Saturday, January 14, 2023

3.14 Control - Zelda In Charge

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the fourteenth day of the month is "Control."


I had just come in from warming up the car, but I had forgotten something upstairs. I threw my coat on the bench by the door, took my shoes off, and ran upstairs to get the item. I came back downstairs within thirty seconds to find this:

I have no control over this cat. She rules our house with an iron fist. I had to pick her up and put her on her cat tree. She was utterly disgusted with me and made it known.

Who's in charge at your house?


To see what Bestest Friend has control of, go visit her at Too Legit to Quit.


  1. Last evening, I went downstairs to sit because cat was using my chair upstairs.

    1. Ha! We regularly have to go around the pets when they're lying in inconvenient places, so I completely understand this.

  2. We SAY it's us...but really it's the kids (but we try hard to not let them know this). We're all for boundaries and independence and all sorts of proactive parenting techniques. But they get sick and life has to basically stop until they're better. They get hungry and life is miserable until they're fed. Or, in the case of our summer roadtrip, they need to find a public bathroom and this hunt dominates entire days!

    1. Yes, I think when small children are around, they are always the ones who lead the mood and activity!

  3. It's about time Zelda gets her own post! We hear all about Hannah, but we know who's really in charge. In our house I'd say it's not our cuddly calico cat, but our surly black cat, Charlotte. If you do something she doesn't like she has this way of staring at you as if to say "Surely, you jest."

    1. Zelda is 100% in charge in this house and she knows it. Sounds like Charlotte knows it, too.

  4. You're in Control because you didn't go find a different coat to wear, which is what *I* would have done. Sad, but true.

    1. I don't really have another option in the winter and I didn't want her to knead my only winter coat and put holes in it! In other circumstances, I might have found an alternative so I wouldn't "inconvenience" her.

  5. Oh, Maggie is, for sure! She has no doubt that Cat Needs beat human ones every time.

    1. There's something about when you have to move a cat off your lap because you have some important human thing to do that makes all of us feel as if we've committed a truly terrible sin.

  6. Awww this is so cute. A warmth opportunist? A plea to take her with you? An attempt to keep you at home? My kid is definitely the one in control in our house. She is very persuasive. And cute.

    1. I think she just wanted to be in soft, warm place. The rest of it is giving her too much credit for wanting to be with me!

  7. Yay Zelda! It's cold and your coat was warm so....

    My dog is very sweet and well behaved, but we like to joke that it's because she's done such a good job of training us.

    1. Yes, both Zelda and Hannah have trained us. It's the point of pets, I think!

  8. I mean, if you moved me from your body-warmed coat, I would definitely give you disgusted feline side eye myself...
    I feel like no one is in control at our house... chaos, utter chaos.

    1. Ha! I guess I should be grateful that Zelda has stepped up as master of the house so it's not utter chaos!

  9. Well, I mean... it looks pretty comfy and inviting :)

    1. I guess, particularly if you're a cat and it's right at your level.

  10. My husband will tell you I am in charge. But right now, Will has a lot of power since he can lose his mind at the drop of the hat. "Oh, you want to sit on mom's lap while you eat breakfast? Fine. Now you want to sit on dad's lap? Sure." We'll do anything - within reason - to avoid a full on meltdown!

    1. Ha! I do think toddlers can really change the vibe of the room if they're not happy, so it's clear that they're truly the ones leading the way.
