Sunday, March 15, 2015

10.15 Inertia - The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Bestest Friend and I are in the middle of a blog project. Each day of the month we will post a picture on a pre-determined theme and write a little something about it. The theme for the fifteenth day of each month is "Inertia."
We had started thinking about staying here permanently. What town would we buy a house in?  We started looking at calculations based on how much we have in savings and what twenty percent down would look like.  I secretly started looking at animal shelter sites, thinking that maybe an older dog would be perfect if we had a fenced in backyard.  

The very next week, it felt like the bottom was just dropped out from underneath our optimism.
People used to go to work in the public sector because while the pay was less, the stability and benefits were better. Now I don't know why people go to work in the public sector, as those things are being stripped away one at a time.

I don't know what the future holds, but I hate this unknowing. So we wait.
To see what Bestest Friend wrote about the theme of the day, check out her blog, Too Legit to Quit.

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