Saturday, July 01, 2023

9.1 Hat - Sorting

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the first day of the month is "Hat."


I first saw this meme years ago, but it still makes me giggle. Hard times for the Sorting Hat. (If you don't understand this meme, don't worry about it. It's not important.)

Do you wear a hat when you ride a bike? (I do.)
Do you wear a hat when you work in the yard? (I sometimes do.)
Do you wear most days? (I do not.)
Do you have a favorite hat? (I do.)
Do you compulsively look for the word hat when you read books? (I do.)


  1. Aw yiss it's Hat Post time!!!!

    - I wear a baseball cap when I ride my bike (another blogger that I follow was recently in a bike crash so it's on my mind that I really should get a helmet)
    - N/A because I didn't plant a garden this year so I have no current yardwork duties.
    - In the summer I wear a sun hat when I walk the dog, in the winter I wear a "cold" hat so basically that's 10 months out of the year.
    - I like my winter hat. It's a men's knit hat from Target, and my late FIL had the same one. It's warm and long enough so that I can pull it down as far as I need to.
    - I do now thanks to you.

    1. I'm glad someone else looks forward to hat day! ;)

  2. Haha--I do not look for "hat" when I read. (But I bet I'll notice thanks to you!) I love hats especially beanies... and I do wear hats when I walk/work in the sun.

    I feel I can't wear sunglasses AND wear a hat for some reason. Is that a standard rule or is my face just too small (like a dinosaur as one kid memorably said).

    1. My goal is for all of my readers to become as good at finding hat in books as I am! I want my OCD to transfer to all of you!

  3. Do you wear a hat when you ride a bike? Yes
    Do you wear a hat when you work in the yard? Yes
    Do you wear most days? No
    Do you have a favorite hat? Yes, a ball cap from Life is Good
    Do you compulsively look for the word hat when you read books? No, but I suppose now I will!

    1. I am really enjoying that everybody answered all these questions! I'm riveted by the answers and can't figure out exactly why!

  4. I almost always wear a cap outdoors, sometimes a hat*. I wear a helmet when cycling.

    *I once knew home ec teachers who were adamant about the difference between caps and hats, and I got told. 🥸

    1. My husband is persnickety about hats v. caps, so I completely understand your conundrum in answering these questions!

  5. Hee hee -- I love the derelict Sorting hat photo. So funny!

    Do you wear a hat when you ride a bike? No! I wear a helmet!
    Do you wear a hat when you work in the yard? Sometimes, and sometimes while walking.
    Do you wear most days? No. My husband claims I look ridiculous in a hat. That shouldn't matter, and yet it does.
    Do you have a favorite hat? I have two hats (not counting winter hats) and I like them both.
    Do you compulsively look for the word hat when you read books? No! Should I be doing this?! Is there a hat secret code I am unaware of?

    1. I actually wear a cycling cap under my helmet a lot to stop sweat from dripping into my eyes, so I wear both!

      There's no secret hat code, but I started looking for hat quotes for one of these hat posts ( and now I can't stop.

  6. Hahahaha, I like that meme. No to all your questions- the only time I wear a hat is when I'm doing a long, hot run, and then I wear my ice cap. I guess you could call that my "favorite" hat then!

    1. Your ice cap seems like a really good investment for you!

  7. I love hats! I wear them all the time.
    - I wear a helmet on my bike
    -I avoid working in the yard as much as possible, and most certainly when the sun is high.
    - I am definitely a "Hat makes the outfit look better", kind of person and wear a hat several times a week.
    -My favorite hat was a red tam with tartan trim, but then Monica Lewinsky happened and I didn't like wearing my red hat as much anymore.

    1. Interesting! I feel like I look like a weirdo in a hat (I have a small head), so I'm always really fascinated by people who wear them a lot. Your hat is my scarf!

  8. I almost never wear a hat (if I can avoid it).

  9. I am definitely Team Hat - it becomes even more necessary in the summertime to protect my scalp (sunburn on the scalp suuuucks) and to protect my face. Sometimes I'll do a floppy hat when I'm at the pool but more often than not, it's a typical ball cap. I have a few from my fave football team that I like to wear!

    1. I look absolutely ridiculous in a ball cap, so that's not even an option for me. I'm jealous of your ability to wear one!

  10. I have not rode a bike since I got pregnant with Paul! I will get back on it eventually and I ALWAYS wear a helmet. I am very very very judgy about people who ride bikes without a helmet and will comment on it to Phil and my boys. It especially bothers me when a parent is biking with a child. They have their kid wear a helmet but they don't wear one? What kind of example is that setting about the optionality of hats??

    I only wear a hat when running or when I'm out and about with the kids on the weekend. I can not find a casual hat that I feel I look good wearing. So if I can't wear a baseball type of hat, I don't wear a hat.

    1. The cycling helmet thing is interesting. I do wear a helmet and I used to be a bit judgy about people who didn't. However, a lot of the research shows that helmets maybe aren't as protective as it was once thought. Because they're heavy, they actually change your center of balance in a way that people aren't used to, so they can actually cause more accidents with head damage - it some accidents, people would have naturally protected their heads without a helmet, but they don't have the ability to do so with the helmet on. There are a lot of variables about whether or not helmets help - speed, balance, road conditions, etc. - so it's not a "helmets are bad" argument, but rather a "helmets are complicated" argument. The benefit of wearing a helmet varies widely from study to study.

      There's also the whole thing that motorists drive closer to cyclists wearing helmets than to non-helmeted cyclists, so sometimes helmets signal things that you may or may not want them to. Argh. I wish it were easier to be a human.
