Tuesday, May 23, 2023

7.23 Atmosphere - Late May

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-third day of the month is "Atmosphere."


New in the neighborhood this week: alliums everywhere!

Late May rocks for our household. My husband's birthday and our anniversary happen while spring semester ends for my husband. I wish I could express to other people how much chiller the whole vibe of our household gets as soon as my husband submits grades in May. He's wearing chinos and t-shirts and not tucking them in! Ties and belts are things of the past. You want to run an errand in the middle of the day? Hey, why not?!

The last week has felt a little bit like we're both skipping school. I even cancelled a meeting I didn't want to hold just because it fell on our anniversary. 

This rush doesn't last forever. As soon as Memorial Day weekend is over, he starts doing his summer work - research, book reviews, and preparing for next semester's new preps. I have a series of job interviews to research and prep for.  We need to find a dogsitter for the few days we'll be out of town for compulsory family events. 

But for the next week? Welcome to La Casa de Gimbalsh: El gato, el perro, y dos personas perezosas!


  1. Oh, I love that skipping school feeling! Your enthusiasm is so palpable in this post, and I hope you squeeze every ounce of summer fun out of this more casual time!

    1. It's been so great. I am really loving it.

  2. Oh, how wonderful! That breezy relief and sense of freedom are so liberating. Having time together to really relax and Be Together is everything. It's like a little preview of retirement! Enjoy!

    1. Ha ha. Retirement. That's something people in my generation do not think is going to happen. LOL.

  3. Ooh, what a fun vibe in your house! And how nice that it coincides with your anniversary, although I imagine you were intentional about the timing of your wedding so it would be during an easier time in the academic year. I have a May anniversary, too - May 19th. May is FULL of celebrations for us. My sister, SIL, nephew, grandma and MIL all have birthdays. I spent so much on cards at Target last week!

    Next time you are in the library, see if they have the picture book "Gato Guapo." It's one of our favorites right now. Your last sentence made me think of it!

    1. YES! There are a few other May birthdays, as well (my mother, my FIL, one nephew, one niece, my BIL), so it's just a wonderful period of celebration.

      Thanks for the Gato Guapo rec. I put it on my holds list!

  4. Woo hoo enjoy the down time while it lasts! And also, congrats on the upcoming interviews!

    1. I'm loving every second of my husband in chill mode. It's so rare!

  5. Enjoy your "free feeling" end of May! The weather looks to be spectacular this whole week + upcoming weekend, so, YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

    1. Wisconsin is SHOWING UP WITH THE BEST PART OF THE YEAR. Woot woot!

  6. That sounds like a wonderful week for you two! I need a time like that with my husband!

    1. I wish everyone could experience it for at least a few days every year.

  7. Happy birthday and happy anniversary! Enjoy the down time!

    1. It's been great. I recommend it to everyone.

  8. Untucked shirts!
    I love when it's almost summer - all the relaxed vibes and outdoor time without the hot gross weather.
    I hope the job interviews go well!

    1. Untucked shirts are a SIGN in our house. Ha.

  9. Yes, we have the same vibe going on around here. My husband's last day of school was today (!!!) and my daughter has two more days and of course my son is home for the summer. i love it! My work schedule doesn't change, but I still feel carefree- especially since I will be assigning my husband some cooking duties for the summer, heh heh heh. Anyway, happy anniversary! And happy birthday to your husband.

    1. Oh, yes, now that he's not working as much, I can assign a lot of small things to my husband, which clears some off my plate. It's glorious.

  10. It's SO WEIRD here now that Ben works a 12-month academic gig-- summer break is THE BEEEEEST. More about these job interviews perhaps?

    1. I've essentially become a job interview expert in the last six months and I'm officially sick of it and don't really want to talk about it. Ha. If anything ever pans out, I'll discuss my job search, but in the meantime, it gives me the sads and I'm not up for it.

  11. Enjoy your "week off!" I used to love this time of year when I was in school. The vibe was so chill and it was like the end of something that you had worked hard at and it was so nice to know there was a break coming (even if you did have to still work full time over the summer, it still seemed like a break) and August seems so far away....

    1. August does seem far away. I know it will be here before we know it, but...

  12. I like that skipping school feeling, like you're a rebel and young again. I'm feeling it vicariously through this post. Skip on, my friend

    1. YAAAAASSS! I'm going to savor every moment of it.

  13. Happy anniversary. And yes, please enjoy the leisure week to the fullest :)

  14. I know exactly of which you speak. I'm well into teaching for the summer and summer work now, too, but oh, the freedom of hitting the "Submit" button on my grade roster. Nothing makes me happier, even if I love all my students (or, at least, most of them). I'm sorry to hear the job situation is still frustrating, and hope you'll share when you do have good news, my friend. <3
