Friday, September 01, 2017

2017 CSA Week 13: More Tomatoes

Peppers (4)
Slicer tomatoes (11! Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Cilantro (ha ha! I put it in someone else's basket and never brought it home)
Garlic (2 bulbs)
Sweet onions (4)

As an update from last week, I took Debbie's advice and made some tomato soup from the tomatoes we got. I portioned it into four servings (the recipe said it made eight servings, but...) and I had it for lunch with grilled cheese and damn, that was good. I mean, I don't eat gluten free bread very often, but if you grill it with enough butter, it cannot be better. Since it was just me eating this (this would be way too acidic for Dr. BB), I also was able to load up on garlic and onions, so bonus.  I think making tomato sauce would be a very useful thing, as well, but what do you do with tomato sauce if you don't eat pasta? (Gluten free pasta is not okay, my friends.)
Anyway. I also made some zucchini bread with the rest of our summer squash and it was delicious and that is the end of that. The summer squash has not been doing well on our farm, so I don't think we're getting anymore. There's also been a late-season blite on the tomatoes, so, according to the newsletter, this is the end of the tomatoes and also why we've been getting so many at one time instead of doled out in reasonable amounts like most years.

(Not CSA-related, but I've been trying to come up with a replacement for my somewhat expensive 100-calorie pack of guacamole for lunch and I made some hummus from dried chickpeas and it was disgusting. I also used some garlic in that. We're not doing badly on the garlic front is what I'm saying.  Our farmers also suggested storing it in olive oil. I'm going to do more research on that.)

This week brings us another 11 tomatoes! I will probably make more soup and freeze it. I can imagine it being delightful in the winter.
 I'll eat the carrots and peppers raw with lunch. The chard will be used for a frittata.  I might do some grilled chicken breasts for a quick dinner next week and have chicken salad with that lettuce. The parsley, garlic, and onions will be more challenging, but I'll keep chipping away at the vegetable overload.
And that's all I have to say about vegetables this week.


  1. If you have a good gluten free pizza crust, you could make your own sauce. Those carrots are fabulous. Cilantro is from the devil.

  2. I love that you put your cilantro in someone else's box. Hilarious!
