Thursday, October 13, 2022

NaBloPoMo 2022 Starts Soon!

Blog friends!  Are you going to join San this year for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month)? This is the blogging challenge to blog every day in November. I have completed it in 2020 and 2021 and am excited to do it again next month. Check out San's page if you want to sign up.

The Benefits:
You get to write more!

Other people who join the challenge come to your blog and interesting conversations start up. You might discover some new to you blogs, too.

For people who write longer posts, it's nice to practice doing some short and sweet posts. For people who already write short and sweet posts, it's nice to keep the momentum going by writing every day.

How do you do it?

San wrote up a list of best practices last year and I think it's super handy, so consult that first because she's the expert.

I have already created an editorial calendar with blog topic ideas for each day. Some of them are things I do every year (my holiday ornament search), some I do sporadically (Snapshot of the Day), sometimes it just says "book" and I know I'll post a book review that day, but that definitely supposes I have a book to write about. Sometimes the reading mojo is not with me and if that happens on those days, I'll have to be creative. 

Something else I think is crucial and important to admit to all of you is that I don't actually write every day in November. For example, I know that I'm going to be gone over Thanksgiving for at least a day, so I will actually write that post ahead of time. And some are posts that just take a long time, so I have even started drafting some of those, just so I'm not trying to stay afloat writing posts, writing comments on other people's NaBloPoMo blogs, and still live my life.

ALSO! The brilliance of this is that if you post something you're not super proud of one day, it doesn't really matter because it will be replaced the next day with a new post. I think some of us get precious about what we publish and this is a nice reminder that posts are ephemeral and sometimes it's more important to put something out there than to write nothing.

How can I help?

If you want to join, sign up on San's site. If you don't want to join, that's great. Please support those who are doing it by spreading the word about it on your own blog and commenting on other people's blogs during November.

Also, I think I'm going to do a Q&A post during November for one of those posts, so now is your chance to ask me your burning questions. What have you always wanted to know about me that you don't already know?  Last year I did a 20 Questions post and I thought it was a nice way to introduce myself to new readers. I'll probably answer some basic questions, but what do YOU want to know?  Leave the questions below.


  1. I'm going to do NaBloPoMo this year. I'm excited :)
    1. Have you always had pets? Like, did your family have cats/dogs etc when you were younger?
    2. Do the people you send snail mail to each month also respond via the postal service?
    3. I'm curious about your scarf STORAGE. How/where do you store scarves. By colour? By frequency you're likely to wear them?
    4. What's your favourite meal - start to finish?
    5. What's your ideal vacation?
    6. What's your dream job (like dream-dream; money is no object and you can snap your fingers and acquire all the necessary skills immediately)?

    1. Yay! I'm excited to read what you write. Thanks for the questions! I'm hoping the Q&A post will go well.

  2. I do post on most days, but I have to do my own thing in my own way.

    1. No need to follow rules if you don't want to!

  3. I have a question! What is your grad degree in? If that's too personal, it's okay, but I am curious. I have a MA in economics and I feel like we have a lot of things in common (I can also solve systems of equations!)
    I am not doing NaBloPoMo, but I will try my best to at least check in on my friends who are. To be honest, it's sometimes a struggle to get to all the posts, because I follow so many lovely blogs, but I'll try to get to most of them!

    1. I second this, Nicole! As I have stumbled across more and more great blogs in the last year or so, I have a hard time always getting to leave comments that I'd like to in a timely fashion! Depends on the season for me. I did better before I got sucked into reading blogs on Feedly on my phone, because while I can read from there, I can't leave comments easily from there.... so sometime I just end up "thinking" my comment and never end up going back to the site on my desktop to leave the comment! I really should just wait and read the blogs on my computer, as I prefer to. Although, I do find reading blogs on my phone on Feedly to be a superior use of "scrolling time" compared to scrolling Facebook or something.

    2. I do understand all this. I don't expect people to comment on every post - that would be crazymaking! Although I guess I'll be interested to see how many people actually participate - it might not be as many as you think.

  4. I've gone back and forth on this. I might at least take a stab at weekday posts. I'll certainly be reading;-)

    Questions in addition to what Elisabeth & Nicole asked: not only what is your degree in but why did you chose that field? How did you meet Dr. BB?

    1. Oooohhh... great questions! Thanks for adding some.

  5. I'm doing it! It was so much fun to do it last year and I have already planned out all of the posts I'm going to write this year. It's a big time commitment, but it's really fun and it forces me to write "quick" posts on those days when I don't have enough time.

    My questions for you:
    1. What are some of your best marriage tips?
    2. What are some of the books you recommend over and over again?
    3. Do you like to travel? What are some of the places you want to travel to?

    1. Ha ha! I love the idea that I have marriage tips. I'll do my best to answer that question, but no guarantees!

  6. Oh yes, I'm definitely doing it. I've started getting organized but I really need to buckle down and think about some posts. I will say that last year I pretty much jumped in at the last minute and it was fine! Not every post was an incredible masterpiece but as you pointed out, they don't have to be. It's definitely a worthwhile and fun experience. I"ll try to think of a good question for you , and post it in a future comment.

    1. Right?! If I had to publish 30 masterpieces, I'd never do it! But just hit publish every day? I can do that. I hope!

  7. Posting every day seems like a good challenge - most weeks, I feel like I only get to sit down and write once a week. But November should be a slower week for me work-wise and now that all my kids are in school, I think I could be up for it!
    Oooh... for your Q&A:
    - What is your ideal environment in which to write/blog? Or to Read?
    - How do you organize and keep track of all the details about a book that end up in your blog posts?
    - My ten year old wants to read a romance novel with "just kissing" - what would you recommend?

    1. Ooohhh...good questions. Thanks for adding them!

  8. I am newer to your blog so this is a good way for me to get to know you even better. Here are my questions:
    - If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
    - What is the best vacation you've taken
    - What does your husband teach? If that isn't too personal/he's ok with you sharing.

    1. Yay! Thanks for the questions. I'm realizing that there's a lot people don't know that I take for granted!

  9. I tried this one year and It felt like too much for me. But then, I've got these rules in my head that when I post and share, I must read others posts and comment. Sometimes it's too challenging and I have enough challenges in life. LOL. 😜😳
    Best of luck with it. I do think short posts will be much easier for you to manage though...and I will do my best to keep up with all my NaBloPoMo blog friends!

    1. It IS a lot to publish every day and I absolutely understand not wanting to get yourself into it. LOL! People will love your support to keep going, though!

  10. Thanks so much for getting the word out and for joining in again - I love that we have a number of people who're doing NaBloPoMo this year and I love that you're all getting excited about it!!

    Here's a couple of questions for you:
    - when do you usually blog? Do you write drafts or sit down and knock out the whole thing in one sitting?
    - what's your favorite movie of all time?
    - Who's your girl crush and why?

    1. Great questions! Thanks so much!

  11. So glad you're doing this - I will try to keep up with reading (albeit, as always, slightly behind...). I would love to know a few things...
    - also want to know what your degree was in
    - favorite childhood memory?
    - how did you end up where you live? job(s)? other?
    - this is just a bonus, but only of course if you're comfortable sharing - are the people you write to every month friends? relatives? something else? I've always been curious about who they are! And do they write back???
    Thanks! :)

    1. So many questions about my snail mail. I didn't know it was so interesting! Thanks for the questions.
