey, doesn't this look easy?
Ha ha ha! I can't even do it for ONE SECOND.

Sunday, June 18
Day off

Monday, June 19
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
60-minute yoga class at the community center

Tuesday, June 20
60-minute yoga/dance/meditation class at the community center

Wednesday, June 21
30-minute cardio & core class
I've had some issues with my right flank since Sunday night. I'm not sure if it's just muscle pain or a kidney stone, but I've been watching it carefully. I usually do a second class on Wednesdays, but I opted out of it this week because each time I did a bouncing motion in the cardio class, it irritated my sore area. Fingers crossed this is a temporary blip because if it's a kidney stone that isn't moving, that's going to be an issue.

Thursday, June 22
Day off. I was just so tired. I took a nap. 

Friday, June 23
75-minutes yardwork. Hear me out, okay? We moved giant logs, so many stones, and trimmed so many trees and hedges. I was red-faced and soaked with sweat by the time we finished and this absolutely was on par with a run for me. 

Saturday, June 24
50-minute yoga video. This had a few poses that were too advanced for me and the instructor's cues were challenging to follow without looking at the screen. It was a fine video, but maybe I'm not the audience.

(I was kicking it old skool and working out downstairs in our living room area while my husband worked out upstairs. Hannah LOVES it when I do yoga downstairs and I have to admit that I love how she tries to always be right next to me. By the end, I had moved her dog bed next to my mat, but she did not want to be in her dog bed and she was just laying across my mat. I love that dog. We were absolutely breathing in sync by the end of the final resting pose.)

Sunday, June 25
30-minute Caroline Garvin EPIC Heat (day 15 - full body HIIT) - This was hard. Even with modifications, there were things I just couldn't do. Lots of mods for me here.

Monday, June 26
60-minute yoga class at the community center. My legs were very sore after yesterday's workout.  

Tuesday, June 27
60-minute yoga/dance/meditation class at the community center

Wednesday, June 28
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute yoga video
30-minute cardio & core class (very out of breath at the end of this one!)

Thursday, June 29
35-minute Caroline Girvan EPIC Heat (day 16 - triceps and delts) 

Friday, June 30
30-minute Fitness Blender HIIT + cardio + butt/thighs video (I thought this would be nice a nice break from Girvan - it was, but it was also hard and sweaty)
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video 

Totals: 24/30 (80%) days total
15 days strength/cardio
12 days yoga
4 15-minute stretch classes at lunchtime 
Not my best work, but not bad considering the heat, the travel I did, and my general summer laziness. I'll take it. 
*Our local healthcare group does free 15-minute stretch classes three times a week via Zoom. Come join us! It's fun! It's free! You don't ever have to be on camera! You have to register, but there's no cost. 


  1. I think you did great. Those CG workouts are HARD. And yardwork definitely counts as exercise. (Oh and for the record, I hate those hip thrusts too.). I love the thought of you and Hannah doing yoga together!

    1. Those hip thrusts! Ugh. I think I need a higher chair or something, but the only thing in the room with me where I exercise is a weight bench and it hurts my neck. *sigh*

      I did yoga with Hannah again yesterday. It makes me so happy that she wants to be with me!

  2. Someone needs to make yardwork into the latest fitness craze.

    I've got zero regrets about bailing on Epic Heat now - it looks like things continued on the same path as week one which bored me to tears. I think I just needed a CG break

    1. I used to chuckle at "gardening" on a list of light to moderate exercise you can do, but I guess my idea of "gardening" was just clipping roses and picking vegetables. I ignored all the hard stuff like mulching, cutting and trimming, and dragging giant logs and stones/bricks everywhere. It'll definitely get your heartrate up!

  3. I definitely agree that any outside yard work counts as a workout - we just don't have a way to 'record' it yet ;) same goes for "dog yoga"... if there is goat yoga, there should be dog yoga!

    1. I think Hannah would love to do dog yoga. Maybe I should bring her to my yoga class tonight and let her be the mascot!

  4. Loved the vignette of yoga with Hannah... Getting out the yoga mat was a cuddle signal for our Scout and Huckie too. Huckie's downward dog form is always better than mine anyway :).

    1. I love doing yoga with the dog trying to cuddle. She's not a cuddle kind of girl, so I love it that she takes the yoga mat as a sign that we should have bonding time! It's also nice to know that I'm not the only one who has pets who pester them during yoga, too.

  5. You are beating me, my friend. Gah. I barely exercised at all in June. I guess I did do a daily challenge, but aside from that (which I didn't finish because of The Stomach Bug of Horrors), and a few walks and two short runs...I just didn't exercise. How did this happen? Where did that month go?!

    1. Ha ha!! Well, I'm not responsible for keeping any children alive, so I think you generally beat me in your day-to-day responsibilities! It's not a competition - we all do what we have to do to be happy.

  6. We are so behind on planting this year because of being away the usual weekend we do it and then various other reasons/excuses. Husband and I rushed to the garden centre and planted the front bed before he left on his second-last trip. Eve and I weeded the massive jungle in the back and rammed in a few flowers between thunderstorms while he was away. I was elated and could not walk upright the next day.

    1. Ha! There was a day when we tried to do all the yardwork at once and it was very bad the next day. *sigh* I should go out there for 15-20 minutes every day instead of hours on the hottest weekend day there is, but I refuse to let the yard win.

  7. Yardwork is 100% exercise. They recommend it, even, as "light" exercise, although I agree with you. The rigor of the yardwork can make it moderate or even heavy exercise. (My dad maintains his fitness in the spring, summer, and fall by gardening every single day. They have a huge yard, and he has [beautiful] extensive gardens. It's astonishing what he can do - at nearly 80, now. I do worry, though, about the future. Sigh.)
    And you already know I <3 <3 <3 the Hannah story. :)

    1. I feel like "yardwork" and "gardening" are very different things. Gardening is like deadheading peonies and cutting roses, but yardwork is the crap when you have to dig and move heavy things and pull things out of the ground that don't want to get pulled out of the ground. That is how I justify it as a formal workout. Ha!
