Wednesday, September 10, 2014

4.10 Work - Today

Bestest Friend and I are in the middle of a blog project. Each day of the month we will post a picture on a pre-determined theme and write a little something about it. The theme for the tenth day of each month is "Work."
Walk in, turn on the lamp, computer, and check for voicemail. Make a list for the day; a list has a maximum of three big things on it, but can have lots of sublists within it. This morning my list said: Review lecture for class today/review readings for next week for the class, write paper assignments for Tuesday/Thursday class, and get lecture for Thursday outlined.

Emails come in. Must go to library to pick up the book.  Respond to student questions about grades. 

Must decide if it's important to teach the Electoral College or not.  Do I need to finish this course design or can I do it week by week?
When I get back from class this afternoon, there will be office hours. No one will come.

But isn't it fun that I can sit in my office in the silence and only hear the clacking of the keyboard buttons?
To see what Bestest Friend wrote about the theme of the day, check out her blog, Too Legit to Quit.

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