Wednesday, June 21, 2023

8.21 Decision - Daily

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-first day of the month is "Decision."


I recently learned that my husband has been under the impression that Mark Wahlberg was in the boy band New Kids on the Block.  What? I'm basically telling you this so that there is a record of me correcting my husband on a music-related topic. (I was not the NKOTB fan in my household - my sister was. However, because we shared a room, I know that Donnie, Jon, Jordan, Joey, and Danny were the members of the band. Neither my husband nor I was able to name each of the members of NSync or the Backstreet Boys, though. The boy band era just left us behind.)

I married a man who thought Mark and Donnie Wahlberg were the same person.


A series of decisions I've made today:

On our morning walk, do Hannah and I go to the right, left, or straight from the driveway?

Do I eat strawberries or cantaloupe with breakfast? 

Do I listen to podcasts or an audiobook while I shower?

Do I wash my hair in the shower?

What dress am I wearing today?

What project do I prioritize for this morning?

What book should I start reading now?

Is it too early to start reading the first chapters of A Tree Grows In Brooklyn?*

Can I just skip this job application since it doesn't include my undergraduate alma mater in its dropdown menu? Or pick a different school? What are the ethics behind this? It's a mid-tier state school that graduates thousands every year. It still exists. Why is it missing?

Do I put away the laundry while Dr. BB is upstairs practicing his guitar? 

Do I go over there and pet Zelda's belly even though I know she doesn't want me to?

When do I send that email? 

Air conditioning or windows open?


What's a dumb decision you had to make today?


*Don't forget that we're starting our ATGIB book club on July 10! See this post for more details. 


  1. I don’t know any of those people and have barely heard of those band, especially NSync whatever that is.

    1. Good for you! It's absolutely unnecessary information.

  2. Alrighty I lost touch with popular music in the early 90s and I'm not 100% sure what band Mark Wahlberg was in. But whoa I know it wasn't KNOTB! This reminds me of an evening in my late 20s when I was hanging out with a crowd in their early 20s and they didn't know the difference between Billy Idol and David Bowie.

    I've totally bailed in the middle of job applications that require too much effort. If they want to know where I went to school they can...READ MY RESUME.

    1. Mark Wahlberg is Donnie's brother and had that song "Good Vibrations" with Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch in 1991. Definitely NOT NKOTB material!

      I literally abandoned that application because I couldn't really check the "I confirm all this is true" and I had all sort of feelings about it. LOL. Mostly offense on the part of my alma mater. I mean, it's not like an Ivy League school or anything, but it's REAL.

  3. I want to know your answers to all these questions! A follow-up post tomorrow?
    No one tells you that adult life is basically all about making a series of hard/boring/mind-numbing decisions all day every day! Decisions are the central mark of adulthood!

    Also: *is* it too early to start reading the first chapters of A Tree Grows In Brooklyn??! I was debating this very fact last night. I don't want to get ahead...but also don't want to fall behind. I need your inform my answer!

    1. (Right, cantaloupe and cherries, podcast, no, short blue dress with flowers, job applications, Vita Nostra, No, skip it, wait until Dr. BB comes downstairs, of course, send the email after lunch, AC after lunch) - None of these are interesting, really.

      I started reading it because putting together the post and questions is going to take me a lot of time. Actually READING the 50 or so pages didn't take me very long at all! I think I'd probably put it off until the beginning of July if I were most people, but I guess I don't know how long it takes you to read 50 pages.

  4. well right now, the decision is do I catch up on reading all the lovely blogs that I haven't been reading while I've been in tech rehearsals? Or do I fill out my kids' camp forms that were due yesterday. Clearly I'm doing the grown up thing...

    1. But also... I think I was under the same impression as your husband about Mark and Donnie Wahlberg. Are they even related? I feel a google black hole coming on and those camp forms might never get done.

    2. Mark and Donnie are brothers!

  5. Having lived my entire life in Massachusetts, I feel so well-versed in the differences between the Wahlberg brothers, somewhat through osmosis vs. actual interest HAHA! One of my dumb decisions of today was to brush my hair before or after catching up on emails; I chose after and it backfired on me when someone video called me unexpectedly...

    1. Oh, no! I hate it when people unexpectedly want you to show your face. My hair and makeup aren't done! Oh, no!

  6. Excellent question. So far it's do I eat the last piece of wheat bread for breakfast toast or should I have an English muffin? Nothing is riding on this decision, but here I am contemplating it. [Leaning toward wheat toast]

    1. The thing is, nothing is riding on MOST decisions we make, but we just have to make decision after decision all day long!

  7. I don't know that I knew Mark Wahlberg wasn't in NKOTB. I knew there were 2 Wahlbergs in the band but I couldn't have told you their first names. I did listen to NKOTB as a tween and my best friend had a comforter with the faces of the boys in the band!

