Thursday, February 23, 2017

Random Thoughts (And Slight Spoilers for La La Land)

1) I took this photo yesterday. It was in the high 60s and sunny and I didn't wear so much as a jacket. Today we had a high of 43 and it rained. Weather of the Midwest is in its full mercurial nature right now.

2) I recently purchased a bag of potato chips. Okay, fine, I purchased the chips to watch the Super Bowl which was one of the saddest non-Lions football games I have ever had the displeasure of watching. I buy chips once a year and it's for my private Super Bowl party with the sole invitees of me, Dr. BB, and Zelda. ANYWAY. I ate a handful of chips while watching the game and then I puzzled over the remaining chips.

When does one eat chips? Not in the morning, right? I'm not going to eat yogurt and granola with a side of chips. So lunch?  Okay, maybe, but my lunch is perfectly portioned to get me through until after my workout and I don't like to mess with it too much. I could eat it as my post-workout snack, but seriously that makes me feel like I'm undoing all my getting buff* work. So maybe with dinner? It seems like a weird side, but I guess maybe people do that. After dinner I don't usually eat, so now I'm out of time in the day to eat them.

In case you can't tell, I threw out about half a bag of chips because they got stale when I couldn't figure out an appropriate eating schedule.

3) We went to the movies to see La La Land a couple of weeks ago. I'm not a movie watching person usually, so this was a big deal.  We planned our entire weekend around it. And I was looking forward to a lighthearted musical with a happy ending that would make me forget, for even a couple of hours, of how crappy everything** is right now. And that. . . is not what I got. As soon as the movie ended and the credits rolled, I said "that is NOT okay" and a woman in front of me said "you are right about that." Even now, WEEKS later, I will occasionally plaintively ask Dr. BB why it had to end that way.  I just wanted it to be HAPPIER. 

* I am definitively not buff. I would have to work out much more and much harder than I do.

**Vagueblogging here: Politics, sick relatives, and a husband whose stress level is so high he might fade away into nothing if he doesn't eat something soon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry things are rough for you and your husband. Hoping it passes soon.

    The potato chip topic made me chuckle. I feel kind of the same as you do: chips are for parties. When else do you eat them? The only time I can think of is when I'm on vacation with my family and we go to the lake. We'll always bring chips to munch on while we're sunning on the dock.
