Friday, August 25, 2017

2017 CSA Week 12: So Many Tomatoes

We took some yard clippings to the compost pile on Wednesday and people were literally dropping off boxes of zucchini and other summer squash, so I think it's possible that I'm not alone in my Overwhelmed by Vegetables lifestyle.

Sweet peppers (2)
Slicer tomatoes (11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Delicata squash (1)
Dragon tongue beans
Let's address the elephant in the room, shall we? WTF am I supposed to do with 11 tomatoes? It's not enough to even think about the arduous process of canning, but even I can't eat that many raw tomatoes before they go bad.  I'm dumbfounded by this.

I'm really, really, really looking forward to that squash. Delicata is one of our favorites. We'll split it open, deseed it, rub some oil on it, and bake it until it's deliciously tender. Add some Parmesan on top and you've got yourself my favorite squash.

I'll eat the peppers raw and damn it, those stupid beans too.

We've been using lettuce at a good clip, so I don't think that will be a problem and the kale will be used in an egg dish as per our usual.  The garlic will just get thrown in the fridge and come October I'll either give away a dozen bulbs or bring it over to the compost heap like everyone else around here does, I guess.

We have a chicken dish we use fennel in. Dr. BB likes it, although I don't love it.  We'll probably make that to use the fennel, although the fronds may not get entirely used.

And that is that. I still have a zucchini from last week, but otherwise we did pretty well with stuff from last week. Now send me idea about how to use a dozen tomatoes. 


  1. Roasted tomato soup! Roast the garlic cloves with the tomatoes, and you've used up two things in one recipe. I like this one from Epicurious:

  2. Roasted tomato sauce! Quarter and roast at 400 with olive oil, minced garlic, half a diced onion, and some basil for maybe an hour. Take them out and after they cool peel them. Lightly blend and done. SO GOOD.

  3. I hate tomatoes so I cannot help you there. But I also love garlic. Do you and Dr. BB not like garlic, or is it something he is unable to eat? I have really enjoyed roasting it with other vegetables. We do onions and potatoes and garlic cloves tossed in salt, pepper, and olive oil, roasted in the oven for a loooong time. The garlic gets really soft and delicious. A++, highly recommend. OH! And have you considered using the fennel in soup? I made an asparagus soup that used fennel, and a) the fennel was hardly recognizable, which was fine with me and b) the soup was delicious. Let me know if it sounds good to you and I will dig up the recipe.

    1. Dr. BB can't really have onions or garlic. We use very, very small amounts (if a recipe calls for a clove, we might use a quarter, if a recipe calls for an onion, we might use an eighth), so it's not that we don't LIKE garlic, it's just that it's slow going in terms of usage.
