Thursday, February 23, 2023

4.23 Atmosphere - The Difference in a Day

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-third day of the month is "Atmosphere."


Earlier this week, Hannah and I were loving life. The skies were blue, it was warm enough that most of the snow had melted, but still cold enough that the ground was frozen and not muddy. Hannah was game to practice some platforming on rocks as long as sweet potatoes kept coming out of my pocket. We were two peas in a pod making our way around town thinking to ourselves that maybe February isn't as bad as we remembered.

I think we all know where this is going. The meteorologists started proclaiming it was going to be a monster storm, the local school closed on Wednesday morning and the university where my husband works canceled in-person classes, leading to a second mid-week snow day for us in two weeks. 

But the bad weather started on Wednesday with sleet and rain and hail and no snow. The driveway was just an ice sheet, so no afternoon walk for us. Instead, I let Hannah into the backyard to play. She was very grumpy about the sleet in her eyeballs and so she found shelter under a giant pine tree and proceeded to be a weirdo.

There is no sun in the 10-day forecast, my friends. February has come calling.


  1. Oh ugh, we are getting some WEATHER this week too. It snowed a ton on Tuesday, and right now it's *checks app* minus 29, feels like minus 35. Hmmm. Well, I guess I'll be bundled up to take Rexie out, but later in the day. I have a class this morning, brrr.

    1. Okay, I guess I shouldn't complain because it's nowhere near as cold here, but it's just so overcast and I struggle to stay cheerful.

  2. It's going to be 70 this afternoon and 20 by tonight I appreciate that we haven't been buried in snow for weeks on end like last year but the constant up/down is getting monotonous. Give us summer already!!!

    1. 70! It's going to be 70! I would open all the windows and put on a sundress and really celebrate.

      But you're right that these swings in temperatures are exhausting in their own way.

  3. I thought the sky in your first post looked unusually blue for February! Yes, I remember those endless strings of gray days. i hope at least there's no more sleet, so Hannah can have her walks.

    1. Hannah sliding around on the ice has been the highlight of my day. Not hers, though.

  4. Our schools are closed today from the same storm (I think). By this time next month, there should be big changes. Hopefully. Please let it be so.

    1. Snow can keep going through April. *sigh* But March and April snows don't tend to stick around because the temperatures will go up. Fingers crossed spring arrives soon!

  5. OMG, your post made me panic and rush to check on sunshine in our forecast... We have some super weird weather (same ice storm as you, I suspect) but some sunshine too. I'll take it.

    1. I checked again and the forecast has been updated so it does look like we'll get some sunshine this weekend. Thank heavens!

  6. It's so gray and yucky here and the ice rain is really SHARP. We had to put hockey pucks under our tires on the driveway last night because some people were sliding down their drives. Blah.

    1. So much sleet. I would rather have had snow.

  7. Tuesday we had gusting winds, yesterday we had torrential sleet and rain, and today it is 60 and sunny?!?!?! I mean, I am not complaining (today at least), but PICK A LANE, FEBRUARY. I think it is supposed to be int he 20s tomorrow. I just want some snow, but that is probably being way too picky when most people around the country probably just want LESS SNOW THANKS. Hope you are all warm and dry and that you have power.

    1. Yes, the constant ups and downs are EXHAUSTING. Selfishly, for my part, the change in air pressure makes my bad leg act up, so I'm constantly limping and I hate that because it makes me look like I'm much older than I am!

  8. We had a snowfall warning for last night and today (like we do every frigging Wednesday or Thursday it seems), but it didn't really materialize. With the windchill it was like -20 though. I just want it to be cold and sunny.

    1. YES! Cold and sunny is so much better than grey days. Although -20 is too cold, to be fair.

  9. Wait, are you sure? We totally had tons of sun today! Full sunshine! I think tomorrow is supposed to be full sunshine too. Hopefully the weather report you looked at was wrong. :) Not sure exactly where you are but I think you're close enough that you should have some sun, too....

    1. The forecast changed so we DID have loads of sunshine this weekend and I'm trying to enjoy every second of it!

  10. I suppose you've got to embrace the sunny, not so sleety days when you can!

    1. The sun is KEY in my life, really. The rare sleety day is fine, but I can't have it for days and days on end!

  11. I am so envious of how little snow you have on the ground. We HAVE SO MUCH SNOW! It's insane. And then we got freezing rain today which is the absolute worst, but we'll cover that layer of ice with 1-3" of snow on Wednesday. I'm at the point where I feel like spring won't be here until like May.

    1. Well, we got a bit more snow and then some ice and now it's pouring rain. We probably won't have any snow left by the end of today! We have had a lot milder winter than you, but the extreme swings from high to low temps is really frustrating.

      I am hopeful that March is going to bring some better weather for all of us in the upper Midwest.

  12. February weather has been insane everywhere. It's been so cold here. I usually take out the flipflops (at least for a few days) in February.
