Friday, August 28, 2020

Dark Lover by J. R. Ward


J.R. Ward's first entry in the sprawling world of The Black Dagger Brotherhood is Dark Lover. Ward sets up a world in which vampires exist, but in really small numbers. They can't be in the sunlight and seem to be really strong and have good senses, but other than that, none of the rules apply. Vampires drink from each other, not humans. But there are other beings, Lessers, who are trying to kill the vampires.  Okay, so it's a paranormal book. Oh, no, it's a "romance."

The Black Dagger Brotherhood is made up of vampires Wrath, Torhment, Zsadist, Vishous, Rhage, and Phury.  You guys.  Zsadist?!  Phury. These names almost made me barf.

And let's discuss Beth, our "heroine." Turns out she's the daughter of a human mother and a vampire father and the vampire father had basically stalked her until his death.  At the age of 25, she undergoes a "change" and becomes a vampire and she's totally turned on by Wrath, who has vowed to protect her since the death of her father.

Beth is such a spineless creature. Wrath is an alpha without any redeeming qualities.  The sex scenes were steamy, but this is not a relationship that will end well. I can see them staying together and Beth basically becoming the human equivalent of Wrath's punching bag, but neither of them will be happy together.

So.  There you have it. If you can get past the ridiculous names, it's a cheesy romantic novel with the manliest of vampires. If that's your jam, go for it.  

I did put the next book on my hold list to see if Ward moves beyond this, but I'm not holding out too much hope for it.

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