Friday, June 14, 2019

2019 CSA Week #1

Since our old farm shut down after last season, we're now using a different farm's CSA. I'm excited to see what new items we get and how quickly I fall behind. If you're not familiar with a CSA, here's a brief introduction I wrote about it.

This week finds us with some glorious early season goodies:
Salad mix
Basil plant

We're supposed to repot that basil plant and use its leaves all summer.  I don't know if that will happen. We don't love basil in this house, although the idea of a caprese salad with giant chunks of mozzarella sure sounds great to me right now.

We already chopped that kale up and used it in a frittata with goat cheese and kalamata olives. It was delicious.

We'll probably use the fennel in a chicken and rice dish that we're fond of that uses the slow cooker. I took it out my mother-in-law's Real Simple years ago and it's truly a joy when we have fennel around.

Dr. BB said the turnip greens didn't look great, so he tossed those. He did save the radish greens, so I'll saute those and eat them for lunch sometime next week.

I'll eat the radishes and turnips raw for lunch. Those turnips are so delicious. If you, like me, have some messed up idea from your childhood that turnips are not good, you are so wrong.  These ones are mild and smooth and I adore them.

The salad mix is actually our biggest problem. This farm really likes its salad greens, but we don't love them. I'll probably attempt to eat them as side salads with dinners, but that's a big bag. I don't know. I'll get you an update next week.

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