Thursday, August 04, 2022

July 2022 Accountability Buddy

Friday, July 1
Day off because I felt like crap.

Saturday, July 2
Hours in the yard, bending and dragging and lifting and sweating.

Sunday, July 3
30 minute HIIT video from Fitness Blender.

Monday, July 4
45 minute restorative yoga video. I have very mixed thoughts on this one. The woman puts you in poses in and then leaves you there for minutes and minutes with no chatter. It is clear to me that I need the chatter. Rather than restorative, I found it deeply distressing to not know if the video had frozen up.  I like the sequences of poses, though, and can see myself doing this on my own.

Tuesday, July 5
30 minute lower-body focused class.

Wednesday, July  6
No workout. I woke up early for traveling and did a very brief 5 minute yoga session when I got there, but nothing formal.

Thursday, July 7
My mom and I walked for miles and miles today. When my mom checked her step tracker at lunchtime, it was over five miles and we just kept going after that.

Friday, July 8
My mom and I did a bunch more walking again today. I don't know how many miles it was, but let's say it was at least as much as yesterday.

Saturday, July 9
No workout today. It was a travel day.

Sunday, July 10
Went for a run in the morning.

Monday, July 11
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime.
60 minute yoga class at the community center.

Tuesday, July 12
30 minute upper-body focused class.

Wednesday, July 13
20 minute Yoga with Adriene video and a 10 minute moving meditation video

Thursday, July 14
Day off.

Friday, July 15
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime. This was a tiny bit of a cluster because the instructor was at the county fair, teaching it from her phone. Hilarious and fun.
Run after work.

Saturday, July 16
Day off. I drove to Michigan and then went to a graduation party.

Sunday, July 17
30 minute total body workout video.

Monday, July 18
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime.
45 minute 2 Birds yoga video

Tuesday, July 19
30 minute total body weight workout video.

Wednesday, July 20
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime.
30 minute cardio class.
30 minute body blast class.

Thursday, July 21
Day off. 

Friday, July 22
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime.
A couple of Yoga with Adriene videos. I really liked the combo of these two back to back.

Saturday, July 23
30 minute tabata cardio video. This was effective, but since every other exercise was the same, it was boring. There was no warm-up included and no instruction given.  Generally I don't editorialize, but I don't recommend this video, so I won't link to it.
15 minute Fitness Blender arm workout.

Sunday, July 24
30 minute lower-body video from Fitness Blender. 

Monday, July 25
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime.
60 minute yoga class at the community center.

Tuesday, July 26
30 minute arm class.

Wednesday, July 27
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime.
30 minute cardio class.

Thursday, July 28
Day off

Friday, July 29
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime.
A couple of Yoga with Adriene videos

Saturday, July 30
30 minute lower-body video from Fitness Blender. (I did this right before dinner and that was a mistake. I was shaking pretty hard by the end. I clearly should have had a snack beforehand. Lesson learned.)

Sunday, July 31
30 minute arm video from Fitness Blender.

22/31 (71%) days of formal workouts of 30 minutes or more (plus two days of endless walking with my mom, but I won't count those as "formal")
7 yoga workouts
15 cardio/strength workouts
8 short lunchtime stretch classes

This is cutting it close to my 5/7 (71.4%) days of the week, but I was traveling a fair amount, so I feel okay about this month. I did prioritize working out when I was home and when I was away, I did try to bring movement into my life.

The lunchtime stretch classes that I take are offered for free through our local hospital system. If you're interested, here's the link to sign up.  Come join us! It's really fun, I swear. And free. 


  1. I think you did well.

  2. I really like the stretch class, when I can make it! I'm grateful that they let me in from so far away.

    1. It's so great to see you when you come! We welcome everybody.

  3. You did great! Traveling can really mess with my workout schedule, so I think you did such a great job!

    I really want to join that lunchtime stretch class. One day!

    1. You really should come join us! It's only fifteen minutes, it's free, and you don't have to have your video on, so no one can see you. It's great fun!

  4. Great job! Every day you show up for yourself is a good day! But we also all deserve rest days in between!