    The drop down list of college is very odd. Why do they need that level of specificity. When I started the interview process, there was some corporate speak provided to me about not passing judgment on where applicants went to school. Of the 6 I'm interviewing, I could only tell you where 2 of them went, and that's only because one is a son of a friend and the other was a D1 swimmer in college so his college stands out in my mind.

    First decision of the day was how to handle Paul's before 6am wake up. He came in at 5 am saying he was not tired anymore but I got him back to bed. Then he came in again at 5:45 to say he was hungry so I had to decide whether to be firm on our 6am wake up rule or to cave and go feed him. I decided to just feed him and get up for the day at that point. Between those 2 visits from him, I had to decide whether to go to the bathroom or wait until my 5:55 alarm went off. It was not a pleasant start to the day, in other words. Plus bedtime was rough. He's transitioning to the public school summer program on Monday and I think he is stressed about the transition and it's wreaking havoc on sleep/bedtime.

    1. I feel like I can't let this NKOTB misinformation stand on my blog. Donnie was the ONLY Wahlberg in NKOTB. Jordan and Jonathan Knight were a brother pair in the band. The other two members were Joey McIntyre and Danny Wood. I really don't have an allegiance to this band and I'm finding it hilarious that I feel like I need the record corrected. (Also, some of NKOTB's music holds up. Some doesn't.)

      I'm with Birchie on the college thing. It's on my RESUME. Just look there! Why do I need to upload a resume and cover letter AND then fill in all the same stuff in some dumb form? It's a very frustrating experience.

    2. Thanks for correcting this, lol! I was like- WHOA wait, I actually was a (brief) NKOTB fan- if you can count me being a fan in 1st grade, which is when I had NKOTB fleece PJs. Hahahaha. I think mostly my older sister was a fan and then I by default listened as well- plus I know "The Right Stuff" was on the radio a lot at that time. And I am positive there was only one Wahlberg! I think Lisa was thinking of Jordan and Jonathan Knight. :-)

    3. "The Right Stuff" and "Hangin' Tough" are still pretty good bops. (I think "Step by Step" is not as good to modern ears.) Those might be the only NKOTB songs I really know. Yes, I think Lisa was thinking of the Knight brothers! Joey! He was so CUTE.

    4. Well this shows how little I remember about the band!! Lol.

  8. This post reminded me that I had to decide whether to get ATGIB from the library or Amazon- and I decided library. I just put a hold on it (they didn't have a copy at our branch.) I'm excited about our book club!!!

    1. I'm so excited, too! I've been working on how I want to organize the posts, though, and am realizing that I should get started now because it's going to be a ton of work for me!

  9. Your decisions brought me a smile this morning... Although all of these decisions are fairly benign either way... Wow, how many decisions we make on any given day! No wonder it feels exhausting sometimes. It made me kinda want to go back to vacation mode... but wait... I'd still have to decide whether I want mango or papaya :D

    1. YES! You have to make decisions as an adult EVEN WHEN YOU'RE ON VACATION. This is not the reality I wanted when I was 12.

  10. Love your decisions. Mine: do I pay $100 for the three of us to visit Liberty Science Center or do we go hiking which is free?... Do I exercise or respond to blog comments? Ha.

    1. I mean, I'd always choose hiking over a science center! Easy. Now...exercise v. comments? That's a toughie!

  11. Well, that is not technically correct. Mark Wahlberg WAS briefly part of NKOTB very early on but then decided he didn't want to be in the band... Lifelong Blockhead here, ask me almost anything. LOL

    1. Oooohhh...I didn't know that! Interesting trivia fact!

  12. My husband could not tell you who were any members of, or the name of a Boy Band. You good!
    So many choices! This morning I had to choose do I want to wash our sheets or clothes? Today it was both! I know--thrilling stuff.

    1. Right? So many decisions, so little excitement!

  13. The number of boring yet consequential decisions on any given day is overwhelming to think about. In follow-up: Eat both kinds of fruit! Do you want Dr. BB's input on the laundry, or was the goal to listen to him playing the guitar? How do you listen to audiobooks/podcasts in the shower? (I am suspecting a bluetooth speaker...?)
    My most recent mundane decision... um... well, I'm revising a presentation for class next week and I'm making all sorts of boring decisions about what to keep from last year and what to consign to the dustbin of my academic life?
    Also - when places don't have my alma mater (which, come on, people) and no way of ADDING it so you can't correct their list... Rage. :)

    1. Right? None of these decisions mean anything! But you HAVE to make them or your day grounds to a halt.

      I didn't want to disturb Dr. BB when he was practicing and I had to take the laundry upstairs. However, I didn't want to put off putting laundry away because if I do that, the laundry will be there all day.

      IMPORTANT LIFE HACK: I put my phone in a Ziploc and take it into the shower with me to listen to audiobooks/podcasts/music. I heard about this on a podcast once and it was genius and that's how I do that!
